I have had a modded Wii for ages...I mean, pretty much since the Twilight exploit was available, I have had a softmodded Wii.
I understand everything, for the most part. I have a giant library of games now.
I never update my c IOS until I notice a game won't run. Then, I come here and read about wtf is wrong, and usually end up finding out its a problem with that. I have only bothered doing it with a few games...because I'm not sure what the hell it is I'm doing.
What are the differences between different peoples c IOS'? Is there a certain release I should be waiting for, and always installing?
What exactly IS it? I know people say to "use empty ones"...but, how do I know? Does it say when I'm installing them somewhere? I mean, if I have already installed some, can I screw up by writing over them with another?
If someone could explain it in idiots terms, I'd really, really appreciate it.
I understand everything, for the most part. I have a giant library of games now.
I never update my c IOS until I notice a game won't run. Then, I come here and read about wtf is wrong, and usually end up finding out its a problem with that. I have only bothered doing it with a few games...because I'm not sure what the hell it is I'm doing.
What are the differences between different peoples c IOS'? Is there a certain release I should be waiting for, and always installing?
What exactly IS it? I know people say to "use empty ones"...but, how do I know? Does it say when I'm installing them somewhere? I mean, if I have already installed some, can I screw up by writing over them with another?
If someone could explain it in idiots terms, I'd really, really appreciate it.