Analyse a popular game you do not like


Outer Heaven Janitor Rank Z
Jun 30, 2012
8 Mile
United States
Okay this looks like fun.

Metal Gear Solid: I'm a huge Metal Gear fan having played all of them but 4 because I don't have a PS3. People should play Metal Gear not for the story but for the experiences you will go through playing it.

Pokemon: Having played all the Pokes I can safely say that its addictive as shit. In my opinion the only reason why people hate on the games is because they find them too childish to play in public and are afraid they will get ridiculed.

Kingdom Hearts: Never played them. It's fanfic tier shit that I have no interest in playing. I do see the appeal however.

Monster Hunter: I have 3 on the Wii and spent like 100 playing it. It was mostly grinding and I loved every minute of it.

Cowaduty: It's shit.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2009
Okay this looks like fun.

Metal Gear Solid: I'm a huge Metal Gear fan having played all of them but 4 because I don't have a PS3. People should play Metal Gear not for the story but for the experiences you will go through playing it.

Pokemon: Having played all the Pokes I can safely say that its addictive as shit. In my opinion the only reason why people hate on the games is because they find them too childish to play in public and are afraid they will get ridiculed.

Kingdom Hearts: Never played them. It's fanfic tier shit that I have no interest in playing. I do see the appeal however.

Monster Hunter: I have 3 on the Wii and spent like 100 playing it. It was mostly grinding and I loved every minute of it.

Cowaduty: It's shit.

I so agree with the analysis of KH. I will never, in a million years find it find. Plus, the game side of things really pisses me off. (The fighting with cards things.)


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2011
The world that never was
Instead of saying it's not true, TELL ME WHY PLEASE. KH is the style of game I really enjoy, but the experience is so shallow right from the start that I never continue with the game, because I don't expect anything deeper.

Is the story NOT complicated?
Can you NOT complete just about every battle with simple hack-n-slashing?
Is there even a world to explore, or is it constant "stages" of limited thought-invested puzzles and tons of repetitive battles?
Does the music captivate you?
Are the characters NOT over dramatic? Do they even rarely display non-basic emotions outside of anger, happiness or sadness?
Does the voice acting NOT suck?

I really can't see a reason to like the game.

Every RPG is based around the story (and characters), the gameplay (and battling), and the world (and exploration), and every video game is based around visual and audible appeal.
As an RPG, the story is notoriously bad post-KH1, the gameplay is repetitious pseudo-platform hack-n-slash battling, and the world is quite literally as interesting as a Disney world( which is fine for children, if that was the target audience) and there isn't a big world with towns and people to explore (to my understanding. I have never gotten deep into a KH game). It's all stages.
As a video game, the graphics are typical of a JRPG, not gorgeous, and nothing special (but of course it hasn't met current generation consoles yet), and the music is alright. I'm a fan of the J-Pop themes, but everything else is just generic JRPG music.

There. I broke it down to a SCIENCE (and no, science doesn't exclusively mean biology, chemistry, physics, etc. I'm talking about deeper understanding). I don't want to dictate my LIMITED EXPERIENCE with the games as facts, so please tell me if I'm wrong.

Out of precaution; this is not a personal attack on your ego. Don't project your emotions at me because you disagree.
The story is complicated, yes, but that's the beauty of it for us fans of the series, we continue to analyse the story bit by bit with each other, try to uncover its secrets and we go crazy predicting what will happen next, it's all about having fun. The world is not huge I admit that, but it's constantly getting bigger by the games. Yes, several music pieces do that and they're very memorable, at least to me, some are happy-go-round, sad violin and others epic themes. The voice for some characters, sure, but most of the characters have good voice-acting, a lot other JRPGs have worse, really.

The story, in my opinion, is not "notoriously bad" as you say after KH I, sure they extended the story, but they added other characters that are supremely memorable and each with a distinct personality. Organization XIII? Master Xehanort? All those are awesome characters that added to the first story and given back-story to several unexplained things in KH I. And as for the gameplay, the hack and slash is a lot, I admit, but you can't go around hacking and slashing your way to the end of the game, some requires actual timing, memorizing the move patterns of the enemy and using defensive methods, it's not all just mindless slashing, just try Xemnas' boss fight in KH3D, for example. And how fast-paced it is makes the game actually fun, at least for me. And Nomura (the creator of KH) specifically that this game is NOT for children as a lot of people were saying that.
But in the end, neither am I nor you are wrong, it's just a matter of opinion, really.


