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Fusée Gelée FAQ by Kate Temkin

Kate has collected and answered the most common questions she's gotten regarding Fusée Gelée. Most notably she explains the three "types" of FG hacks, software, hardware (temporary) and hardware (permanent).


Kate herself responded to this thread on page 26, thanks Kate!

There's a lot more here than I can easily respond to, so apologies if I miss posts or gloss over points.

This is correct-- while there likely will be software chains around for these things in the future, I don't see them as coming along as quickly as f-g. We don't have a non-coldboot exploit chain at all for 5.0.0-- and we haven't looked yet, as we've had other things to focus on and coldboot works. We do have one for 4.1.0, but it's centered around a couple of exploits that we don't want to burn-- we're hoping to use them to get an opportunity to poke around inside T214/Mariko.

I don't view you as particularly hostile, no. I don't know if challenge is generally a good thing-- sometimes you do have to accept that other people have different ethics or viewpoints from yourself and let that pass, especially if they're just doing stuff for fun-- but I don't view your post as hostile.

Jamais Vu (1.0.0 TrustZone hack) isn't my bug, but has been written up, and is just awaiting someone with the skills to have time to do a public interpretation. Déjà Vu is currently centered around the exploit I mentioned above, and we definitely want to hold onto that for as long as it's applicable. It's entirely a Switch bug, too, so I don't see it as being something that needs responsible disclosure.

For Déjà Vu, absolutely. (explained in last quote)

I don't agree that things like tweeting are ego. This is something I work on because I find it a lot of fun to hack on things, and there's definitely an aspect in which it makes me happy when seeing the results of things makes other people happy. There's also an aspect in which I hope that showing these things are possible inspires people to want to learn e.g. reverse engineering. This stuff is cool; and I want to share the excitement with others and lift them up as much as I can.

You don't have to believe me on that or like that that's my goal. I won't hold it against you if you don't. :)

I honestly support people updating when it makes sense; and I recognize that there's a conflict between holding back information and enabling others to make reasonable decisions about that. I don't like or feel good about secrecy, and I know it has implications. I've tried to be as clear as I can about the costs regarding updating without crossing the line into giving things away.

I think we've been pretty clear that 4.1.0 will eventually see a non-coldboot, software-only exploit with the same level of power. That's actually been posted on the ReSwitched Discord's FAQ for months, but I know the message gets skewed as its gets communicated over to other places. That's part of why I'm here, now-- I want to help clear things up.

The interactions between the operating system and the bootloader-- say on reboot-- are actually fairly limited; and knowing what any of them are is enough to point people at the particular section of bootrom that's vulnerable. That's why I'm not commenting on Fusée Gelée and how it relates to software-only solutions right now. I have said e.g. above that since there's no public way of getting the privileges necessary to run things, 4.1.0 isn't going to see a pure software solution that the public can use at the time that f-g is released. Software exploits will likely come in time; and it's possible we'll come up with things that are even easier than f-g.

I'm not sure if they'll take it seriously enough. I don't know how they are internally-- but I can't just assume they'll fail to do anything and skip disclosure. Honestly, I don't think a "security advisory" is really a bad thing, either-- there are definitely applications of Tegra chips that I and/or the public don't know about. If giving NVIDIA notice gives them time to explain exactly what's dangerous and allow their customers to remove and replace units from places where the vulnerability can cause harm, I consider that a win, and well worth delaying some public switch hacks by a few months.

I'll also say that my fear that vendors won't take the vulnerability seriously is a huge reason I'm so keen to get things out there-- and why I provided a date after which I'll tell the public what's going on that I've said was non-negotiable. I want to make sure this doesn't get hidden, and that people understand exactly what f-g can and can't accomplish, to minimize FUD while also letting people understand the actual risks are associated with using a vulnerable device.

It changes this from an exploit that's going to be usable before the affected people know it's a thing to something that people may have a chance to react to. Making the vulnerability public without disclosure really increases the odds someone is capable of using it to do bad.

I didn't really give NVIDIA a chance to sell-off stock; though. I've said publicly multiple times that there are bugs in Tegra processors well before NVIDIA reached out to me seeking disclosure. If anything, I think telling the public that these vulnerabilities exist while pursuing disclosure helps developers interested in using Tegra chips in the future ask the right question.

