Star Trek Megathread

Which Star Trek series is/are the best?

  • Star Trek: Discovery (DIS)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Star Trek: Picard (PIC)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks (LD)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Feb 12, 2009
United States
TNG is my first and favorite Star Trek and perhaps still my favorite show of all time. My favorite character would probably be Data. I still rewatch episodes frequently just because it's on.

I like them all pretty well through Enterprise, but didn't appreciate Enterprise when it was first airing and think I originally stopped watching during the second season. Only later through reruns did I begin to feel like it wasn't really that bad. DS9 has some really good episodes, but mostly shined in the middle of the series for me. Slow start and by the end I just wanted it to be over already. Voyager is probably the funnest show, but I hate most of the characters, especially Neelix. There were a lot of great scenarios even if a lot of it was seriously over the top and shark jumping even for Trek. TOS of course stands on its own merits.

The newer movies are decent, but I'm mostly kind of indifferent toward them and I haven't and probably won't watch more Discovery after season 2. I have never seen Picard, but don't like the sound of it and have never seen Lower Decks either if that even counts for anything. Still hoping there's a chance Star Trek can truly be redeemed to the greatness of the 90s someday.


THEE GAY WARLORD™ - Defender of GAY Rights
Jan 25, 2021
On the Patio NaKeD w/COFFEE
United States
Discovery makes no sense: they power the ship with shrooms and everything they eat is made from shit. Why?

[snorts a line of coke] I have no idea.

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TNG is my first and favorite Star Trek and perhaps still my favorite show of all time. My favorite character would probably be Data. I still rewatch episodes frequently just because it's on.

I like them all pretty well through Enterprise, but didn't appreciate Enterprise when it was first airing and think I originally stopped watching during the second season. Only later through reruns did I begin to feel like it wasn't really that bad. DS9 has some really good episodes, but mostly shined in the middle of the series for me. Slow start and by the end I just wanted it to be over already. Voyager is probably the funnest show, but I hate most of the characters, especially Neelix. There were a lot of great scenarios even if a lot of it was seriously over the top and shark jumping even for Trek. TOS of course stands on its own merits.

The newer movies are decent, but I'm mostly kind of indifferent toward them and I haven't and probably won't watch more Discovery after season 2. I have never seen Picard, but don't like the sound of it and have never seen Lower Decks either if that even counts for anything. Still hoping there's a chance Star Trek can truly be redeemed to the greatness of the 90s someday.

Oohh Nelix. yea, that dude gets me laughing.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Discovery makes no sense: they power the ship with shrooms and everything they eat is made from shit. Why?
They don't power the ship with mushrooms. It's powered with a deuterium/anti-deuterium reaction like all of the Starfleet ships in the 23rd century. The mushrooms come into play when they want to use the spore drive, and it's just for riding the mycelial network that exists in another spatial dimension, similar to the real-life mycelial network that exists hidden underground here on Earth.

The spore drive allows them to transport anywhere in the galaxy instantaneously.
As for what they eat "being made of shit," that's how the food replicators have always worked. Put waste matter in, which is converted to energy. Take matter out, which is converted from energy.

TNG is my first and favorite Star Trek and perhaps still my favorite show of all time. My favorite character would probably be Data. I still rewatch episodes frequently just because it's on.

I like them all pretty well through Enterprise, but didn't appreciate Enterprise when it was first airing and think I originally stopped watching during the second season. Only later through reruns did I begin to feel like it wasn't really that bad. DS9 has some really good episodes, but mostly shined in the middle of the series for me. Slow start and by the end I just wanted it to be over already. Voyager is probably the funnest show, but I hate most of the characters, especially Neelix. There were a lot of great scenarios even if a lot of it was seriously over the top and shark jumping even for Trek. TOS of course stands on its own merits.

The newer movies are decent, but I'm mostly kind of indifferent toward them and I haven't and probably won't watch more Discovery after season 2. I have never seen Picard, but don't like the sound of it and have never seen Lower Decks either if that even counts for anything. Still hoping there's a chance Star Trek can truly be redeemed to the greatness of the 90s someday.
Discovery Season 3 is, in my opinion, the best season of Discovery. If you watched the end of Season 2, then you know what's in store in Season 3.

Based on your post, I think there's a good chance you will like Picard.

Data and the Soong-type androids are what the main story is about.

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For those who missed it, trailers for Prodigy Season 1 and Lower Decks Season 2 have dropped.


XP not matters.
Nov 8, 2018
Without STAR TREK with Kirk and Company there would be no other Series.
So clearly the first and original Series.

Second is STAR TREK Next Generation with the same Spirit and great Crewmembers.I love(d) it like the First Series.

Third is Enterprise,unfortunately a very underrated,great STAR TREK Series,where Paramount made near the same Mistake(s) like NBC Years before...also with a great Crew.

Deep Space Nine is/was different.For me,one of the Best Series of the STAR TREK Universe.Not really compareable with STAR TREK/TNG/Enterprise.

Voyager.....never really my Series,I have watched it 1 Time complete,but....yes,not more.

Animated Series - Very funny and entertaining in German (it was first aired/synchronized like a "Children Cartoon Series" in Germany/Austria)....Thank God they made a new German Synchronisation for the DVD it is really better.

Discovery - No Comment...

Lower Decks - Never seen....

Picard...It started very good.......I will wait for more Episodes/Seasons......but honestly I am not really a great Fan of it for the Moment.But maybe....


Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
I said I was the biggest Trekkie here, and I meant it.

Factually untrue.

I'm named after Captain Kirk after Grandma veto'ed naming me "Trelane" from the squire of Gothos.

I'm the proud Captain of 8 children all named appropriately. McCoy, Montgomery, Xana, Gates, Leonard, Nimoy, Dorn & Patrick.

