Hacking CycloDS vs. Supercard DSONE

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May 26, 2008
United States
SleepingDragon said:
So many things have already been said in this thread, not much is left to say. Supercard lovers will say this, Cyclo DS lovers will say that. Yada, yada, yada. Without sounding too corny, I'd like to state the main reason why I chose to go with the Cyclo Evo, and have never looked back.

In my opinion, when you buy a flash cart, like most things in life, you are also buying the company that built it. Before I bought my first Cyclo DS, I had already used or owned several different flash carts. And when I made this purchase, I wanted to do it right! I didn't want to keep switching crappy flash cards every couple of months. I wanted to make sure that I was not only getting the best card (hardware and software), but the best support team behind it. So, I anonymously trolled all the forums: Cyclo, SC, R4, DSX, etc. I wanted to know that the card I got was on the cutting edge, with features that matter. Plus, I wanted to know that if I ever had a problem, they would solve it. If a new feature was needed, it would be in the next firmware update. If I thought a change needed to be made, the support team would be responsive. And everything I saw, heard, and read, led me to believe that the Cyclo DS Evolution was the product, and team, for me.

There are many good cards out there. And truth be told, there are great stories and horror stories regarding every flash card out there. I am sure that whichever card you buy, more than likely, it will do all the things you want it to do. Since buying my first Cyclo DS (about a year ago), I have purchased 2 more for my kids and will be buying 3 more over the next 2 months. They continue making improvements and listening to their customers, which makes me feel good about my decision. When the microsd card stuck out a bit on a batch of their cards, they fixed it. When new features have been needed, they were added. So, as you are making your decision, you should definitely look at all the features (the features that matter, anyway), reliability, and compatibility, etc. But make sure to look carefully at the support/technical team behind the card. That way, you will know that you will be getting a top-notch card that will stay a top-notch card well into the future.

Thank you for this very well detailed post. I have been going around looking at several topics to try and decide which cart I wanted to get and could never really be 100% sure. The reason being that most of the people keep arguing about useless things. I recently just got a Nintendo DS and no games for it, since I don't have enough money to throw out for games I might not even like, so I decided to get a flash cart. Not sure if that is the correct term, as I am completely new to all this. I set my sights on the G6 DS Real. So, my dad ordered it with my money (Uh, yea, I'm 16 and don't have a credit card) and it never came in - was never charged for it either, but had to pay $30 two weeks later, just in case they charged the card and never shipped it, to prevent being charged. I should have done my research on the site before I ordered it, rather than being in a rush and order it right then and there. After that experience, I chose not to even get the G6. By the way, it was modchipstore.com and I don't recommend buying from them.

I was still getting a cart, just didn't know which one I should choose, so I did some more reading on the flash carts and with so many to choose from I searched for a 'best flash cart' thread and stumbled upon another topic on this forum. And since CycloDS and Supercard got the most votes/mentions I looked for a 'CycloDS / Supercard comparison' thread and found this.

Most of this thread is just mindless bickering... Anyways, I read some good things about the Cyclo DS Team and their support. I am basically accident prone and usually always need support for something, so the comments about the support for Cyclo DS really peaked my interest. Based on everything you said and certain comments from other users, I have decided to get the Cyclo DS. Now before anyone clicks the quote button just to flame me for getting it, hear me out... Here are some opinions I have about what people have stated about the cards:

-Cyclo DS-

4 - 5 hours battery life (?) - Nothing a good charging can't fix.

Limited cheat function - I like cheating sometimes...ok, a lot, but I like to beat the game (with the exception of Final Fantasy Tactics) first then go back and use cheats. But then it's really only Infinite -something-. So nothing too extensive going on there.

SD card sticking out - Even if I get one that sticks out, I don't care. It won't break with just that tiny bit sticking out and I won't see it while using the DS.

Slow motion - No need for it, as I mostly play only RPG type games. I 'might' -very slim chance- use it on Ninja Gaiden.
...but not likely. I do play fighting games like Bleach: Blade of Fate, but slow motion would completely ruin it.

On a side note for both, not sure if it is for both but still, I like that I can actually choose to not get an SD card with it and go buy my own. One of the 1GB cards was like $15... I can go to amazon and get one for only $1.

-Supercard DS-

Better cheat functions (?) - Again, don't really care.

Better slow motion - Really no need for it since I won't be using it.

Real Time Guide - If I am really that stuck, I will just look it up on the internet. But if you like that feature, then all the power to ya !

3 in 1 OS - What the heck is that suppose to mean anyways ? Also, don't care.

