Hi. I am going to hack my "v1" switch and I've been reading and searching information about it on guides and threads here on GBATemp and I've got some questions that I didn't understand completely.
- From what I understand, when the process of creating the emuMMC, you get an emuMMC that is an exact copy of the sysMMC (or sysNAND, I'm not 100% sure about the correct term). Do you need to unlink them like on old days on the 3DS? I have this doubt because I assume that, whatever you install on the console (be it on emu os sys) will stay on the place you installed it. But if I, for example, install a game on emuMMC and then move it to the SD card, will it show on sysNAND?
- Regarding updates, all the info I found was a bit old, so I wanted to check it again. Is it possible to keep emuMMC and sysNAND on different versions (for example, having the sysNAND at the current version to play online and run it without any CFW loaded and then having emuMMC on an older version because, for example, it is a new version and the CFW still doesn't have support for it?
- In case I buy an OLED in the future, I might want to do a System Transfer from my sysNAND (which will probably be "clean") to the new console. Will this affect emuMMC?
- This is related to 1), but, let's say that I buy an 128GB SD Card, should I make a bigger emuMMC (like 64GB for it) and install everything inside it, or is it better to move the games to the SD card itself.