I've already said that while pure-software stuff is doable on 4.1.0; it'll be a wait. As far as I'm remembering, the only part of the chain that could require multiple tries to work is PegaSwitch, which is our browser-based entry point, and I haven't even tried the browser entry point that'll eventually be public to see how reliable it is. SciresM did the work to get our non-coldboot exploit working on 4.1.0; not me. :)

Yeah, that's hard-- especially as everyone has a different view as to how inconvenient things are. I don't know of a way to communicate this better without more details.

Incidentally, the 'inconvenience' verbiage came from SciresM and I discussing our respective views on updating. I think SciresM is more towards the opinion that people should hold back more often, where I'm more of the opinion that updating can be a good and reasonable option sometimes. The way we wound up phrasing things is a compromise between views.

(I'm going to assume this meant "on the hacking side". If not I'm not sure what hacking site you're referring to.)

Updating to latest just closes the possibility of using software exploits launched from Horizon, which can make setup more difficult. I know you'd like to know how much, but I unfortunately don't have a good way of qualifying that. As I've mentioned, if you're suffering from not being able to use your 3.0.1+ Switch, you probably do want to upgrade and just risk things being more inconvenient in the future. Worst comes to worst, if you decide you can't tolerate the inconvenience, you upgrade and then wind up having to figure out a modchip.

The downgrade protection fuses literally mean nothing to a system with f-g, which can entirely skip the downgrade check. Incidentally, SciresM actually accidentally bricked one of his systems in a way such that it was always failing the downgrade checks, and he's been able to use f-g to get that system up and running again.

I don't think that's clear at all, nor do I want to confirm or deny this. Sorry.

I think you're making a bunch of assumptions here, and that's maybe not a great idea. I'm not saying you're necessarily right or wrong; just that I don't think your assumptions are founded.

I don't think this contradicts. This is talking about vulnerabilities that aren't f-g; not because f-g doesn't work on 4.1.0, but because it's possible we may come up with vulnerabilities that are even nicer on 4.1.0 in the future.

I'm being as clear as I feel I can, and adding clarifications e.g. here where I think it helps. There will be different names for the the ways you can use f-g eventually; and I'll be fully open about everything once the summer rolls around and I'm not putting the disclosure timeline in jeopardy.

I know and have said about that this "bring your own exploit" business makes development exclusive, and that's exclusionary and I really don't like it-- I just don't see a way around it. I would love to get more developers and more perspective, and that's why my release date for f-g is tied to my disclosure timeline and not in particular to Atmosphère's release.

I've tried to point out approximately what the difficulty would be for some of the options to kind of provide this, but this is a hard thing to accomplish. In this case, providing details that are more specific really points a finger at vulnerability details, so there's not much I'm comfortable sharing. I've shared what I could-- as a data point, some of the other teams have outright stated that they think I've shared too much already and made things obvious. I don't agree or necessarily care about their opinons, but c'est la vie.

Well, this isn't the case. This has been disclosed to Nintendo, too-- as NVIDIA shares their vulnerability findings with downstream customers. It's more general malicious actors that I'd be worried about.

See above-- but I don't think I'd advise specifically updating to 4.1.0 unless that gives you enough access to the games you want.

I'm also super glad that we can do a lot of our work in the open. I hope there's a lot more of it in the future-- and I'd love to stream some of it. :)

I find the requirement disheartening as well, but I think this is the right way to do things, for now. I've explained my rationale above; feel free to ask questions.

I'm not sure why people are against communication, here. There were definite benefits to talking about f-g in the first place; including that it demonstrates that Tegra chips are vulnerable-- which hopefully influences buying decisions in the future and puts pressure on NVIDIA to seek as much of a fix as they can. After that there seemed to be definitely benefits to talking about more details, even in the limited sense that I'm able to. I've tried to give people more information than the nothing they would have had so they could have more of an idea whether it's be a good idea to e.g. pre-order a modchip or update their system. I know it can be frustrating to not get full disclosure, and that more information would help people to make a better or more conclusive decision, but full disclosure isn't an option until this summer. I don't think that's a reason to hold back information.