Spring Loaded (?) - I don't want this because I don't want to accidentally press down on it and it come out.


Alright, so those are my opinions on some of the features of both carts. The main reason why I got the Cyclo DS is because I have heard (read ?) so many good things about their team and how well their support is.

I want to thank everyone for their opinions, but most of all, thank SleepingDragon for the post that ultimately made me decide to get the Cyclo DS.

Also, I just joined this forum, so 'Hello everyone !!!'. Maybe I should have posted that at the beginning... Oh well.


Feb 2, 2008
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United States
I dont know. So far the CycloDS has better compatibility for roms/homebrew/download play support by a little bit. also, SCDS1 dosnt have great microSD card compatability.


Oct 27, 2007
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Alex605 said:
SleepingDragon said:
So many things have already been said in this thread, not much is left to say. Supercard lovers will say this, Cyclo DS lovers will say that. Yada, yada, yada. Without sounding too corny, I'd like to state the main reason why I chose to go with the Cyclo Evo, and have never looked back.

In my opinion, when you buy a flash cart, like most things in life, you are also buying the company that built it. Before I bought my first Cyclo DS, I had already used or owned several different flash carts. And when I made this purchase, I wanted to do it right! I didn't want to keep switching crappy flash cards every couple of months. I wanted to make sure that I was not only getting the best card (hardware and software), but the best support team behind it. So, I anonymously trolled all the forums: Cyclo, SC, R4, DSX, etc. I wanted to know that the card I got was on the cutting edge, with features that matter. Plus, I wanted to know that if I ever had a problem, they would solve it. If a new feature was needed, it would be in the next firmware update. If I thought a change needed to be made, the support team would be responsive. And everything I saw, heard, and read, led me to believe that the Cyclo DS Evolution was the product, and team, for me.

There are many good cards out there. And truth be told, there are great stories and horror stories regarding every flash card out there. I am sure that whichever card you buy, more than likely, it will do all the things you want it to do. Since buying my first Cyclo DS (about a year ago), I have purchased 2 more for my kids and will be buying 3 more over the next 2 months. They continue making improvements and listening to their customers, which makes me feel good about my decision. When the microsd card stuck out a bit on a batch of their cards, they fixed it. When new features have been needed, they were added. So, as you are making your decision, you should definitely look at all the features (the features that matter, anyway), reliability, and compatibility, etc. But make sure to look carefully at the support/technical team behind the card. That way, you will know that you will be getting a top-notch card that will stay a top-notch card well into the future.

Thank you for this very well detailed post. I have been going around looking at several topics to try and decide which cart I wanted to get and could never really be 100% sure. The reason being that most of the people keep arguing about useless things. I recently just got a Nintendo DS and no games for it, since I don't have enough money to throw out for games I might not even like, so I decided to get a flash cart. Not sure if that is the correct term, as I am completely new to all this. I set my sights on the G6 DS Real. So, my dad ordered it with my money (Uh, yea, I'm 16 and don't have a credit card) and it never came in - was never charged for it either, but had to pay $30 two weeks later, just in case they charged the card and never shipped it, to prevent being charged. I should have done my research on the site before I ordered it, rather than being in a rush and order it right then and there. After that experience, I chose not to even get the G6. By the way, it was modchipstore.com and I don't recommend buying from them.

I was still getting a cart, just didn't know which one I should choose, so I did some more reading on the flash carts and with so many to choose from I searched for a 'best flash cart' thread and stumbled upon another topic on this forum. And since CycloDS and Supercard got the most votes/mentions I looked for a 'CycloDS / Supercard comparison' thread and found this.

Most of this thread is just mindless bickering... Anyways, I read some good things about the Cyclo DS Team and their support. I am basically accident prone and usually always need support for something, so the comments about the support for Cyclo DS really peaked my interest. Based on everything you said and certain comments from other users, I have decided to get the Cyclo DS. Now before anyone clicks the quote button just to flame me for getting it, hear me out... Here are some opinions I have about what people have stated about the cards:

-Cyclo DS-

4 - 5 hours battery life (?) - Nothing a good charging can't fix.

Limited cheat function - I like cheating sometimes...ok, a lot, but I like to beat the game (with the exception of Final Fantasy Tactics) first then go back and use cheats. But then it's really only Infinite -something-. So nothing too extensive going on there.

SD card sticking out - Even if I get one that sticks out, I don't care. It won't break with just that tiny bit sticking out and I won't see it while using the DS.