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
Pokemon: Having played all the Pokes I can safely say that its addictive as shit. In my opinion the only reason why people hate on the games is because they find them too childish to play in public and are afraid they will get ridiculed.
Why people might hate pokémon:

- Slow gameplay
- You spend 90% of the game pressing A
- The story of the game has been more or less the same for years
- The game hasn't changed much, the difference between games is not big
- Too much titles and remakes released
- Pokémon fans tend to be annoying, generally hyped for the next releases and heavily overstating the game's qualities without accepting that it also has flaws
- Last but not least, it's the pokémon fans fault that the series is stagnated, since you'll buy whatever shit that has the pokémon name instead of demanding quality and, thus, leading to developers not wanting to innovate but instead always do more of the same with the next pokémon games

There! I said it! :lol:


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
I have played every single game, just ATTEMPTING to get into it, but I just can't.
I understand the concept and its uniqueness of being based in the US and all that, but it just plays like any other RPG. There really isn't a LOT that sets it apart from your average RPG.
I can understand how it must have been unique for its time, but trying to get into it nowadays just isn't easy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
I have played every single game, just ATTEMPTING to get into it, but I just can't.
I understand the concept and its uniqueness of being based in the US and all that, but it just plays like any other RPG. There really isn't a LOT that sets it apart from your average RPG.
I can understand how it must have been unique for its time, but trying to get into it nowadays just isn't easy.
Earthbound certainly has style but it's hard to get into. Hell, I've tried beating Mother 1 in the NES version and later in the GBA version but the battle system is very annoying. I also tried beating Mother 2 (Earthbound) but it would get to the point where the game became so difficult, maybe it was the anti-piracy protection working.
Unfortunately, classic RPGs tend to have the issue that they priorizes the time a player spend in the game rather than the player's skills.
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GBAtemp's Umbran Witch in [T]raining
Feb 13, 2012
Central NC
United States
I also tried beating Mother 2 (Earthbound) but it would get to the point where the game became so difficult, maybe it was the anti-piracy protection working.
I remember reading somewhere that Earthbound/Mother2 does have a form of anti-piracy measures that make the game get ridiculously harder at certain points. But modern SNES emulators are so much more accurate than back in the day, that that shouldn't be happening to you, if I'm not mistaken...


May 14, 2013
Location? Screw that.
I so agree with the analysis of KH. I will never, in a million years find it find. Plus, the game side of things really pisses me off. (The fighting with cards things.)

Ironically the game with the "card system" namely KH: Chain of memories for the GBA was my introduction to the series. Been a fan of the games ever since, the story is amazing, gameplay, etc.
Every game posted on this thread is awesome in its own sense.

Oh except Call of Duty. Bad in every sense.


GBAtemp's Umbran Witch in [T]raining
Feb 13, 2012
Central NC
United States
Oh except Call of Duty. Bad in every sense.
Why does everyone get this BS hypocritical idea that it's bad to judge any game as terrible, except for Call of Duty?

I mean, I don't care for Call of Duty either, and I especially don't care for the yearly releases (I have qualms about Assassin's Creed for the same reason). But having played very little, I'm not going to write it off as a terrible series just because hating CoD is the "in" thing for people on the internet to do.

Not attacking you in particular, I'm just saying.


May 14, 2013
United States
JRPGs tend to have the issue that they prioritize the time a player spends in the game rather than the player's skills.
I had a friend who had a big brother with a racist friend (bear with me), and he despised me. I was 12, and I was over at my friends house, playing guitar while his older brother and friend, who were 20, were playing FFX (they we're THE epitome of stereotypical video gamers. Pizza-faced slobs living in their mother's basement). His brother's friend said "Man, you suck at guitar." (he played guitar himself, but was less than average). So I played the solo to All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix perfectly, which I just learned an hour prior, and he went on hating, saying I sped up by "half a beat" and a plethora of other remarks. Then the brother cast some sort of summon, and the guy was like "Now THAT'S skill."

And I've hated turn-based JRPGs ever since.

And that's my story... if anyone cares.


Dec 23, 2009
... So I played the solo to All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix perfectly, which I just learned an hour prior, and he went on hating, saying I sped up by "half a beat" and a plethora of other remarks. Then the brother cast some sort of summon, and the guy was like "Now THAT'S skill."
Ouch. I feel for you, man. :(

This sort of thing is exactly the sort of mental image I get when a gamer brags about his "mad skillz". I's okay to be proud and fierce of yourself when you destroyed the evil fortress that was about to wipe out and then enslave the entire galaxy...but it's not like any of that really took place.


Blade v3+ (I R SHMEXY)
Apr 24, 2009
In Vulpes' Fur
Ironically the game with the "card system" namely KH: Chain of memories for the GBA was my introduction to the series. Been a fan of the games ever since, the story is amazing, gameplay, etc.
Every game posted on this thread is awesome in its own sense.

Oh except Call of Duty. Bad in every sense.