I don't have specific answers to your questions, unfortunately-- but I think it sounds like the main purpose of this Switch is as a gaming device and maybe you should upgrade and enjoy playing games with your son.

I don't think that asking for clarification is criticism. It might be rude to push me to answer something I said I wouldn't, but I don't think there's harm in answer.

I don't think I've said anything about opening the console or not. See above for my views on updating?

I'm not sure where you got this impression, or why you're confident about things enough to claim you know about the internal values or working of ReSwitched. This is also easily disprovable just from public information--Hedgeberg has tested out f-g on stream. I don't see it as great opsec to enumerate how many people have access to the vulnerability, but we've long had a policy of only giving exploit details to those who actually want to know them and are in a position where they can use them to help. This is a basic security precaution and not about trust.

I'm actually not sure how this is relevant to the broader discussion. Based on your post history, I can tell that you strongly support TX and the option they're providing, and you're welcome to that, but I think throwing around generic unfounded criticism of RS doesn't do much good and distracts from me answering community questions. :)

I don't think they're obviously more convenient, as they exist right now. They're both inherently however-tethered-you-consider-PegaSwitch, take a bunch of time to run, and rely on a pegaswitch entry point.

That's not correct-- everyone on a current hardware revision will be able to install and use CFW the day it's released, if they're willing to put in the effort and potentially take on some minor risk.

I'm actually not sure what you mean by this entire post? Sorry about that-- I'd love to address your ideas, but unfortunately I can't figure out your meaning. :(

That was about me having fun by trying to see if a DIY, cheap modchip option is reasonable. It turns out it is. As you've noted, it's not necessary on any firmware. I just really like the idea that the open exchange of knowledge -- especially when profit's not a motive -- can result in creation of neat options for the community. ^-^

Yep; that's exactly what it means. :)

I don't think this has been at all implied-- and you'd be hard pressed to find a way to make a solder-less Arduino option that even remotely fits in the Switch case. :)

I should also clarify that the DIY option isn't solderless. :)

If you have or are going to get the game anyway, you can. Those versions are pretty much interchangeable in the long-term. :)

Yep-- and it's possible at some point that we'll allow you to install Fake News without Puyo using f-g/Atmosphère. The original plan was to release Atmosphère for 1.0.0 first while we tried to figure out how to deal with Fusée Gelée, but we actually wound up with a disclosure schedule that was faster than we'd thought. :)
Last edited by Salazar-DE,


Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
Really? They can be if they're not fixed. They won't be fixed unless they know the vulnerability and patch it.. that's the whole circle! The disclosure period says they will RELEASE the vulnerability after a certain time. That's what they call a disclosure period. Once it's out in the wild I'd they were not patched then all current and future devices would be vulnerable.

You're welcome.
OK, I guess it was you that wasn't following what I was saying.

Everything you just said is bloody obvious and wasn't being argued against by anyone. The point is the PUBLIC disclosure delay doesn't do anything in this case to mitigate the issue. I'm really not sure why you don't get that. Once the initial disclosure to nVidia is made, they can do whatever they want to make sure future hardware doesn't contain the vuln but they CANNOT magically patch the existing userbase. The WHOLE point of the disclosure window is to allow companies time to deploy patches to EXISTING users. Therefore they are given adequate time to maximise distribution of said patch. That doesn't apply here at all. Releasing the vuln to the public on day 1 or day 90 makes NO DIFFERENCE in this case.
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Jan 20, 2018
United States
oh yhea i have one question only @ktemkin
regarding the upcoming cfw , will a format of (NAND?) storage of the switch be needed?

No; I don't anticipate needing format of the internal NAND. :)

If the switch is "completely compromised" and the efuses aren't revelant to cfw does this mean downgrades will be possible?

You can theoretically run lesser firmware using Atmosphère, but I'm not sure why you would. Atmosphère builds in a bypass to the security model, so I'm not sure what you'd gain by 'downgrading'.

Or should I search and get a Switch with FW 3.0 to be sure?

