Yes, that's right, your hair is dead.
And if you don't provide nourishment to it, it will start hungering brains, like many dead things do, especially at this time of year.
If you don't provide enough nourishment for your hair from the shampoo, then, while you are sleeping, your malnourished hair will slowly creep into your ears, nose, and mouth, and seek out your juicy brain.... Or maybe it will seek out the brain of the person you are sleeping next to....
So if you wake up and your hair looks all messed up, it's not bedhead -- it's because your hair has been wiggling around all night, crawling into your face holes, slurping down brain juice. That's why you feel so foggy-headed when you first wake up too. And if you ever wake up with hair in your mouth, that's a sure sign your hair has been entering your mouth while you sleep to try and get to your brain....
The only sure prevention is to cut your hair very short so it can't reach any orifices.
Or, for heaven's sake, don't skimp out on the nourishing shampoo!! Do you really want to take that chance??
Well, one other solution it to plug your ears, nose, and mouth while you sleep, so that hair can't get in, and be sure you don't sleep with your head next to anyone else. Well, at least not within hair-range of their head orifices. I mean, you can reverse your sleeping position and sleep with your head near their butt instead of their head, but then your hair might still attempt to seek brains, and go in the wrong orifice, and then you'll wake up with smelly hair.... So really, the best solution is to use the damn shampoo to nourish your hair!
True fact: the so-called "propylene glycol" ingredient you find in shampoo is actually brain cells.
You don't believe me? Consider this!
propylene glycol is an anagram for "lop pony grey cell" because they produce it by harvesting the brains (grey cells) of ponies after lopping off their heads!
They do this and put it into shampoo to make sure your hair stays nourished with brain juice so it doesn't go full-on undead brain-eater on you while you sleep. Go ahead and look at your bottle of shampoo, and you will see it has this ingredient! The government started doing this after the terrible unwashed hippie hair attack back in the 60s.... Before that, they used to try and combat the problem with the short "pixie" haircuts and separate beds in the 50s, but once the hippies came along with their long hair and communal sleeping, that was no longer an option, so the CIA came up with the pony brain additive for all shampoo....
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Wash your hair or face the consequences!!!!