Every sense? Graphically, it is absolutely not bad. The graphics are pretty damn good, and there's no disagreeing with that. If you do, you probably need to get your eyes checked. I mean, you could claim that the art style is muddy, but regardless, the way it's designed and the way that the models are developed is pretty damn impressive. Black Ops 2's story wasn't half bad either (not amazing, but I've seen worse.) Voice acting is decent. Multiplayer is really fun in certain games. So why in the world would you suppose that it's "bad in every sense?" I mean, it's not GOTY material, sure, but I don't think that anyone unbiased would regard any game as popular as that as "bad in every sense." Everyone's free to dislike it, but there's merit in virtually every popular game. There must be a reason why people like it, no?

Here are mine:
1. Monster Hunter Series - I could never get into how non-existent the lore or the story was or how slow and mind numbing combat was and I how long it took to grind. I mean, I thought graphics were good and the customization options were pretty decent, but it was virtually impossible for me to really like this series. It's found it really difficult to immerse myself into a world as detached from emotion as that one. I like my games to have something further from gameplay to take it into another place, which Monster Hunter did not have at all.
2. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn - Story-wise, I find it way less engaging than the previous two. The conversations seemed to drag on for hours, to the point that it was almost boring, and I do not like my Golden Sun games to be boring. Character development was weak. Combat and exploration were lackluster.
3. Animal Crossing (DS and Gamecube for now) - I just found it all phenomenally pointless and boring. Basically nothing happens. It's interesting sometimes, but I greatly prefer the tight bustle and the work and the character development of the Harvest Moon series. I recall playing this game because I couldn't sleep and I figured I would fall asleep while playing it. I was right.
4. Duck Hunt - Please just stop talking about this game as if it was some sort of retro god classic. To me, it really, really, really isn't. At all.
5. Call of Duty Series - Yeah, I still don't like it. Graphics are nice, multiplayer is great, but the game feels rehashed from the previous. It gets boring after a few of them.
6. Wii Play - Horrendous gameplay mechanics and irritating exploitation of pretty much the parts of the Wii that I like the least.
7. Super Mario RPG Series - I know that the mechanics and the story are meant to be more oriented to a younger market, but goddammit, after too many serious RPG's, I just could not wrap my head around the mechanics and the story. It's nice and upbeat, but personally, I dislike the series.

As for the remainder of the ones listed, which I actually like:
1. Metal Gear Solid - Phenomenal cinematics and amazing atmosphere.
2. Pokemon - While I wish they'd deviate for once, I find that the Pokemon games improve in mechanics with each installment. Besides, Pokemon is still one of my favorite games ever. I can't hate it. I don't hate the new Pokemon nearly as much as everyone else does.
3. Kingdom Hearts - Same reasoning as Pokemon, in the sense that I love it too much to hate it. That doesn't make sense, but yeah. I played it when I was around 6-8 and it was one of my favorite games for the PS2 at the time, and also the first console RPG I'd ever finished. It was incredible. I loved the fast-paced battle mechanics, the characters, and most especially, how strangely fascinating the way they implemented the Disney universe in. As a Disney kid, I won't deny that my view on the franchise is biased. But what I will say is that I still consider it's story one of the most involving I've ever played, so as long as you either love Disney or you just happen to get sucked in. It's convoluted, but as a fan, I like that it encourages speculation.

And a few that were also mentioned, which I will defend:
1. League of Legends - It hooks you in, and it's hella fun to play with friends. I got introduced to it by friends, and as someone who never particularly got into DoTa (though I wouldn't say I disliked it) it's a fantastic introduction to the genre thanks to the lower learning curve and the much more polished gameplay mechanics than DoTa.
2. GTA - I really like the series. I like the grittiness, I like the violence, I like the driving, and I like the way they manage to almost perfectly encapsulate wherever it is each game takes place. The environments are perfect. The story is sort of a grounds in which to show it off.


May 14, 2013
Location? Screw that.
Every sense? Graphically, it is absolutely not bad. The graphics are pretty damn good, and there's no disagreeing with that. If you do, you probably need to get your eyes checked. I mean, you could claim that the art style is muddy, but regardless, the way it's designed and the way that the models are developed is pretty damn impressive. Black Ops 2's story wasn't half bad either (not amazing, but I've seen worse.) Voice acting is decent. Multiplayer is really fun in certain games. So why in the world would you suppose that it's "bad in every sense?" I mean, it's not GOTY material, sure, but I don't think that anyone unbiased would regard any game as popular as that as "bad in every sense." Everyone's free to dislike it, but there's merit in virtually every popular game. There must be a reason why people like it, no?

