There was what sounded like a huge explosion a few hours ago here in the UK, but nobody seems to have a clue what's going on. I've googled it for news but all I could find is an article saying the MoD was looking into it. Does anyone have even the slightest clue what the hell that noise was?
Some cretin said it was a sonic boom made by a plane coming in to land. Lemme explain, dumbass. A sonic boom occurs when something breaks the sound barrier. IE: is travelling several hundred miles per hour. Unlikely to be during a delicate landing operation unless the pilot has no concept of the effect of a high speed impact with the floor on his face.
Seriously though, there's next to no news about it. Any ideas? And by the way, anyone who says 'aliens' is a moron. I'm sure any alien race advanced enough to be capable of interstellar travel is intelligent enough to pick a more scenic spot for first contact than Coventry...
Some cretin said it was a sonic boom made by a plane coming in to land. Lemme explain, dumbass. A sonic boom occurs when something breaks the sound barrier. IE: is travelling several hundred miles per hour. Unlikely to be during a delicate landing operation unless the pilot has no concept of the effect of a high speed impact with the floor on his face.
Seriously though, there's next to no news about it. Any ideas? And by the way, anyone who says 'aliens' is a moron. I'm sure any alien race advanced enough to be capable of interstellar travel is intelligent enough to pick a more scenic spot for first contact than Coventry...