I don't think this is necessary-- at least not if you're willing to do the 'trivial hardmod' I've been talking about.

Anyone know if the softmods for 4.1 was patched for 5? Since Kate said they wanted to use it to poke around on the new switch it must not have been patched

Our EL3-hacks for 4.1 are composed of an exploit chain-- of which some of the components have been patched, but not all. I happen to think the un-patched pieces are valuable enough to hold on to, so we can hopefully build them into new exploit chains on the T214/Mariko devices.

So shouldn't they be called softmod and not 'coldboot'?

Exploits like "jamais vu" and "déjà vu" aren't coldboot exploits-- the full chains are technically "warmboot" exploits, which means they do some setup and then e.g. wake the switch from sleep, or re-start the boot chain.

Softmod means any mod that is fine purely through software, ie the installation method. Coldboot is a mod that can run on cold boot, ie a type of mod. F-G is coldboot, and can be installed with softmod abs hardmod

A coldboot vulnerability is one that runs from a complete power-off-- a software mod is something that changes the system using only software. A hardware mod modifies the hardware.

If on 3.02 I can keep using my tiny tweezers, I will probably keep doing it until TX release a chip or the software solution comes out for my 3.02, but I guess as soon as kate releases the schematics for the chip, everyone will start selling a full chip instead of we having to make it at home.

The hope is that open-source allows anyone to make a batch of modchips if you want to-- but I don't think you'll realistically be in a situation where you spend a long time tweezer-ing some test points. :)

But wont there be a tweezer mode temporary instead of the chip?

Again, the Tweezer aspect is not meant to be literal-- it's a head-nod to Team Twiizers, and intended to convey level of difficulty. There is a simple hardware tweak you can make to get things working.

She stated you'd only have to open the Switch once to do a hardmod, so I take that as either hardmod(tweezer/snip pin or modchip). I could be wrong but it sounded like a blanket statement to me.

Yeah-- I don't anticipate people opening their switches more than {zero times, once} to get things set up.

That's a great question, and one that I doubt she's going to answer until after F-G releases.?

Yeah, this is a question that I unfortunately can't answer without giving out some pretty big hints. The answers will have to wait until after the disclosure window, and the release.

Although Kate mentioned it only needs done once, she also mentioned having a hardmod (chip) can add some extra "fun", like possibly switching between NAND options at boot (Android, Horizon/Switch OS, or Ubuntu for example).

The modchip hardmod does add some value over e.g. the 'trivial hardmod', but unfortunately this is one of the things I can't be specific about, yet. :)

Funny isnt it, homebrew devs dont want to give much away cos its "not responsible" and TX dont want to give anything away incase it gets copied. Who are the only ones missing out cos of all this? The actual friggin users.

I mean, it's a fair point that you're not getting the information immediately-- but given the circumstance, I think getting you the information after a delay is the best I can do. As soon as the disclosure deadline passes, I plan on releasing technical documentation and sharing everything I know.

So is this hardmod something Nintendo can theoretically attack in a future update? Like say, if it can tell you've done this permanent thing to your mainboard refuse to boot or boot games or something?

They won't be able to prevent you from launching Atmosphère-- but hiding the presence of CFW / the hardmod is kind of subtle. Side-channel analysis can almost always detect the presence of modifications; and then it becomes a cat-and-mouse game to try and keep things working. I really hope Nintendo doesn't go the path of trying to detect and block CFW, because it'll be a lot of work for everyone involved.

What you need to take on board is that she is discussing multiple ways of doing things. So when she says things like you don't need a mod chip, you don't need to perform the mod every time, you don't need to be on a specific FW then she isn't talking about the same method each time.

This is fair and mostly true-- there are multiple ways of doing things, and the individual statements do sometimes apply to individual methods. I'm more trying to talk about general possibilities and capabilities than to pin down details of individual methods.

A lot of her replies contain no context as a way of deliberately making you take what she says out of context.

I'm not trying to mislead anyone-- though in places there isn't much context to 'build in'. Feel free to ask clarifying questions as much as you want, and I'll try to get around to answering them -- even if the answer is "I'm can't answer this yet."

