New trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom shows off gameplay elements

A new trailer for Nintendo's latest entry in the Zelda series gives us another look at this specific version of Hyrule. More details regarding the game's echo system are shown, along with some of the dungeons and bosses you can expect to see. There are 2D segments as well, similar to The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. According to the trailer, you can transform into a mode that lets you use a sword to attack enemies. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom will be out on September 26, for the Nintendo Switch.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2018
I liked it but I wish I didn't see it
There's just too much spoil man, why are they doing that
Guess that's a lesson, won't watch Nintendo trailers for games that I want to discover by myself because you just can't trust them to just sell you the thing without showing too much
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I could’ve sworn PH starts with Zelda getting taken lol
I guess you wanted to say Spirit Tracks ? Because Zelda isn't in Phantom Hourglass, and yes she basically got her body taken away and you play both at the same time
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Jan 7, 2015
Middleish South-Left
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I guess you wanted to say Spirit Tracks ? Because Zelda isn't in Phantom Hourglass, and yes she basically got her body taken away and you play both at the same time
??? She's in the intro, the aim of the game is to rescue her. Just went back to find the cutscene and she does get taken by the Ghost Ship right at the start.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
United States
I hated both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.

Those touch screen controls were nothing but hot garbage.

Input for a game should never be centered around a resistive touchscreen.
Last edited by Paralel,


Aug 30, 2024
United States

A new trailer for Nintendo's latest entry in the Zelda series gives us another look at this specific version of Hyrule. More details regarding the game's echo system are shown, along with some of the dungeons and bosses you can expect to see. There are 2D segments as well, similar to The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. According to the trailer, you can transform into a mode that lets you use a sword to attack enemies. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom will be out on September 26, for the Nintendo Switch.

Am I the only who thought about distortion world


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
Game looks cool.. but I'm not a fan of the narrated trailer. Just let gameplay footage and cinematics tell the story.
I don't need to be gamesplained!


Sep 28, 2017
United States
I am rather confused at the moment. Reading the current comments, thinking about how I feel about the current conditions of the games in their current state, and thinking about past comments I have seen and still see on occasions when Breath of the Wild hit the public. I have played almost every entry in the Zelda series of video games, and currently trying to chew through Breath of the Wild. I've read numerous comments about how the old formula is now boring, and that anyone who doesn't want a change is just "jaded" and "stuck in the past." Yet when I think about my experiences playing these older games, I didn't look at them like a formula or a statistic, I looked at them in their own respective rights down to game play, lore, themes, etc.. When the first Breath of the Wild trailer came to be publicly, I was conflicted, and remained like so for a while even after watching other trailers and general game play from other people, at some point about three years later, I ended up with a copy in my hands and gave it a shot anyways, despite how I felt, I figured maybe I should give it a shot anyways, and so I did. As of current, I have yet to beat it, I want to, and I will, but it's a bit difficult getting back to it. The point(s) I am trying to make....

- Breath of the Wild drastically changed a lot about what made the Zelda games what they were before, some ways maybe good, but many others, way too far and too sudden away from home. There is a rather large divide between new and old players, even cases of some older players going up against other older players over the matter as well. It's very clear that some people liked the new approach to the series, and some others didn't like it too much.

- Seeing the state of Echoes of Wisdom personally, it's much more apparent that it's closer to home than Breath of the Wild, but it's different in its own right much like many of the older entries were. I wouldn't think there would be too much of a reason for most to complain about really anything, unless the game was poor quality or something of course (but then again, Pokemon Sword and Shield were literal slop and somehow those sold well despite issues they still suffer with even today, good job consumers, way to stick it to them lol).

What I don't understand is why there are really any complaints about this game at this moment. Breath of the Wild being drastically different, I could see why some people wouldn't like it too much and a complaint could be warranted, but the fact that something closer to home is coming out, yet there's a rather large pool of people complaining about this entry, dare I say in worse manners than even Breath of the Wild in some cases... Which the fuck is it, you like the older formula and want to stay closer to home, or you don't? I can't understand half of what I read anymore, because some of the people complaining are also people who don't like Breath of the Wild either, and the rest I just don't know, newbies to the series maybe? Is it because it isn't Link swinging a sword in this entry? Echoes of Wisdom seems to put more emphasis on the puzzles than previous entries, I don't understand how that's a bad thing though, it's good to challenge yourself, it helps keep your mind sharp, are people scared of challenging themselves or something? There just seems to be some really excessive amount of what really appears like genuine hate for Echoes of Wisdom, which seems rather weird when not even Breath of the Wild really gets that kind of treatment, at most some just don't like it for its drastic differences, and that's about it, but that makes sense. This game however.... What the hell?

I just get the idea that a lot of people just find reasons to bitch at this point just to bitch and be lame downers, like nothing will ever be good enough or make anyone happy. Personally, I hope this game is good and succeeds, it looks pretty decent in my opinion so far based on the trailers, I don't mind challenging myself, if I am open to play Breath of the Wild despite the conflicting feelings I have for the game, then it's clear I am open for this entry too. Sorry if this doesn't seem very fluent of a post, it's hard to describe the confusion fluently in this case.

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