Hacking Question Console stuck on crash loop after updating offline with ChoidujorNX. What to do?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2013
Eureka, California
Hi, I need help. So here is the situation:

I was running atmosphere 0.9.3 and decided to update my console (a game I've been playing suddenly stopped starting and kept nagging me to update) and install atmosphere 0.9.4. and also update the stock firmware with ChoiDujourNXv102. So I updated to 9.0.1 (which I got from Dearthsternie), ChoiDujour said I needed to reboot and so I did, well I shut down the console using the option given. Before starting the console again I decided to install Atmosphere since I wasn't sure if the console would boot up to an old version of it now that the firmware was newer. I downloaded atmosphere and I placed it on the root of my SD card as always aaaand ...the console crashed when I tried to boot into it. It just kept giving me that crash screen where it says to press power to reboot and such.

I don't know what to do, the only thing I managed was to try and install Kosmos 14.2 on top of atmosphere which worked. So now I can at least boot to hekate after each crash and even boot to stock normally but no luck with booting to Atmosphere. I tried to use the version of atmosphere I was using before the crash (0.9.3) to no avail, the screen just stays black on that one not even starting or looping.

I feel based on the evidence that this has to be a problem with Atmosphere. Thing is I don't know what to do, I am fairly new to the scene and have been mostly winging it until now when it came to this stuff. I even had a similar problem in the past (console stuck on error message asking me to reboot) but I solved that installing atmosphere again (this time that didn't work). Maybe a file is having a conflict with Atmosphere?

Before you ask I remember doing a NAND backup like a couple of months ago but I don't know if that would be useful (I just did it because many tutorials ask for one). If you need more info please feel free to ask, thanks.

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