I think I can say I'm finally burnt out from playing video games. I just rented Halo CE for 360 and No More Heroes for PS3 and when I play them, I find myself getting bored of it really quick, and after 30 minutes or so I turn it off. It's a shame because I just paid for Lovefilm 5 days ago so that's a whole month of gaming waiting for me. I knew I should've cancelled it... I had that gut feeling but I wanted to try out the games mentioned. Now I just feel like I can't play video games anymore. I'm burnt out. I also tried playing my 3DS and I'm still yet to play any of my ambassador games. The 3DS is a keeper though, definitely.
Maybe it's because I've got arguably "instant access" to games; I've got Lovefilm and I can get any game I want (provided they have it) after 2 days of waiting, I've picked up some cheap games for 99p before my local Gamestation closed down (Prey, Gears of War, Resistance, Mass Effect, Avatar), the 3DS has about 20+ games that I still have to play, I've got some awesome games on OnLive in the form of Deux Ex, Borderlands, Mafia 2, Dead Island. Not to mention I can pretty much demo any game on that platform for 30 minutes and that will usually get me satisfied. My friends are way too busy with their dissertations/school/work/away on holiday. And I've just had 3 grueling months in uni and now that I'm on a break and won't be back to uni until next month for exams, I still got that feeling where if I spend my free time enjoying myself, I feel stressed and constrained because I keep thinking that I have coursework or something else more productive to do. Maybe those are the reasons why I don't feel the fun in playing video games anymore.
Now that that's all out, I guess I gotta bring back my other hobbies, hobbies that I haven't enjoyed for a long time. I've been considering getting the Hunger Games trilogy books because I've been intrigued by it. Last time I've read a book was Deathly Hallows and that was 3 years ago. Any tempers here that are readers? Care to recommend any books for me to read? I like to read anything really (except Twilight).
I may also carry on with my UDK coursework from uni and make it a fully fledged game (because we were only required to make a level. Not a fully playable level, just a level that can be walked through in UDK). Or delve more into 3DS Max, or maybe learn a programming language or two to be more proficient in it. I'm also considering re-joining the gym, or learn to play guitar.
Any tempers here experienced burnout? What things did you do whilst you "were on hiatus"?
Maybe it's because I've got arguably "instant access" to games; I've got Lovefilm and I can get any game I want (provided they have it) after 2 days of waiting, I've picked up some cheap games for 99p before my local Gamestation closed down (Prey, Gears of War, Resistance, Mass Effect, Avatar), the 3DS has about 20+ games that I still have to play, I've got some awesome games on OnLive in the form of Deux Ex, Borderlands, Mafia 2, Dead Island. Not to mention I can pretty much demo any game on that platform for 30 minutes and that will usually get me satisfied. My friends are way too busy with their dissertations/school/work/away on holiday. And I've just had 3 grueling months in uni and now that I'm on a break and won't be back to uni until next month for exams, I still got that feeling where if I spend my free time enjoying myself, I feel stressed and constrained because I keep thinking that I have coursework or something else more productive to do. Maybe those are the reasons why I don't feel the fun in playing video games anymore.
Now that that's all out, I guess I gotta bring back my other hobbies, hobbies that I haven't enjoyed for a long time. I've been considering getting the Hunger Games trilogy books because I've been intrigued by it. Last time I've read a book was Deathly Hallows and that was 3 years ago. Any tempers here that are readers? Care to recommend any books for me to read? I like to read anything really (except Twilight).
I may also carry on with my UDK coursework from uni and make it a fully fledged game (because we were only required to make a level. Not a fully playable level, just a level that can be walked through in UDK). Or delve more into 3DS Max, or maybe learn a programming language or two to be more proficient in it. I'm also considering re-joining the gym, or learn to play guitar.
Any tempers here experienced burnout? What things did you do whilst you "were on hiatus"?