So there is a method that requires a mod chip,
there is a method that requires you to perform the mod every time you turn the switch on,
there is a method that requires a specific firmware etc.

There are methods that meet each of the conditions above, yes. There are also other methods, like one that doesn't require you to "hardmod" every time you turn your switch on. Again, I promise I'm not trying to mislead; I just haven't enumerated every possibility.

There are pros and cons with each method, you'll only have enough information to make the decision when she decides to be less vague.

Yep, this is true-- I've said this in the FAQ. I intend to give out more information as soon as I can.

I don't know if it's possible to create hybrid methods. So use the tweezer mod the first time, install CFW, then you have total control and can do the software mod that makes it work from coldboot. She didn't mention that & her reply to me would have seemed like a good time to bring it up, it might be she hasn't considered it or maybe it's because she is deliberately being vague.

I mean, remember that shorting pins with tweezers was just something I said it was "as difficult as". Yes, theoretically you can hybridize, but as above there are pros and cons to each-- I hope to make sure people understand the actual mechanisms so that people can think of all the methods they want to-- and I'll definitely be open to questions.

I'm not entirely sure what context you mean, because she is deliberately avoiding giving any context.

If you use the tweezer method then you do have to open it every time. You don't need to use the tweezer method, you can cut a pin or fit a modchip.
Switching from using the tweezer to a softmod is no longer using the tweezer method & that is not something she has directly addressed. This might be because it's not possible, or it might be because she assumes someone who has taken their console apart will take the easy way out and just cut the pin. Rather than using the tweezer mod, booting up CFW and then running a software mod.

As above, you can switch to software hacks after doing the "one time" hardmod-- but the software tricks involved in doing this are kind of ugly.

Personally I'm in the group of people who would rather wait for the >3.0.0 exploit to come out, or if they did open the switch then they wouldn't want to risk damaging the switch by cutting the wrong pin but might do the tweezer exploit once.

Fair-- though I think you might want wait for the details before deciding. :)

AFAIK "tweezer", "cut a pin", and perhaps even "modchip" /s are metaphors. Perhaps they even refer to disconnecting a cable, peeing on the console or putting it into the oven... I mean, you're taking it literal while she most of the time said "as easy as", or "something like", and even "just used the word as a homage to team twiizers".

Yep-- this exactly. I'm not trying to say these are things that will happen as much as give an estimate of level-of-difficulty.

Is the hardmod solution permanent?
By permanent I mean, that I won't have to do the hardmod again every time I power-off the console.

Yep-- what I've been calling the "trivial hardmod" is.

By "context" I meant someone in the thread asked if we were going to have to take the back off the Switch every time for the tweezer method, because that would get tedious, and she responded saying that no, the temporary hardmod (which she keeps alluding to being the "tweezer" method) only needs to be done one time to install the exploit

I mean, there are a bunch of methods you can do that leave not traces on the Switch hardware-- including the permanent one. There _do_ exist "one-time" methods that you'd have to repeat every time; I just don't see people actually doing them once they learn the details, as I think there are better solutions. :)

fuse & gelé is able to load legitimate content from sd instead of cartridge? Homebrew applications directly from sd or usb in the original menu without going through hbl?

Fusée Gelée is just an exploit that lets you launch CFW. You're asking about Atmosphère, our CFW.

Yes, Atmosphère will have a custom loader that should let you load homebrew from an SD card. A goal is to have a nice UI that lets you do this through the main menu.

Will cfw be installed on nand doing an emunand? everything that happens in fuse & gele is invisible to nand real? those answers can be given without compromising the fuse gele information and have not been answered ... why? that is what gives a little distrust.

They haven't been answered here because they're Atmosphère questions, not f-g questions. There's a whole separate thread for Atmosphère Q+A. :)

In short, though: we'll be using a SD-card based emunand at first. Once we have things stable we'll probably switch to also supporting installation on sysNAND.

Any chance of this coming in June?

June is part of the summer, so it's not ruled out. :)

Something else I just thought of that points to it following the same path as other things announced ahead of time and being closed development - if it was all ready to go, and they were just waiting for the disclosure period to be over, there would be a definite date, like 1 August or something. A developer gives a vague future release date only when they haven't finished development and they are estimating when it will be done since they just don't know. But here, with it all being finished and delaying on purpose, they should know exactly when they plan to release it. Yet another fishy sign.

