ROM Hack Gyakuten Saiban 4 Audio in Gyakuten Saiban 3 :)

  • Thread starter Deleted User
  • Start date
  • Views 1,722
  • Replies 6

Deleted User

Right, so I'm starting a project to be able to put some of the Gyakuten Saiban 4 audio (such as the Objection music, the testimony music etc.) in a Gyakuten Saiban 3 rom, but I need some help.
I've decompiled the Sound_Data.sdat into 3 folders:
Sequence, Stream, and Wavesample.

On the GS4 rom, getting to the Objection music and such is simple, it is in the Stream folder.
However, in the GS3 rom, there is nothing in the Stream folder. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this. Thanks a lot

Deleted User

You're not using the right tool for the job, methinks. How do you plan to remake the sdat file?

That's another problem I have actually

So, could you name another tool that would work instead?

Deleted User

OK, I need some help on how to hex edit the sound_data.sdat
I've got a hex editor, opened the sdat up with the hex editor and all it is is numbers. on the right however there are some words like BGM45DS_RE and whatever. So, uh, how the hell am I supposed to extract it then reinsert it? The hex editor has no function like that >_>
Thanks for help

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