ROM Hack Help repacking the game


Feb 2, 2013

I'm trying to translate (as such as I can) the DBHeroes 2 game. I success with extracting, editing and injecting the files, and it works (only if I use an automatic cia creator).
The problem is when I have to make and install the cia file each time, and this is so slowly.

I tried to meka a .3ds file, but it never works.

Can anyone teach me how I have to execute makerom to get a working rom?

Thx. And sorry for my english.


Feb 2, 2013
The program gives me this error:

[EXHEADER ERROR] Parameter Not Found: "AccessControlInfo/CoreVersion"
[EXHEADER ERROR] Failed to create ExHeader
[NCCH ERROR] NCCH Build Process Failed
[RESULT] Failed to build outfile

I use the same exheader used with automatic cia creator.


Solace D. Ellery
Nov 28, 2014
United States
HOW TO REPACK ROMS (There will be a separate thread for this soon)

Step 1: Use these tools: 3DS to CIA tool, 3dstool, and the slot0x25KeyX.bin. Also get your ROM to hack it with. Notice on how they are blue. They lead to the software.

Step 2: Go to the Step 1 folder. Drag the ROM to and I'll spit out an ncchinfo.bin.

Step 3: Rename the Launcher.dat to something else, like Launcher_GW.bat if there is one. Drag the files for the SD Card's Launcher.dat, MSetForBoss.bat, ncchinfo.bin, and the slot0x25KeyX.bin (The slot0x25KeyX.bin will not be included in that folder) to the SD Card.

Step 4: Launch the DS Profile Exploit (If you installed it), and I'll generate some XORPADS.

Step 5: Go to the Step 2 folder. Copy the XORPADs and the ROM to the folder. Rename the ROM to rom.3ds.

Step 6: Run the bat file. Follow the instructions. Then after generating it to a CIA, go to the decrypted folder. There will be a romfs.bin.

Step 7: Copy the romfs.bin to the 3dstool folder. With Command Prompt on the same folder, type up this command (Please make sure the romfs is named romfs.bin first!):

3dstool -xvtf romfs romfs.bin --romfs-dir romfs

I'll extract the contents in a folder called romfs.

Step 8: Go to the ROMFS folder. Edit anything now.

Step 9: When your finished, go back to 3dstool, and put in this on Command Prompt (Make sure you rename the old romfs.bin to something else before doing this, I would go with romfs_old.bin):

3dstool -cvtf romfs romfs.bin --romfs-dir romfs

It will build the new romfs.bin.

Step 10: Go back to the Step 2 folder where your ROM was converted to a CIA, go to the decrypted folder, and replace the romfs.bin.

Step 11: Return to the bat file, and type up 1 if you see this message (If your using v5.1.4b):

Use full or manual/dlp ( 1 or 2 )

Step 12: Type up Y if you see this line:

Are you trying to repack them? ( y / n )

Step 13: Now follow the instructions. If you want a custom RSF for no conflicts against the regular CIA file, go to the tools folder and edit rom.rsf's title and product code. When done, use the custom RSF on number 3. Make sure you select 1 next after putting the rsf file in the root of where the bat file is.

Step 14: When your done, you'll see a rom.cia. Copy it over to your SD Card. You can rename it if you like.

Step 15: For those who already have DevMenu/BigBlueBox, launch it. Don't just replace it on the MicroSD. Also, rename the Launcher_GW.dat to Launcher.dat, but first rename the Xorpad Launcher.dat to Launcher_Xorpad.dat. If you want, you can use a separate SD Card for the purpose of decrypting stuff.

Step 16: To load up DevMenu/BigBlueBox, put DevMenu.3ds or BigBlueBox.3ds to your MicroSD for Gateway Red Card, and your SD Card should contain the CIA file. Then, on Step 16.5, do what's in bold. Then go to the Gateway Multi-ROM screen, and select DevMenu/BigBlueBox. Then start it up. I use BigBlueBox because when I launch DevMenu.3ds, it ends up staying on a certain spot before the Nintendo 3DS logo.

Step 17: When your there, go right. It will select SDMC. Go scroll over with the up-down-left-right keys (I don't know about Circle Pad), select your CIA using A, and press A to install it. Wait for it to be finished.

Step 18: If it says it already exists, delete the product code of the game when scrolling down the first tab before installing! Use if you want (If you used a custom product code, find it)!

Step 19: When done, and it says "Import suceeded", press A, and press HOME. Close DevMenu/BigBlueBox. You'll see that a new title has been added! Unwrap it by pressing A. After seeing the bnr stuff and icn stuff go lively, launch it. It will be a success since you used 3dstool, and CIA conversions, much rather than confusing yourself with makerom. :P

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    @SylverReZ, Yeah. Imagine how well Vista ran lmao
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    Mine too was a Lenovo, it was 512gb though so memory was ok
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    I never use Win10 or Win11 because of the risks associated, I'm a lot more fond of the customization and ease of use when using Linux.
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    I'm on Win11 IoT Enterprise LTSC, it gets security updates for 10 years and you can disable a lot of telemetry and other stuff with groups policies
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    Don't use Linux because a lot of games I play aren't fully supported on Linux and making them run it's kind of a pain
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    I can remember what PC's I've used over the years. (2011-2013) - Medion PC with Windows 7, (2014-2017) - HP Compaq DC7100 with Windows XP Pro SP3, (2017-2021) - Lenovo IdeaPad 120S-11IAP.
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    @_Ruri_, Only play games on old consoles that I have or via emulation. Not too much of a new games fanboy.
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    I used the netbook (HP Mini something) from like 2009 to 2010, a Sony Vaio from 2010 to like 2015 then got an Asus laptop with 4gb ram and 1tb memory which I kept until 2020 when I upgraded to the Lenovo which I used until October 2023 when I built my first PC.
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    @SylverReZ, Hm yeah I understand, Linux can work if you don't play new games, I still do though so it's not super practical for me. I have a spare SSD though, I could experiment with stuff in the future
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