9 is due in September, if it's a boy were naming him Shatner, if it's a girl were going with Seven.

The best current Trek series is undisputed. It is The Orville until CBS does the appropriate thing and delivers on an anthology series with stand alone episodes mixing returning characters and original. The Picard series could of been wrapped up in a two-part Season finale and we wouldn't have to continue waiting on new content from Worf.
Last edited by jimbo13,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Far better sci fi is available but I saw a fair few on a more piecemeal basis. TNG followed by Voyager mostly (which I did do week by week for most of it) but some DS9 as well. Some originals and a smattering of films of all of them.
Various arcs and episodes of all these then becoming highly highly suggested viewing, both in general and as a reasonable introduction to sci fi concepts. Might even have several fan films in that list.

The modern stuff starting with Enterprise was not for me. I tried Picard... butchers with no understanding of most of the lore, mindset and more if I am going to describe the writing team there (even if I wanted a failed empire for the federation, and bought the supernova thing being handled that badly by an otherwise highly proficient spacefaring civilisation, and most sci fi I like is more in the crapsack future/definitely not a utopia mould). Discovery, whoo charmless adventures of a Mary Sue, if claims that series 3 is better (and it took a while for others to find their groove) then it is going to have to blow the series 1-not that* shift of TNG out of the water.
Lower decks, I was warned off this by people I generally agree with on films and TV and whatnot where "Stargate Infinity has competition in worst animated spinoff stakes". There has been some morbid curiosity but at the same time the general lack of discussion from anywhere I figure tells me what I need to know -- while CBS probably are there with Fox for not understanding meme/fan culture the various funny image streams that still reference and clip TNG and the others with new stuff all these years on, and talk about the state of the civilisation, timelines, interesting stories and whatnot.
Would happily consider the Orville as one of those spiritual sequels but it also kind of did its own thing which was nice.
I will ask a question though. Do you think the modern stuff (be it Enterprise, lens flare films or going to this latest revival) will be something that creates something like the enduring fanbase among the youth similar to what the big four enjoy? Or if you prefer before this last round of films (though they might not change much) it was starting to be seen in conferences that younger people had never seen Star Wars (despite being old enough to have watched TNG first airing I only really saw them on TV, can tell you a lot about the games though, prequels I also mostly caught on DVD when bored/morbidly curious at my grandparents who have a massive DVD collection and awful internet, never bothered with the Disney efforts beyond series 1 of mandalorian and was middling at best on that). Am I similarly to expect to be at a panel (or just watching one because conferences are icky and hard to navigate) and have the ever seen star trek question popped in a few years to find few have?

*I did fairly recently go back and watch a bunch of series 1 having mostly seen later stuff originally. Definitely notable shift there after it found its groove.

Re: Them not using technology they discovered. Personally I would say if you can handwave away them clearly having seriously advanced future tech with extrapolations of what we have today then you probably have to go with that; on ageing and cures for it alone then

As far as best. For my money I reckon Voyager consistently asked more interesting questions, though TNG's high points eclipse most of those. DS9 was OK as a trading hub/diplomatic on frontier type thing but otherwise did not a lot for me.
Original, can see why some enjoy it a lot but no particularly special place to me other than I do like


Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
Far better sci fi is available but I saw a fair few on a more piecemeal basis. TNG followed by Voyager mostly (which I did do week by week for most of it) but some DS9 as well. Some originals and a smattering of films of all of them.

Enterprise is under appreciated. They screwed the pooch on the finale and the garbage with Malcom but the character arch with Shran (who was also on DS9 and the voice of ratchet on Transformers Prime) is gold.

If it's on streaming with nothing else to watch skip through to the Shran episodes.


Picard was not good, but I can't dislike seeing Patrick Stewart back on screen as Picard, hopefully Season 2 stops with "Dottering, failed old man shit".

I turned Discovery off when they started torturing the overly effeminate gay dude to engage the "Mushroom warp drive".

I wish I was making that up, they Electrocute Mr. Slave from south park to teleport using a new type of warp drive powered by magic mushrooms or some shit. I was like okay.. I am out.

I was looking forward to a more of ensemble starfleet story with Discovery, they failed.

Even if Discovery went Mary Sue I was fine with that, Janeway was badass.

Old Janeway vs Younger Janeway dragging Voyager home whether they wanted to go or not was probably the best finale of any trek series.
Last edited by jimbo13,
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Season 2 of Star Trek: Lower Decks premiered yesterday. The episode wasn't as laugh-out-loud funny as the beginning of the first season was, but it was still a good watch. I'm optimistic the rest of the season will make me laugh. The intro theme still makes me chuckle whenever I watch it.

The Gary Mitchell references were funny at first, but they got old really quick.

@godreborn Did you ever watch it? I know you downloaded it were going to watch it completely legitimately.


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
Season 2 of Star Trek: Lower Decks premiered yesterday. The episode wasn't as laugh-out-loud funny as the beginning of the first season was, but it was still a good watch. I'm optimistic the rest of the season will make me laugh. The intro theme still makes me chuckle whenever I watch it.

The Gary Mitchell references were funny at first, but they got old really quick.

@godreborn Did you ever watch it? I know you downloaded it were going to watch it completely legitimately.

I haven't even watched season 1, but the first episode of season 2 downloaded to my pc automatically thanks to sonarr and nzbget.


THEE GAY WARLORD™ - Defender of GAY Rights
Jan 25, 2021
On the Patio NaKeD w/COFFEE
United States
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THEE GAY WARLORD™ - Defender of GAY Rights
Jan 25, 2021
On the Patio NaKeD w/COFFEE
United States
:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: You Made Me Spit My Soda Out On My Laptop when I read it. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: @godreborn

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I gotta clean it off my laptop. later guys
Last edited by AncientBoi,
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