Hacking Confused, need some questions answered.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
United States
EDIT: The many questions i've asked previously are now irrelevant to my intrests. I have a couple new questions about what I plan to do.

Using v0.3 of the backup loader found here: http://gbatemp.net/?act=module&module=...member=WiiGator
I would load cIOS installer in the homebrew channel, get that installed, then run the Backup Loader. Simple enough, but here are my questions:

1. Would I be any safer using starfall or patching with WiiBrickBlocker or both? If so, how do I install starfall, and where do I get the files?
2. I heard there's a way to get a separate channel for the backup loader. How do I do this, and where can I get it?


My sword has a +2 bleeding... wanna test it out?
May 21, 2006
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United States
Wow... this is like the first time all these questions have been asked! I have no idea where you could get the answers to these questions! Maybe the SEARCH button up top!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
United States
Don't pull the sarcastic card on me. I know how to use the search button. And I have. For example, I told you what aspects of the install procedure I understand, meaning I have to have researched this prior to posting. I'll admit i did find some answers to my questions, but they were vague, and not necessarily answered for the questions i'm asking. Also, asking again would guarantee more accurate answers pertaining to my question. As i've told you, i'm cautious, so I need to have this information confirmed.

Acetic Orcein

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
I shall do my best with my inexperienced knowledge- I was in the same position as you, but I went for it (following a guide exactly, there are many helpful ones on the forum) I rechecked each step several times! It was worth it! But i'm a very cautious person, so I can understand why you'd want confirmations to various... concerns?

Also my knowledge is going to be very poor, and I hope someone can correct me, but this is going to be very very basic.

1. Ok er I understand WADs to be sort of... wii channels. So they could be like the homebrew channel- which is a WAD. A virtual console title could be a wad. The internet channel could be a wad and so forth... So my understanding is that they are basically channels. I'm not sure which WADs step 5 refers to? Doesnt it mention anything specific? Or does it just say install some?

2. I am currently using Backup Launcher 0.3 Gamma. There are installation instructions on this forum to install it I believe. So you'll be fine! I wouldnt worry too much about the channel... but you can search for one if you like, it basically allows you to use the backup launcher without an SD card? I believe that to be the case anyway....

3. I believe it is fairly easy to uninstall, there are instructions to do it I believe (yay more instructions!) But you must be very careful when doing so. However, there should be no need because there are a gizillion people always working on fixes/patches/updates/work arounds to compensate for missing nintendo updates. Which are generally easy enough to use.

4. Do you mean how safe uninstalling is? Or homebrew in general?
I'll assume homebrew in general. It is fairly safe, generally most people dont have any problems when they install the files (i.e the homebrew channel and other stuff), and should not brick your wii (aslong as you follow the instructions). Most people end up bricking their wii when they attempt an update from a game that is the wrong region to their wii (i.e if you had a PAL wii, and an NTSC game and updated with that NTSC game, you'd probably brick your wii). Or a corrupted WAD (but I believe this to be less common).
Hence people install starfall, which allows you to skip updates from games, and I think also allows you to autoboot twilight princess? so you can start the hack. This basically allows you to delete corrupted wads i believe. (my knowledge is pretty poor here).

5. I'd generally avoid all updates, definitely avoid wii connect updates and NEVER update from a wrong region disc. I'd say the same for same region also- they wont brick, but could delete homebrew. Hence the important of starfall (or brickblocking your backups). Some of the recent games, i.e Animal crossing will require you to install certain IOS files. But I think you can look this up and be able to handle what is required to play the game! (Generally avoid updates and if unsure, look it up on the forum).

6. WADs can brick your wii if they are 'bad'. Er I cant remember the exact reason they are bad, but generally you'll be fine. The only wad I can think you'll need is the homebrew channel and that should be absoloutely fine to download and install. Not too sure about wiiware/vc titles, I think you'll need to look that up too!

7. It should definitely work with most games! And some futures ones- those as explained you may need to download some other stuff to play some of the future ones. Should be a simple task and I believe updating will be simple also? So dont worry!