Ok. So what date is that? None has been given. She even said the release of FG is not tied to Atmosphere: "my release date for f-g is tied to my disclosure timeline and not in particular to Atmosphère's release." So a project that is supposedly completed still has a vague release date.

I have an exact end-of-disclose-window date in my head-- one I've agreed on with NVIDIA. Given some of the feedback I have gotten, I really don't want to promise an exact date for f-g itself-- that seems like it'd lend itself more to "creating hype" than being useful. Talking about the date seems more to be one of the things that riles people up rather than helps to inform.

She doesn't need to do that on her own - when she opens it to the public (not in a big release way but in a way that interested and informed people can access it), people will help (not to mention there's supposed to be a whole team behind it). And in any case, if it isn't ready for public consumption yet (for documentation reasons or anything else) why pretend that it is being held over just for the disclosure window? Why would the team not do things in the following order: 1. inform nvidia etc, 2. work on everything that needs to be worked on including documenting, then finally 3. announce info and say it is just waiting for the disclosure window to pass (in which they will know the date they are waiting for)?
Either it is being held over for development/documentation or it is being held over for the disclosure window. And I don't think the documentation is going to take so long that she doesn't know if it will be complete in June or in August. In development you can run into horrible problems that you just don't know how to solve and you never anticipated, so taking a month or two longer than expected would be common. But when you're writing, and you know what you're writing about, what unexpected problem can you have? Your notepad application gets a virus? Either it is because development is not finished or she just wants the heaps of extra attention that comes from people continually asking, once June is here, "is it released yet? Is it released yet?" that she can milk until she finally decides to release it late August. If it was just for the disclosure window there could be a date, since it is what the team decides, not something unexpected that they can't anticipate.
My concern is that there's multiple pieces of evidence pointing to this turning out like Hykem. It is better to have healthy scepticism than take everything at face value and ignore anything that doesn't match. As I have said before I'll be very happy if it all turns out to be a coincidence and everything gets released when they say it will. Just reserving my "I told you so" rights by expressing what I have noticed and not keeping it to myself.
No it does not, the disclosure period finishes at some random time in summer. If it is a period of time that has been decided upon by them, they would know a date, not some random time in a three month period. Like are they going to toss a d90 each day of summer to decide if it will be released that day? And Kate already said the release of FG is not at all tied to Atmosphere being completed.
Yeah what salamandrusker said, she has not set a date. That means either she doesn't know it, or she knows it and is hiding it for some reason. She says development of it is finished, therefore it doesn't make sense that she can't know. So, either she is lying that development is finished, or, she is choosing to hide the information for some reason which we can only guess at.

I have good people helping with documentation, and we really should have documentation ready for the disclosure deadline. I've mentioned that the core development is finished, and this is true-- though there are always some niceties that can be added; the core exploit and infrastructure is 100% complete and working. Here's a hash for the code in it's current form that you can use to validate this in retrospect (3633140d9c97930f615a0491200a3c1c683666c0d430c5d4521e49158164f584), and here's a hash of my disclosure deadline (ab5f19f597c97dbb8ffe2267f8c5a3b4968b66a4710bf7128b915f13fba2a0f2, lightly salted).

Is there value in making a date explicit? I've provided a rough timeframe because I wanted people to be able to make decisions regarding firmware upgrades and whether or not to pre-order modchips. Providing a more concrete date than that just seems like it'd build hype around and leading up to that date; it doesn't seem like it'd really provide much value to the community.

I'll admit I'm confused by the repeated negativity. You've mentioned the background with Hykem, and I understand your skepticism and think that's natural and valid-- but this seems to extend beyond skepticism into what seems to me like more general negativity about me and my work. I am trying to respond to and address your points-- but that's difficult to do when I'm not sure where this is coming from.

Am I being naive to think they will release it before june?
I'm wishing to watch the World Cup while playing emulators and some backups of games i already have.