Here are mine:
1. Monster Hunter Series - I could never get into how non-existent the lore or the story was or how slow and mind numbing combat was and I how long it took to grind. I mean, I thought graphics were good and the customization options were pretty decent, but it was virtually impossible for me to really like this series. It's found it really difficult to immerse myself into a world as detached from emotion as that one. I like my games to have something further from gameplay to take it into another place, which Monster Hunter did not have at all.
2. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn - Story-wise, I find it way less engaging than the previous two. The conversations seemed to drag on for hours, to the point that it was almost boring, and I do not like my Golden Sun games to be boring. Character development was weak. Combat and exploration were lackluster.
3. Animal Crossing (DS and Gamecube for now) - I just found it all phenomenally pointless and boring. Basically nothing happens. It's interesting sometimes, but I greatly prefer the tight bustle and the work and the character development of the Harvest Moon series. I recall playing this game because I couldn't sleep and I figured I would fall asleep while playing it. I was right.
4. Duck Hunt - Please just stop talking about this game as if it was some sort of retro god classic. To me, it really, really, really isn't. At all.
5. Call of Duty Series - Yeah, I still don't like it. Graphics are nice, multiplayer is great, but the game feels rehashed from the previous. It gets boring after a few of them.
6. Wii Play - Horrendous gameplay mechanics and irritating exploitation of pretty much the parts of the Wii that I like the least.
7. Super Mario RPG Series - I know that the mechanics and the story are meant to be more oriented to a younger market, but goddammit, after too many serious RPG's, I just could not wrap my head around the mechanics and the story. It's nice and upbeat, but personally, I dislike the series.

As for the remainder of the ones listed, which I actually like:
1. Metal Gear Solid - Phenomenal cinematics and amazing atmosphere.
2. Pokemon - While I wish they'd deviate for once, I find that the Pokemon games improve in mechanics with each installment. Besides, Pokemon is still one of my favorite games ever. I can't hate it. I don't hate the new Pokemon nearly as much as everyone else does.
3. Kingdom Hearts - Same reasoning as Pokemon, in the sense that I love it too much to hate it. That doesn't make sense, but yeah. I played it when I was around 6-8 and it was one of my favorite games for the PS2 at the time, and also the first console RPG I'd ever finished. It was incredible. I loved the fast-paced battle mechanics, the characters, and most especially, how strangely fascinating the way they implemented the Disney universe in. As a Disney kid, I won't deny that my view on the franchise is biased. But what I will say is that I still consider it's story one of the most involving I've ever played, so as long as you either love Disney or you just happen to get sucked in. It's convoluted, but as a fan, I like that it encourages speculation.

And a few that were also mentioned, which I will defend:
1. League of Legends - It hooks you in, and it's hella fun to play with friends. I got introduced to it by friends, and as someone who never particularly got into DoTa (though I wouldn't say I disliked it) it's a fantastic introduction to the genre thanks to the lower learning curve and the much more polished gameplay mechanics than DoTa.
2. GTA - I really like the series. I like the grittiness, I like the violence, I like the driving, and I like the way they manage to almost perfectly encapsulate wherever it is each game takes place. The environments are perfect. The story is sort of a grounds in which to show it off.

I get your point on Call of Duty, i really do, but the repetitiveness on the game is what makes it so...unoriginal? Anyways like you said everyone has its own opinion so i wont argue.
I have to agree with you on Mario RPG series and League of Legends, they are freakin awesome :yay:.


Madre de Dios! Es El POLLO DIABLO!!!
Feb 9, 2010
United States
Metroid Prime
It's like that popular kid in school that everyone likes, but you secretly hate.

My main gripe is how the game tells the "story" (if there is one). Your goal is unclear... even in Metroid II (a gameboy game) you know exactly what you have to do, and why you are doing it (destroy all the Metroids). In Prime... all I know is that I have to investigate Tallon IV... dunno why :glare:.
The narrative relies on scanning stuff, making you unveiling the "story" little by little, but most of the things you scan are uninteresting and irrelevant. The game puts 0 effort in making you care about what it has to say... scanning turns really tedious after a while. Actually... I prefer to sit back and watch a flashy and bad FMV (Other M), than stopping my exploration every 10 seconds to scan something. I know it's optional... but I kinda like to know why I'm doing what I'm doing.

Gameplay wise... it's a common problem that I have with most first person games, I feel like I'm floating. Usually that's not a issue with FPS, but in a game that has quite a few platforming sections, it feels really odd to me. I never felt comfortable controlling Samus, and in a game this long... that's a huge problem.

I have other complaints with this one... but this is getting long.

Overall... I find myself stopping after 30-40 minutes of playing because of boringness. I try again the next day, and the same happens. I'm forcing myself to play this game, hoping it gets fun, but it never does.

Hey Prime, I'm trying to like you... but I guess you don't like me.

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