Hacking Emulation Homebrew Project C++ Wrapper for Scripting API of mGBA


New Member
Aug 17, 2023
Hello together,

I shared this project of mine already in other game hacking related forums but I thought that this would be also a sensible place to share it to.

As I always wanted to reverse and write cheats for GBA games, I programmed a little C++ Wrapper for the Lua Scripting API of the mGBA emulator.
With this you will be able to use a C++-Application which is able to control the mGBA emulator.
This essentially works by setting up a TCP-Server and -Client on the C++-Application and the mGBA emulator.
So you can basically write external cheats for every GBA game you'd like to.

The C++-Wrapper already supports basic functionalities like e.g. read(8|16|32) or write(8|16|32) memory of any ROM.
I documented all available functionalities in the README of the GitHub Repo.

Also I did a small cheat for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team (SHA1: afee3b060dd5fd4a68afb1b003456aef3a2af073), which can be used as an example for any interested people.
The cheat is also available on my GitHub.

Everything needed for the setup and how to setup is documented in the repo on GitHub.

As I'm a new member, I'm not allowed to post any links to prevent spam (atleast what the PM told me) but I hope it's okay for this purpose to leave a link to the GitHub Repositories here.

github dot com forward_slash cragson forward_slash mgba-api
github dot com forward_slash cragson forward_slash pkm-md-red

Also I appreciate any kind of constructive feedback, thanks! :-)


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