You're not going to see a release before June; sorry. I can at least say that the disclosure deadline is after June 1st. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2016
United Kingdom
OK, I guess it was you that wasn't following what I was saying.

Everything you just said is bloody obvious and wasn't being argued against by anyone. The point is the PUBLIC disclosure delay doesn't do anything in this case to mitigate the issue. I'm really not sure why you don't get that. Once the initial disclosure to nVidia is made, they can do whatever they want to make sure future hardware doesn't contain the vuln but they CANNOT magically patch the existing userbase. The WHOLE point of the disclosure window is to allow companies time to deploy patches to EXISTING users. Therefore they are given adequate time to maximise distribution of said patch. That doesn't apply here at all. Releasing the vuln to the public on day 1 or day 90 makes NO DIFFERENCE in this case.

Do you have facts to back up the point this can't be mitigated in other devices? I.e switch v5 needs a hardmod (at this point). Do other devices need this that exist? No one knows. Disclosure gives Nvidia time to notify clients who can mitigate against this if possible before going public.

If you made this a day 0 then what does that exactly achieve?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

P.s. thanks @ktemkin for the clarification on the above points. You're a goodun as we say :) appreciate your help in the scene .


Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
Do you have facts to back up the point this can't be mitigated in other devices? I.e switch v5 needs a hardmod (at this point). Do other devices need this that exist? No one knows. Disclosure gives Nvidia time to notify clients who can mitigate against this if possible before going public.
The boot rom patches have to be burned at the factory so that's the only way to mitigate. Downstream vendors have no way to correct this so existing customers are looking at having to fork out for new hardware (if they care about the vuln in the first place).


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2014
You can theoretically run lesser firmware using Atmosphère, but I'm not sure why you would. Atmosphère builds in a bypass to the security model, so I'm not sure what you'd gain by 'downgrading'.
I figured that since 1.0.0 is the most valuable firmware for exploits then it would be good to have in sysnand if we can get it back, but if you say there's no point in having it once the exploit is in then fine


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2016
United Kingdom
The boot rom patches have to be burned at the factory so that's the only way to mitigate. Downstream vendors have no way to correct this so existing customers are looking at having to fork out for new hardware (if they care about the vuln in the first place).

That was the point. They can mitigate against the exploit if possible for current devices but the window gives them time for this. If you day zeroed this like you say then this would cause panic and no time to even try to mitigate. Why would you do this? You just regurgitated half of my fact. Back to yours. What benefit would a day zero on this bring? Given no one has a CFW imple implementation yet and the irresponsibility toward current devices?


Certified Geek
Dec 2, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
They can't.
But it gives them time to potentially work with downstream clients, specifically ones where things like private confidential data would be at risk, to potentially get hardware replaced. They won't do a recall for the normal consumers, but in the end this doesn't affect them all too much, it's more about the businesses that can potentially be completely screwed over by an exploit. On top of that it would allow them to mitigate any software-based attacks on the bootrom for those downstream clients making it at least much more difficult for a remote bootrom exploit.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2016
United Kingdom
They can't.

They can. Search. I know it's an unknown skill round here but a ROM can be flashed when it's a ROM exploit.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

If you're talking about other devices they can mitigate. Nintendo have. Now you need HW access which is much more unlikely for a car for example.
Last edited by andijames,


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2016
United Kingdom
No whining? Wow. Someone must have used Google for once.

Look please let them be and let's have a little patience instead of bitching like teenagers
Last edited by andijames,


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
They can. Search. I know it's an unknown skill round here but a ROM can be flashed when it's a ROM exploit.
Did you even read the FAQ? You missed this part:
The relevant vulnerability is the result of a 'coding mistake' in the read-only bootrom found in most Tegra devices. This bootrom can have minor patches made to it in the factory ('ipatches'), but cannot be patched once a device has left the factory
I guess reading is a bit of an unknown skill around here.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

But it gives them time to potentially work with downstream clients, specifically ones where things like private confidential data would be at risk, to potentially get hardware replaced. They won't do a recall for the normal consumers, but in the end this doesn't affect them all too much, it's more about the businesses that can potentially be completely screwed over by an exploit. On top of that it would allow them to mitigate any software-based attacks on the bootrom for those downstream clients making it at least much more difficult for a remote bootrom exploit.
Yeah I understand that, the user I quoted is under the impression existing devices can be fixed to no longer have the vulnerability. Replacing critical ones is a good idea. I haven't heard any news saying they're doing that, but at least they have the opportunity to.
Last edited by Quantumcat,
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GbaTemp is my Drug
Jun 3, 2013
Doomed Island
United States
Nice, thank you Kate Temkin.

