Hacking 3.2E with Cios Rev10 is this possible to play all games?


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2008
Hey guys,

I haven't been on this site for a while and I haven't checked whether I need to update my system as of yet. I am running 3.2 with starfall enabled with rev10 running USB Loader GX. I have not had any issues with any of the games I have been running with the help of 002 fix/anti and alternative dol loading. I have just recently attempted to play Guitar Hero 5 and in the wiki it says that you need to run 223, 37 merged 36 or 222 38 merge 37. I have not installed these IOS I do not believe which is why when changing the settings in GX to use 223 it did not work.

SO I did some reading about these and they are mentioned in the update threads about going to 4.1 - 4.2 and restoring trucha bugs and DOP-IOS etc to upgrade. I am not really keen on stuffing around with my perfectly good working system if I can help it.

Is updating needed to play Guitar Hero 5 or any other new games to be released?
Can I just install the 222/223 IOS and play through USBloaderGX?

If it is not possible can i just use the firmware updaters from wani 4.0-4.1?
I have read in one of the guides that it can cause a brick with IOS60 if this is not installed.

Do I need to remove all of the starfall changes before updating? Will this cause brick if I don't?

I am going to have some time on the weekend to muck around with this stuff. If I can keep 3.2E and just get a list of all of the stuff that is required to play most games then that would be good.



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