So, yeah, yesterday, I broke the limit.. registry hacks that is...
In my attempt to personalize my computer: I did the following to my system files;
1. replaced explorer.exe
2. replaced shell32.dll
3. replaced authui.dll
4. replaced SndVol32.dll
5. replaced pnidui.dll
6. added "Take Ownership" registry info
7. added "Folder BG" registry info
everything ended up in failure, although at first it works fine, a day after I added the registry info about "Take Ownership" something went wrong. My taskbar context menu didn't work anymore. Everything that I chose is treated as something that triggers the said registry to act. the same thing happened with QuickLaunch items.
Since I know what went wrong, I simply uninstalled the registry info (they provided the installer and uninstaller, too much work to find it myself), and there... everything went "KAPUT!"
1. QuickLaunch items simply stopped working, you can click them, but nothing happens
2. Items in startmenu (yes, EVERYTHING, including the shutdown buttons) won't work, you can click them, but that's all, they won't launch anything, as if it's merely a selection click
3. Volume icon in system tray lost its association to run32.dll. As the result, opening volume control panel from there is impossible
4. Startup items won't load. And I mean, everything, ranging from KIS to Sidebar and YM, nothing starts, nor will they strat from "Run" command
Any program that I want to start can be started only from "Run" command (which is a pain, since startmenu simply stopeed working, glad I know the "Windows+R" combo), including Windows Explorer
So, in my attempt to recover it, I ran System Recovery, up to 5 days before (before I started tweaking), the modifications are gone, but the problem persists
, so I ran sfc /scannow, but it fixes only some last modifications, the problem still persists, maybe sine it's related to registry.
So I have no other choice to re-install my Vista. Just did it yesterday, and I have to re-install my aplications and re-download Windows Updates (around 400MB)
Just finished the Update today. Glad I made copies of my installer in my Master folder, especially KIS update distribution, it saved me lots of time.
I'm going to do it again now, just no registry hacks again... it pains me alot, should i installed my games in C:\ drive, my Hitman would be lost (I lost the installation CD a few months ago)
Well, I lost my CS:Source, but I can ask my friend for it again.
The good thing is that my WCIII function somehow works again, before there's this fatal error everytime I clicked "" button
Well, other than those things, my PC is still fine, which is the only thing I need to worry about
In my attempt to personalize my computer: I did the following to my system files;
1. replaced explorer.exe
2. replaced shell32.dll
3. replaced authui.dll
4. replaced SndVol32.dll
5. replaced pnidui.dll
6. added "Take Ownership" registry info
7. added "Folder BG" registry info
everything ended up in failure, although at first it works fine, a day after I added the registry info about "Take Ownership" something went wrong. My taskbar context menu didn't work anymore. Everything that I chose is treated as something that triggers the said registry to act. the same thing happened with QuickLaunch items.
Since I know what went wrong, I simply uninstalled the registry info (they provided the installer and uninstaller, too much work to find it myself), and there... everything went "KAPUT!"
1. QuickLaunch items simply stopped working, you can click them, but nothing happens
2. Items in startmenu (yes, EVERYTHING, including the shutdown buttons) won't work, you can click them, but that's all, they won't launch anything, as if it's merely a selection click
3. Volume icon in system tray lost its association to run32.dll. As the result, opening volume control panel from there is impossible
4. Startup items won't load. And I mean, everything, ranging from KIS to Sidebar and YM, nothing starts, nor will they strat from "Run" command
Any program that I want to start can be started only from "Run" command (which is a pain, since startmenu simply stopeed working, glad I know the "Windows+R" combo), including Windows Explorer
So, in my attempt to recover it, I ran System Recovery, up to 5 days before (before I started tweaking), the modifications are gone, but the problem persists
, so I ran sfc /scannow, but it fixes only some last modifications, the problem still persists, maybe sine it's related to registry.
So I have no other choice to re-install my Vista. Just did it yesterday, and I have to re-install my aplications and re-download Windows Updates (around 400MB)
Just finished the Update today. Glad I made copies of my installer in my Master folder, especially KIS update distribution, it saved me lots of time.
I'm going to do it again now, just no registry hacks again... it pains me alot, should i installed my games in C:\ drive, my Hitman would be lost (I lost the installation CD a few months ago)
Well, I lost my CS:Source, but I can ask my friend for it again.
The good thing is that my WCIII function somehow works again, before there's this fatal error everytime I clicked "" button
Well, other than those things, my PC is still fine, which is the only thing I need to worry about