Slow motion - No need for it, as I mostly play only RPG type games. I 'might' -very slim chance- use it on Ninja Gaiden.
...but not likely. I do play fighting games like Bleach: Blade of Fate, but slow motion would completely ruin it.

On a side note for both, not sure if it is for both but still, I like that I can actually choose to not get an SD card with it and go buy my own. One of the 1GB cards was like $15... I can go to amazon and get one for only $1.

-Supercard DS-

Better cheat functions (?) - Again, don't really care.

Better slow motion - Really no need for it since I won't be using it.

Real Time Guide - If I am really that stuck, I will just look it up on the internet. But if you like that feature, then all the power to ya !

3 in 1 OS - What the heck is that suppose to mean anyways ? Also, don't care.

Spring Loaded (?) - I don't want this because I don't want to accidentally press down on it and it come out.


Alright, so those are my opinions on some of the features of both carts. The main reason why I got the Cyclo DS is because I have heard (read ?) so many good things about their team and how well their support is.

I want to thank everyone for their opinions, but most of all, thank SleepingDragon for the post that ultimately made me decide to get the Cyclo DS.

Also, I just joined this forum, so 'Hello everyone !!!'. Maybe I should have posted that at the beginning... Oh well.

Well, if you're new to this, I'd recommend the CycloDS OVER the SCDS1. Although I own a SCDS1, and is loving it, people who are new at the flashkart scene may find it hard to set everything up, etc. Cyclo is a bit easier to use. But since I like to customize stuff, and it's cheaper price, I prefer the SCDS1 over the CycloDS.

3 in 1 OS:

And the 3 in 1 OS, means that you can put 3 different firmwares on a single cart. Different, I mean each from different companies.

The three firmwares are the modified DSTT firmware, YSmenu of the DSTT, and the original SCDS1 menu. The DSTT GUI is faster, and easier to use than the original. However, it's very messy, and isn't sorted very well. But loads games in 1-3 seconds. Probably the fastest loading times around.

The YSmenu is a more organized version of the DSTT menu, and easier to use.

You can actually choose one of the three OSs, before things load, so you're carrying 3 carts in one, you could say.

ANYWAY, Cyclo is still an excellent choice, and happy gaming!

That is all.


Apr 4, 2008
Urza said:
jons2ann said:
Urza said:
Features? We don't need no stinkin features.


And what type of consumer would that be missy? We're in a forum talking about something that pretty much borderlines stealing. I'm pretty sure I own more DS original games than you do.
Good jorb completely missing the point.

You're a bad consumer in that you dismiss products that have more features, saying you don't "need" them, and instead settle for lesser products simply on that basis. It has nothing to do with that tangent on "o wow i r so kuul i pae 4 ma videa gaemz !" that you seem to have redirected this thread to.
Basically you're calling me a terrible consumer (compared to you) because I buy only what I need and that you're a sucker for gimmicks. "Good JORB" Fuck nut
My point was that you're a fucking hypocrite. The fact that you couldn't decipher that makes you a retard. Stop putting your tampon in the wrong hole.

QUOTE said:
Cheats, game guides, walkthroughs....
How can you achieve your own sense of personal accomplishment when you're just using other peoples talents and hard work to mimick your own?
What's the point of playing games that offer a challenge to people if people aren't willing to take up the challenge?
People have different senses of "accomplishment", and who are you to judge what people like to do for a hobby? Maybe they're in it for the story, or just like shooting things without worrying about that stray bullet which takes them out. I can think of many other things which I would consider more boring with a lesser "sense of accomplishment", that people regularly consider hobbies.
Fair enough statement. I guess to a kid, any small thing seems to be a huge accomplishment but a bee's doodle to a competitive gamer. But, if people like to give up, then that is different -- which many in this gaming generation does. You can't say you love video games if you're not the one really playing it. Also, being a person of competitive spirit I don't see accomplishment through storylines or shooting mindlessly at objects while ignoring one important aspect... defense! Target practice maybe. But what do I know... I rarely play FPS.

I'm sorry that working at KFC is making it hard for you to buy original games. After all, you only need to work for 3-4 hours to earn yourself one game.
Or you can not work, go to Centrelink, get a new start allowance, get one fortnightly payment and have yourself 4 games with 200 bucks to spare!
Gee, apparently it's really hard to make money nowadays when the real problem is people becoming lazy fucks. It's contagious.
I won't speak for everyone, but for me its less a matter of not being able to buy games, and more a matter of "why pay money for something I can get for free?" For example, lets say after bills and whatnot, and putting a bit into savings, I've decided I want to spend a grand on extra stuff. I could either A) Buy 25 DS games (or 17 console games) or B) Buy a 50" LCD TV and download the games for free. Lucky me, having no morals, so I always end up better off by choosing option B.

