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Gameplox are reporting that the Vita has had emulators appear in public.
So far it is something of a proof of concept work using the PS Suite (a semi open developer platform using a fairly restricted setup in terms of available hardware and software practices that is still in late but open beta for the Vita). Being fairly restricted the frame rates are quite low even on the NES (a fairly easy to emulator platform) but proof of concept becomes fairly functional quite quickly.
There is no word from Sony yet if this troubles licensing conditions either through copyright concerns (Handhelds and consoles in general see many ports of old works or that it is technically allowing unrestricted user code (Apple shut down and restricted emulators there on similar concerns).
Sample of source post.
While most people assumed it was only a matter of time until emulators began appearing on the Vita, and likely through the surprisingly open PS Suite, I am sure many doubted they would be out so soon.
One of what will soon become many NES emulators was made available for the public. For now, it only runs at 15 frames, but imagine the horror when it becomes fully functional, or worse: GBA and SNES ones become available.