I hope this helps, sorry my information is poor and incoherent. I got tired towards the end!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
United States
Ah, thanks! No need to apologize, you gave me plenty information. But I do still have some concerns:

1. I'm talking about the WADs in a few guides such as this one: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=118446. What do they do? And where do I get them?

2. Thanks

3. Thanks

4. I was talking about backup loading, but you kinda answered my question. Can I patch my discs AND have starfall skip the updates? If not which is the better course to take?

5. Thanks

6. Say I wanted to download a WiiWare game off the internet, and installed it. Would that do harm to anything(other than my stand against piracy, which is usually non-existent)?

7. Thanks

Also, i've got more questions that i've brewed up:

I just watched a video tutorial on how to use WiiGator's Backup Loader v0.3. It had the basics, and followed these steps:

1. Install the .zip from this topic:http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=108959
2. Take the files from the folder "Put onto SD Card" and put them on the root of my SD card.
3. Goto the homebrew channel and run the cIOS Installer(I see two?)
4. Go back to thehomebrew channel and use the backup loader
5. Play the backup disc using the backup loader or press 'B' to allow you to play using the disc channel(permanent?)

So my questions about this are:

1. I see two cIOS installer apps in the app folder. One is "cIOS_Installer249" the other is "cios installer 247". Which one should I use, and can I delete the folder so I'm not confused?

2. Does using the backup loader's option to play through the disc channel last till you disable it? If not, how long will it stay that while. What about if you switch games?

3. (Answer only if in question 4 above you say that i should use starfall, else, ignore) The video didn't include details on downgrading my firmware to 3.2 and installing starfall. How can I integrate that into the guide in the video, and where can i find the needed files?

Once again, thanks for your answer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
United States
Oh crap this changes everything. Thanks for the link, now I can fit it on a spare 32MB card without dealing with my camera's sd card.

Anyways, i've got questions regarding this(you must hate me by now.):

1. Would I be any safer using starfall or patching with WiiBrickBlocker or both? If so, how do I install starfall, and where do I get the files?
2. I heard there's a way to get a separate channel for the backup loader. How do I do this, and where can I get it?

And so I don't get repeated answers i'll edit the first post


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
Gambia, The
FireFreek said:
Oh crap this changes everything. Thanks for the link, now I can fit it on a spare 32MB card without dealing with my camera's sd card.

Anyways, i've got questions regarding this(you must hate me by now.):

1. Would I be any safer using starfall or patching with WiiBrickBlocker or both? If so, how do I install starfall, and where do I get the files?
2. I heard there's a way to get a separate channel for the backup loader. How do I do this, and where can I get it?

And so I don't get repeated answers i'll edit the first post

1. You don't need to touch the .iso in any way, ok for exceptions look here:

For Starfall you need to be at 3.2 and then you only need the starfall .dol, the last 3 options are a good choice, and always keep the twilight hack savefile on your wii.

2. Please get some more experiences before you begin to mess around with channels, they can brick your wii. (Starfall could save you, but you need to make some preparations)


My sword has a +2 bleeding... wanna test it out?
May 21, 2006
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United States
FireFreek said:
EDIT: The many questions i've asked previously are now irrelevant to my intrests. I have a couple new questions about what I plan to do.

Using v0.3 of the backup loader found here: http://gbatemp.net/?act=module&module=...member=WiiGator
I would load cIOS installer in the homebrew channel, get that installed, then run the Backup Loader. Simple enough, but here are my questions:

1. Would I be any safer using starfall or patching with WiiBrickBlocker or both? If so, how do I install starfall, and where do I get the files?

If you have 3.2 installed, then you can install, but since it's better to NOT use the rebooter, you don't have to worry about updates. If you use the rebooter, then you have to worry about the Update partitions. For Starfall, as I said, you need 3.2. If you don't have 3.2, you'll have to downgrade. http://wiibrew.org for all the software. Before you ask about downgrading, there are about 4 guides on GBATemp on how to do it.

QUOTE2. I heard there's a way to get a separate channel for the backup loader. How do I do this, and where can I get it?o

There are over 9000 channels out there for the various backup loaders... Softchip, Gamma, Beta, Waninkoko... and you can even make your own with WADder (now banned on GBATemp, but still one hell of an awesome tool)

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