So I tried to add roms. That went well. When I boot on ez-iv menu some games are not working. They give a folder image. While other working ones give gameboy image. What to do? How do I fix those games?
Checked the files they are not in winrar & I have already used ez-iv client still no use. what to do? & this (Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories) game does'nt work. it's a 32mb game. I hope you got a solution of it?
Nope the file names are short like other working roms.when they show up as folders, the names are too long. shorten the file names.
If you're running a 32mb game, you can't just load it by highlighting it and hitting a, You have to write it to the NOR. To do this, you highlight it, press select and then press a. Let it copy the game and then you should be able to run it no problem. Keep in mind I think you can only have one game written to NOR at a time, so that can be annoyingChecked the files they are not in winrar & I have already used ez-iv client still no use. what to do? & this (Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories) game does'nt work. it's a 32mb game. I hope you got a solution of it?
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Nope the file names are short like other working roms.
If you're running a 32mb game, you can't just load it by highlighting it and hitting a, You have to write it to the NOR. To do this, you highlight it, press select and then press a. Let it copy the game and then you should be able to run it no problem. Keep in mind I think you can only have one game written to NOR at a time, so that can be annoying
Hope this helped
77per folder & done! ThanksI had the same problem, try putting roms into folders about 80 in each. worked for me
its price is like 99$ why would we waste 99$ if we can buy the same tool for 29$? or we can buy 3ds xl in that price & use luma & homebrew emulators.stop the suffering. EverDrive GBA X5 is released.
What reason to pay $99 for EverDrive and not to suffer if you can buy something for $29 and suffer... No fun!
Thanks for your kindness but as I told before we can buy a 3ds xl in that price & we can add luma hack on it & we can use many different emualors luma menu homebrew like nes'snes'gb'gbc'gba'neogeo'ds &its own games 3ds. So which one is better everdrive or 3ds xl?If your intention to suffer but not to enjoy playing GBA I cannot help. Sorry that tried to help.
Yes... $60 difference is a good reason to suffer.
What reason to pay $99 for EverDrive and not to suffer if you can buy something for $29 and suffer... No fun!
You are right. Once again sorry.
It's important not to confuse suffering and enjoyment.
Sometimes people get used to suffering so much that they start to believe that's enjoyment.
So buy yourself a 3DS then. I myself do not enjoy playing GBA games on my 3DS. It depends on your preferences.Thanks for your kindness but as I told before we can buy a 3ds xl in that price & we can add luma hack on it & we can use many different emualors luma menu homebrew like nes'snes'gb'gbc'gba'neogeo'ds &its own games 3ds. So which one is better everdrive or 3ds xl?
Whats the difference? between everdrive & ez-iv both of them do the same job ez-flash load games in 15sec & everdrive takes 5sec whats the difference? Accept the price 99$ for everydrive & 29$ for ez-iv. If everdrive was like in 25$ or 30$. I would surely by it. My point of getting 3ds xl involved is because I said everdrive is way expensive then it looks. We can buy 3ds xl in that range & I love to emulators on luma. if you have a problem that's your arrogance but I love the work people done on homebrew!!!So buy yourself a 3DS then. I myself do not enjoy playing GBA games on my 3DS. It depends on your preferences.
And depending on what you want, both options can be better then the other one. Just because you prefer the 3DS option doesn't make it better for anyone else.
That said, I have enough flash card options at home already I am not going to get the EDGBA X5 myself.
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Again, the everdrive has premium features that the EZflash IV does not have. Premium features cost premium money. If someone decides that the premium features are worth that much - which a lot of people do - then there's a market for the EDGBA.Whats the difference? between everdrive & ez-iv both of them do the same job ez-flash load games in 15sec & everdrive takes 5sec whats the difference? Accept the price 99$ for everydrive & 29$ for ez-iv. If everdrive was like in 25$ or 30$. I would surely by it. My point of getting 3ds xl involved is because I said everdrive is way expensive then it looks. We can buy 3ds xl in that range & I love to emulators on luma. if you have a problem that's your arrogance but I love the work people done on homebrew!!!
(Sorry for bad English)
Ok!!Again, the everdrive has premium features that the EZflash IV does not have. Premium features cost premium money. If someone decides that the premium features are worth that much - which a lot of people do - then there's a market for the EDGBA.
You and I are not that market, but you are ignoring the fact that there are people out there that are neither you or I by generalizing the EDGBA as pointless.
You're free to express that you don't like it and you have better options that you don't like. But don't try to tell people what they should find pointless or not and respect that someone else is going to say "The EDGBA is worth its money"
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