Hacking G6 Lite Cheating - Dipstar


New Member
Dec 17, 2007
United States
Hi there, folks! I'm pretty new to the who 'ROM' scene as a whole, and I've been trying to find information on Cheating programs for NDS ROMs on the G6 Lite...trying being the operative word there. Ya see, even though I've been able to find tons of posts all across the 'net talking about how great or how stupid Dipstar is for the G6 Lite, I can't seem to find any sort of coherent, sensible guides on how to use it. To be honest, though, I'd be extremely happy to find anything I could use.

Dipstar Troubles

Quite honestly, Dipstar was going to be my first choice in terms of cheating goodness simply because the makers of the G6 Lite state very clearly, and I do quote, that the "Dipstar Cheat Engine works flawless on G6." They then go on to provide two links; one that is supposedly meant to provide some form of instruction and another to download Dipstar itself.

Right off the bat, the first link doesn't send me anywhere where I can find instructions or even anything that might remotely resemble instructions. Instead, it sends me HERE, a junk page that's of no use to anyone. Huzzah. After discovering how worthless that was, I chose to download the .zip in the hopes that it might have instructions. It does...but not only is it in broken English, but it's also for users of the M3 Game Manager. After downloading that and trying it their way, I've since found that the M3 GM is apparently incompatible with the G6 Lite, and if it's not...then there's something wrong with the file I snagged from the G6 folks. Yet another rousing 'huzzah'.

My search for a guide that didn't make me want to punch babies is one of the reasons I'm here, actually. I happened to stumble upon THIS thread and began to praise all the deities in the book...until I really began to read it.

1. Get the current version of Dipstar and unpack it.

2. Copy 'dipstar.ds.gba' to the G6. Do not use the U-Disk software, just copy the file. I put it in the root folder for easy access, but any location on the cart is fine as long as you remember where you put it.

3. Load the NDS game onto your G6 with the U-Disk program. You can use any read method that works for the game EXCEPT safe mode. Safe mode will not work with dipstar.

Alright! Cool! So far I completely understand what this guy's saying!

4. Inside the Dipstar .rar file is a program called m3dip.exe. Select the NDS file on your G6 cart that you want to use dipstar with, and drag it onto m3dip.exe. Push enter when prompted.

...now wait just a bloody second. M3dip.exe? That wasn't in my .zip file!! Argh! So it seems even with this fellah's rehashing of another well written Dipstar Guide I'm lost all because I don't have some .exe. Bah! The thing here is that I'm not sure why I don't have it. I've tried searching for the 5.11 Dipstar file via Google and that's gotten me nowhere at all!

Can anyone help me figure this out?


New Member
Dec 17, 2007
United States
Yay! Destructo, you are my hero. Now to try an' make this work...

EDIT-ADD: Awwww...bugger. I got Dipstar to work and I found what I think are reliable codes, but I can't Load my Saved Game. Tsk. Oh well...least I did get Dipstar workin'.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
United States
Ok. Kind of figured that. But thank you.

So there's nothing to use for cheats for GBA games on the G6 Lite, right?


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