GBATemp's Official "Sexy Rack" Thread
Have you ever seen a rack so sexy that you simply couldn't help yourself but marvel at it for hours on end? Don't worry, you're not being creepy. We here at GBATemp know how to appreciate a sexy rack when we see one, and it doesn't matter if it's Asian, American, European or Chinese - the sexy-ness of a rack is universal and completely unrelated to the country of origin.
For years on end, GBATemp members had no outlet for their findings as far as sexy racks are concerned. This is quite surprising considering the nature of this website, but at long last we can finally enjoy and share the photos we found or even snapped ourselves, compare and enjoy a healthy dose of racks whenever we want!
Due to the Forum Rules Board, there's a couple of things you need to keep in mind:
GBATemp's Official "Sexy Rack" Thread's Rules Board
- The rack has to be sexy, if it isn't, don't even post it. Here's an example of a sexy rack:
...look at how neat and organized it is!
...where do I plug in?!? Where do I plug in, damnit?!? - No unsavoury comments - cussing will not be tolerated, even when you're posting it as a compliment.
- "Vintage" racks are appreciated just as much as young ones, but that doesn't mean you're supposed to post photos of something saggy and disgusting. Standards, gentlemen! Here's an example of a proper "Vintage" rack - nothing under this standard will be tolerated:
Mmm... My Dots and Dashes are tingling... - The racks posted in the thread have to meet legal requirements - flat racks are fine as long as they're... "fully developed" so to speak, there's a difference between "barely legal" and "jailbait"
- Please, keep the racks in individual spoilers for browsing convenience. I know it's hard to jam the big ones in a spoiler, they just beg to be displayed out in the open, but do so anyways!
Happy posting!