GCN GC Loader and virtual memory cards?


Active Member
Dec 28, 2020
United States
I just put together a Platinum DOL-001 with GC Loader PNP.
The SD2SP2 I ordered got lost in the mail and I'm waiting for another one to ship.
I'm using an SD Gecko for now.
From watching videos I've set "Boot Through IPL" and "Emulate Memory Card".

My experience so far:
If I hold A while loading a game I arrive at the main screen and can access the memory card screen.
At first it asked to format Slot-B. I didn't.
Then it asked to format Slot-A. I did.

At this point Slot-A serves as the virtual memory card and the system will read any memory card I place in Slot-B.
This way I can copy saves between physical and virtual.

I then made the mistake of formatting Slot-B while it was empty. The system wouldn't display any saves from an inserted card.
Thinking I could start over I deleted the MemoryCard raw files from the SD card I'm using with the SD Gecko.
The virtual memory cards were still there along with the saves I had copied onto them.
Next I formatted the SD card. The virtual memory cards and associated files still came back.

At this point I'm thinking the files are stored on the GC Loader itself, writing them to the SD Gecko each time and writing them back after changes are made. Flashing the GC Loader firmware finally reset it so I could return to the previous functionality.

I also tried Gamecube Memory Card Manager. It can write a save or the full memory card raw between a physical card and SD Gecko. It does not see the virtual card.
It appears I can write from virtual memory card to physical memory card to SD Gecko.
Or, I can write from SD Gecko to physical memory card to virtual memory card.
Also virtual memory cards aren't effected by changes made on the SD Card used for SD Gecko.

On sort order:
I wanted to change the order the saves are sorted. So I moved a save to another card then moved it back. The expectation is that it would go to the end. Instead it went back to its original position. Suggesting that it left a hole in the blocks it took up and went back to the hole it left.
Next I moved a bunch of saves and back in reverse order only for them to go back into the original order.
At this point I'm not sure what determines the order.

1) Is there a better method than flashing the firmware to reset or unmount the virtual memory card?
2) Is there a more direct way to write between virtual memory cards and an SD card.
3) Is the a way to influence the order that saves are sorted on a memory card?
Last edited by Yemeth,


Active Member
Dec 28, 2020
United States
I partially answered one of my own questions after posting this. I swapped the file names MemoryCardA and MemoryCardB. Slot-A was unformatted and Slot-B had my saves.

So it appears changes made to the SD card can effect the virtual memory card, but the changes have to result in a valid raw file. By keeping a copy of an unfortmated raw file I can use that to reset either slot.

Further, a raw file from a physical memory card can also be renamed and work as a (rather small) virtual memory card. However useful that detail might be.

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