The point being, some of us just don't like to waste money for something we can get for free.
That is priceless.


Jul 18, 2007
United States
jons2ann said:
Basically you're calling me a terrible consumer (compared to you) because I buy only what I need and that you're a sucker for gimmicks. "Good JORB" Fuck nut
My point was that you're a fucking hypocrite. The fact that you couldn't decipher that makes you a retard. Stop putting your tampon in the wrong hole.

Features are gimmicks? Next time I'm looking for a LCD TV, I'll buy a rock instead and try to live up to your gimmick-free way of life.

I would also recommend trying to get your point across without the flaming. It makes you appear to have the mentality of a rapid chipmunk, foaming at the mouth.

QUOTEFair enough statement. I guess to a kid, any small thing seems to be a huge accomplishment but a bee's doodle to a competitive gamer. But, if people like to give up, then that is different -- which many in this gaming generation does. You can't say you love video games if you're not the one really playing it. Also, being a person of competitive spirit I don't see accomplishment through storylines or shooting mindlessly at objects while ignoring one important aspect... defense! Target practice maybe. But what do I know... I rarely play FPS.
"To a kid"? I can think of tons of hobbies I would find ridiculously boring that people spend a good portion of their lives pursuing (coin collecting, knitting, bird watching, other generic hobby).


Apr 4, 2008
MasterM said:
What about homebrew?
I love homebrew. I play my SNES games on it. I play NeoGeo games on it too.

What about testing games before buying?

What about convenience of not carrying 6-7 games with me when Im traveling and shuffling them like a card player or sth when I can have all on one cart?
Do you really shuffle 6-7 games when you're travelling? Maybe in the car on the way to your aunts house in woop woop land or on the plane to another state or country.

Walkthroughs? Why not? It is a perfect solution when someone wanna save time. Go ban gamefaqs.
You waste time on a video game and now you want to save time? Dear me.

big lol
I'm right with you there. LOL
ON TOPIC: I own scdsone sdhc and dont want to get any other solution. Heck, I will even buy another one when this one stop working. Why? Cuz I like it.


Jul 18, 2007
United States
This guy is beyond the trolls we normally get.

Unless he's being serious... in which case I'm genuinely sorry for anyone who has to deal with him in real life.


Unchi on a stick! yay~
Jan 3, 2008
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United States
Urza said:
This guy is beyond the trolls we normally get.

Unless he's being serious... in which case I'm genuinely sorry for anyone who has to deal with him in real life.

woot cool im in Urza's sig!

Sorry Urza but some of us don't have infinite time like you to be a nerdy geek and act all hard on an internet forum lol.

get a life


Apr 4, 2008
Urza said:
jons2ann said:
Basically you're calling me a terrible consumer (compared to you) because I buy only what I need and that you're a sucker for gimmicks. "Good JORB" Fuck nut
My point was that you're a fucking hypocrite. The fact that you couldn't decipher that makes you a retard. Stop putting your tampon in the wrong hole.

Features are gimmicks? Next time I'm looking for a LCD TV, I'll buy a rock instead and try to live up to your gimmick-free way of life.
The features that I have made in my earlier post? Yes. All gimmicks. Go tell everyone that a CycloDS evo is a rock and SuperCard is the LCD TV. I'm not taking part in that area of the discussion. I bag those features (on both devices) because they're useless and promotes "noobism".
I would also recommend trying to get your point across without the flaming. It makes you appear to have the mentality of a rapid chipmunk, foaming at the mouth.
Then a rapid chipmunk foaming at the mouth is my new name. I'll keep flaming. Bitch.

QUOTEFair enough statement. I guess to a kid, any small thing seems to be a huge accomplishment but a bee's doodle to a competitive gamer. But, if people like to give up, then that is different -- which many in this gaming generation does. You can't say you love video games if you're not the one really playing it. Also, being a person of competitive spirit I don't see accomplishment through storylines or shooting mindlessly at objects while ignoring one important aspect... defense! Target practice maybe. But what do I know... I rarely play FPS.
"To a kid"? I can think of tons of hobbies I would find ridiculously boring that people spend a good portion of their lives pursuing (coin collecting, knitting, bird watching, other generic hobby).
I don't know where you're heading with this comment since boredom never became an issue to me.
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