I got my wii sometime last year and then softmodded but then I started building a home and never really had time to keep up with anything on updating it or reading up on it.
So now I'm wondering if I need to update the softmod.
I modded it with the Twilight hack and have the HBC 1.0.1 and backup channel 0.3 gamma and whatever else was installed around that time. My wii is on 3.2 U
Also the HBC is not working now (not connecting to the sever)
Now spedning the last couple nights reading up I have found about 10 noob friendly mod guides.
My question, should I go ahead and update?
Can I update what i have and how.
What guide would be the best guide with what I have.
So now I'm wondering if I need to update the softmod.
I modded it with the Twilight hack and have the HBC 1.0.1 and backup channel 0.3 gamma and whatever else was installed around that time. My wii is on 3.2 U
Also the HBC is not working now (not connecting to the sever)
Now spedning the last couple nights reading up I have found about 10 noob friendly mod guides.
My question, should I go ahead and update?
Can I update what i have and how.
What guide would be the best guide with what I have.