Got a laptop here, Dell Inspiron 1501 with Vista Home Basic (32-bit), no service packs.
Windows updates give this error.
The article the error links me to is this one.
Various support/fixes suggest by MS for this situation include...
If there any way I could network boot a non-SP1 disc image?
This is serious, any trolling will be reported with the speed of a chipmunk on crack and the fury of a thousand suns.
Windows updates give this error.
The article the error links me to is this one.
Various support/fixes suggest by MS for this situation include...
- Using the standalone SP1 installer instead of the web one.
It gives the same error. - Running the readiness tool.
It takes half an hour and doesn't fix anything. - Close stuff.
Everything's closed, even tried it on a new account. - Uninstall security programs.
Removed McAfee and disabled windows defender, nothing. - A repair install.
This had my hopes up as I could use my Vista SP1-integrated disc to repair install with SP1 already installed... but it won't let me, I need to repair install with a non-SP1 disc.
If there any way I could network boot a non-SP1 disc image?
This is serious, any trolling will be reported with the speed of a chipmunk on crack and the fury of a thousand suns.