Hacking Booting into demo mode on the vita triggers a system update?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
So i installed the demo mode vpk and after rebooting it shows installing system update. idk why it does though.
IDU mode auto-updates to the latest firmware upon startup (unless you block updates with a proxy).
Please tell me you cancelled the update!
If not; being that the only publicly known ways of going back to normal/cex mode involves either henkaku (patched on the latest firmware) or somehow obtaining a 'cex to idu' cartridge' (good luck with that), I'd say your stuck in idu mode for the foreseeable future.
Also how do i re-enable system bubbles? They are completely gone.
Hold UP+L+R+START for ~5 seconds.
Also "If the IDU unit is turned on by plugging it into a power source, one can exit "demo" mode and unplug the unit, and it will not power down after 5 minutes"
Here's some useful resources if you're interested:
No offense intended, but if you don't know much aboout IDU mode, why did you switch to it?
I hope this prevents other people from locking their vita into IDU mode, or at least helps them out if they already have.
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Deleted User

What exactly is the use of demo mode?
Assuming you take precautions (kill the wifi) is it safe to use?Any fun features?
Demo mode is what you see on kiosk vitas (displayed in stores). They have the ability to use the official Package Installer, as well as additional IDU settings in the settings menu.

Deleted User

I'm sold, but what are the debug settings?
Is it safe to use on a PSTV?


And yes, I believe IDU mode is successfully working on PSTVs.
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Deleted User

I can't see the package installer or system settings though. Do I need to do some app.db trickery?
You won't find PKG Installer at first sight, no. You're right about needing to do some trickery, and all you need to do is create a new record in tbl_appinfo_icon and produce a new row of info for PKG installer. (If you're unsure of the title ID, it's NPXS10031)

metroid maniac

An idiot with an opinion
May 16, 2009
You won't find PKG Installer at first sight, no. You're right about needing to do some trickery, and all you need to do is create a new record in tbl_appinfo_icon and produce a new row of info for PKG installer.

I'd be happy to do that if I were able to get into HENkaku.
I think I've fucked myself over. The web browser bubble and system setting bubbles aren't on my home screen. I can't select the install button from MolecularShell since it autoboots the title and automatically peels away the livearea section on pressing home. And I can't go into system settings to reenable internet after I disabled it.

EDIT: No email app either, so I can't access the offline installer.
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Deleted User

This is very dangerous?
Only if you don't know what you're doing, or have no clue about IDUs in the first place. (There is a disclaimer within xyzz's installation app for a reason!)
If you leave wifi on without blocking online paths to update files, then you are making yourself prone to automatic updates without you even agreeing to licenses or being told that an update file is being downloaded in the first place.

tl;dr, use at your own risk, I guess...

I'd be happy to do that if I were able to get into HENkaku.
I think I've fucked myself over. The web browser bubble and system setting bubbles aren't on my home screen. I can't select the install button from MolecularShell since it autoboots the title and automatically peels away the livearea section on pressing home. And I can't go into system settings to reenable internet after I disabled it.
You're on Demo Mode now, right?

Press and hold down the L + R + Up + Start buttons for a total of 5 seconds, and your system apps should all reappear again.
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