Can I revert the firmware to 5.05 or can I still install games and homebrew on it? I'd prefer to get it back to 5.05 which I think was the best version for hacking (please correct me if not)
Sorry there is no downgrade.Can I revert the firmware to 5.05 or can I still install games and homebrew on it? I'd prefer to get it back to 5.05 which I think was the best version for hacking (please correct me if not)
Actually... I answered and then searched. Maybe there is a 8 reversion?I ask because in the aio exploit guide it said
Don't really know what this meansreverting is possible, but you must've made preparations on that firmware such as backing up the sflash0. it also requires at least two, possibly three, chips.
Don't really know what this means
There isn't 8 exploit yet, but buying a low firmware is good for the future exploits whenever they come.It'd be my first time doing this kinda thing on a ps4 and the one I'm planning to buy is on 8.52
Hopefully some day!Damn it's really hard to find one on the right version, wish someone would've figured out a method