Well it's all very hidden and difficult to access, if there's a way to ensure the second socket only draws power at the moment the Wii is powered on, and turns off when the Wii is turned off, I can get a splitter electrical cable.@zebragreen,
Sorry, I was actually speaking about USB socket, not wall socket. I understand now Sorry for misunderstanding.
Is there any chance of having something like this (https://amzn.asia/d/a64bTQA) to resolve the socket problem? Depending of the setup of course. If you don't have spare space where to put all this stuff... it'll be a problem, I guess.
Thank you, yes I was on there and oddly users report problems under 1TB My Passport Ultra.Have you already looked at the USB Devices Compatibility List? I looked at this years ago prior to purchasing my drive, to confirm function was what I required. That'd be a good starting point.
There's almost no mention in that table from the people testing of Y-Cables or electrical power at all, people just check if their Hard Drive opens games or not.
As @k0walski went into some detail in a previous post, there's potential risks of under powering a hard drive.
The thing I'm trying to avoid is what he mentioned of running the drive underpowered in the Wii leading to computers complaining of unsafe removals. On my very first Wii hard drive (prior to my working one), it too worked well. However, it would (very) occasionally give a false start on the Wii boot or something, no different than that very occasional 1% false start from normal usage.
The problem is afterwards, on next launch it would go to the System Menu instead of Autobooting, and it would need a Check for Errors on Windows to get back to Autobooting like before. The problem was every time, a very small amount of MB (maybe 1-3MB) show up in a folder called Found.000 on the root of the drive (which can be seen when Show Hidden System Folders is enabled).
The problem is 1-3 MB of files somewhere (anywhere) randomly on the drive is missing after that. That's the problem I'm trying to avoid and unfortunately that graph only really tests for if a drive can be used to launch games.
I've heard the PS3 also uses 2.0 USB ports and also, gives 500ma. Why have I never heard of people using Y-Cables for their PS3 external drives? What is it about the Wii?