Hardware Erasing errors when trying to write NOR firmware to flash eeprom using SPiway


Jul 12, 2021
I just finished patching the corrupt firmware and checked again with BwE validator and is all good now, firmware size is correct size.
The final step is write back to the flash IC after erased the flash IC (no error) first. Gets erase errors and write errors. I had wired this same way to read back both corrupt flash IC and good flash IC from two consoles. Made two dumps on each IC and both are same for each.
Even I placed a capacitor across on ground and VCC pins.

Thanks all, cheers, Oldhats640

This is CUH-1001A , board SAA-001.

Copied and pasted:

C:\downloads\PS4NORrepair\NORway-master>spiway.py com6 write C:\downloads\PS4NORrepair\PS4BIOS\orig0corrupt.bin
SPIway v0.40 - Teensy++ 2.0 SPI Flasher for PS4
Copyright (C) 2017 [email protected]

Pinging Teensy...
Available memory: 4060 bytes

SPI information
Chip manufacturer: Macronix (0xc2)
Chip type: MX25L25635F (0x18)

Chip size: 32 MB
Sector size: 4096 bytes
Block size: 65536 bytes
Sectors per block: 16
Number of blocks: 512
Number of sectors: 8192

Writing 512 blocks to device (starting at offset 0)...
Verification error!
Block 0 - error erasing block
64 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 1 - error erasing block
128 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 2 - error erasing block
192 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 3 - error erasing block
256 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 4 - error erasing block
320 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 5 - error erasing block
384 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 6 - error erasing block
448 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 7 - error erasing block
512 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 8 - error erasing block
576 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 9 - error erasing block
640 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 10 - error erasing block
704 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 11 - error erasing block
768 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!
Block 12 - error erasing block
832 KB / 32768 KB Verification error!

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