@ktemkin could you also clarify if there's any hardware risk using the "trivial hard mode" of shorting 2 points on the board. I mean, if done right is there any chance it can damage any component\chip from the Switch hardware?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United States
Nice, thank you Kate Temkin.

@ktemkin could you also clarify if there's any hardware risk using the "trivial hard mode" of shorting 2 points on the board. I mean, if done right is there any chance it can damage any component\chip from the Switch hardware?
I don't think she said you will actually have to short 2 pins, that just a example, but if it is indeed what has to be done, then shorting the wrong pins would possibly result in breaking your switch


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2016
United Kingdom
Did you even read the FAQ? You missed this part:

I guess reading is a bit of an unknown skill around here.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Yeah I understand that, the user I quoted is under the impression existing devices can be fixed to no longer have the vulnerability. Replacing critical ones is a good idea. I haven't heard any news saying they're doing that, but at least they have the opportunity to.

Thanks for quoting that. The first line is what I was getting at. It's a result of a coding mistake. Yes machines in the wild cannot be patched at ROM level but factory ones can. The ones in the wild can be MITIGATED against as you still need an exploit to get to the bootrom one.


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
Thanks for quoting that. The first line is what I was getting at. It's a result of a coding mistake. Yes machines in the wild cannot be patched at ROM level but factory ones can. The ones in the wild can be MITIGATED against as you still need an exploit to get to the bootrom one.
You originally said that current devices can be fixed:
They can mitigate against the exploit if possible for current devices
I don't know what you mean by "MITIGATED against" because ones in the wild cannot be fixed once they have left the factory i.e. been shipped to a retailer and sold to consumers. No software patch is going to fix this, since it can be installed by hardware. The coding mistake is in the bootrom which is what cannot be changed after it leaves the factory.
Last edited by Quantumcat,


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2016
United Kingdom
You originally said that current devices can be fixed:

I don't know what you mean by "MITIGATED against" because ones in the wild cannot be fixed once they have left the factory i.e. been shipped to a retailer and sold to consumers. No software patch is going to fix this, since it can be installed by hardware. The coding mistake is in the bootrom which is what cannot be changed after it leaves the factory.

Where did I say current devices can be fixed?

Yes you're right once devices are in the wild the ROM cannot be flashed / fixed by virtue of it being ROM. Mitigation is essentially like what Nintendo have been doing with KSLR and closing off other vulnerabilities that open the door to the bootrom exploit (you need exploits to actually get to the bootrom one right?) That's what other manufacturers can do for the devices currently out there. Harden against actually getting at the non fixable exploit


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
Where did I say current devices can be fixed?
They can mitigate against the exploit if possible for current devices

you need exploits to actually get to the bootrom one right?
Can be installed with hardmod - stuff happens before the console boots up, so no patch to the OS is going to affect whether we can install it*

*I would say I am 95% sure, as long as there haven't been any real lies in the information we have been given - until it's released and we actually get to install it ourselves we can't know for certain


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2016
United Kingdom

Can be installed with hardmod - stuff happens before the console boots up, so no patch to the OS is going to affect whether we can install it*

*I would say I am 95% sure, as long as there haven't been any real lies in the information we have been given - until it's released and we actually get to install it ourselves we can't know for certain

Mitigate and fix are two different things. I explained that in my previous post so no need to go over old ground.

Hardmod can circumvent it by the sounds of it yes possibly but that's for the switch. How easy and realistic is that for other tegra bearing devices we simply do not know. For a car that might not be an issue as you can't GET to it unlike a switch.

The whole point of this conversation was about the disclosure window and why it's important. This is why. So other customers can decide how to handle it and actually investigate to see if it's a viable threat or issue to them.
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