Wow, you really have to hit every avenue of communication with these guys, but at least I got a response.
I've submitted tickets, called and left voicemail, sent e-mails, and of all the channels, the one I was least expecting to be attended, WAS.
Live chat.
The GBA expansions are backordered, they are splitting my shipment so I at least get the flashcarts before xmas!
Very nice, man a little communication goes such a long way towards customer satisfaction.
I'm back on board with them as a decent seller (as long as those cards actually manage to ship.)
Chat log below.
Started chat at ~9:45, put in log timers to show response times. chat went much faster then I was expecting from what I had read of them, failry pleased with this.
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Sales & Support'
Mylar: order ###### Whats going on with it? It's been set at queued for over a week.
Mylar: no answer to tickets, e-mails or voicemails, you guys still operating?
Sales & Support: One moment please...
Sales & Support: Sorry, the GBA Expansion Pack is on backorder and is scheduled to ship in 1-2 weeks.
Mylar: Ok... 9:54(for the log)
Mylar: Ahhh
Mylar: ok
Mylar: Well, can you ship the M3 cards now and the GBA when they come in?
Mylar: These are supposed to be xmas presents
Mylar: and I'll need time to load up files on them and test to make sure they are functional
Mylar: 9:59 Also, the GBA expansion pack is showing on your website as "in stock" you may want to update that, as it would have made me a lot more comfortable then just having no order completion with no visible reason.
Sales & Support: One moment please...
Sales & Support: One moment please...
Sales & Support: Yes, your M3i will ship later this week.
Mylar: It's cool, I'm working in the background, hell I'm just happy to be getting responses.
Sales & Support: And the GBA Expansion will ship in a few weeks.
Mylar: Ok thank you very much.
Mylar: will it still be under the same #
Mylar: Or does it get split to two order #'s for tracking?
Sales & Support: It will all be under the same Order Number.
Mylar: Ok thank you, have a nice day
Sales & Support: Thanks and Good Bye.