Thoughts on 4chan?


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
That site is for kids and what can you expect? If your mentality exceeds a 10 year old's, then it isn't the place to be. Honstely though sites like 4chan and reddit cater to the immature 10 - 25 year old group of human beings. That is basically the age range it is suppose to be attracting.
Reddit does have its share of idiots and/or immature people, but it mostly depends on what subreddit you are in. At least you have a better chance of encountering mature people in r/science than, say, spacedicks.

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
Reddit does have its share of idiots and/or immature people, but it mostly depends on what subreddit you are in. At least you have a better chance of encountering mature people in r/science than, say, spacedicks.

I guess I don't have much to say because youtube has them, steam has them, xbox live has them, I'd guess psn probably does too. the internet is full of people that deliberately try to start shit with people. that's why I'm lessening going to various places and posting. it's even really easy to have shit started with you on gbatemp, seen it many of times..and those that do it act all "big man I am better than u" and they act like they don't care. it is quite sad. at least if I troll I don't try to do it to hurt people..and if people do get hurt I apologize and I stop right away because it just ain't right to do that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
United States
That site is for kids and what can you expect? If your mentality exceeds a 10 year old's, then it isn't the place to be. Honstely though sites like 4chan and reddit cater to the immature 10 - 25 year old group of human beings. That is basically the age range it is suppose to be attracting.

Unsubscribe from the default subreddits.

I've met some very smart people on 4chan. Mainly on /v/ and /mu/ (as arrogant as they may be).

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
... and come to think of it I have come across 4chan trolls on youtube that troll very young people's videos there. not too often though which is rather strange since they seem to explicitly target certain pin pointed individuals (not sure how to put that in better words right at the moment). There's a little girl on there they trolled until she cried on camera. And that isn't cool at all, not a slight bit. I remember I was on youtube once and found some 16 year old GIRL that was trolling that younger girl and she was doing some wicked dance and taunting the chick on her youtube. I put in there some stuff like, you are just a damn kid leave her alone and whatnot. She probably doesn't care. But another problem is, sometimes you go after the troll and if the troll is still a little teenaged kid, you can make THEM cry and then that doesn't look good either. So it all sucks.

Basically I would have to say rather than blaming the web sites, blame the bad parents the kids have these days. It is ridiculous. When I was a kid, I didn't see all this sort of thing happening. It goes too far online however smarter people don't really use the net as much and go on and do other things without it even happening.

And my god speaking of parenting... sheesh my cousin's son will take out a water gun and have a big grin on his face and just spray the hell out of visitors til my other cousion comes along and wallops him. Again bad parenting. I wasn't doing stuff like that as a toddler. Yeesh.. and my brother's son will SCREAM LOUD AS HELL if he needs to go to the bathroom while he is in a resturaunt. I'm like what????? how can one let that go on. Hopefully these types don't get hooked on the internet sheesh.

I have been through some stuff on various sites, including this one. it is just a huge waste of time and all that ends up happening is rifts between friends (people on gbatemp do NOT back eachother up primarily because this is suppose to just be a gaming forum so trolling/flaming is unrelated to turning on a DS/3DS/Wii and also they don't know eachother on a personal level so they aren't exactly real "friends" which has been proven over and over.. I have spoken to people who left here whom were actually staff and that is how it goes.. very sad indeed how people get treated on web sites). So on these web sites you can't expect if something bad happens that anyone will give two shits. It is quite sad because back in the day people used to be so tight knit that they'd back eachother up if some arguments happen and stuff. Never saw that happen on here and probably doesn't happen on 4chan either unless you happen to be a total dickwad troll and have a bunch of similar followers. the "nice" are considered to be the weak. As are the newbies (or newbs or n00bs). But I think it is better to help out and be friends with the nice people rather than scoffing them and bringing them into flame wars. It is just a total dick move and a waste of time.

Personally I enjoy chatting with nice people and don't want to talk to people who act an ass.


groovy dude lmao
Nov 14, 2010
A lot of arrogant dickheads and immature people. Honestly, if you want to discuss a particular subject, find a good forum for that subject. For example, GBATemp is much better than /v/.

all in all forums > whateverthefuckChanwebsitesandredditandothershit is

... and come to think of it I have come across 4chan trolls on youtube that troll very young people's videos there. not too often though which is rather strange since they seem to explicitly target certain pin pointed individuals (not sure how to put that in better words right at the moment). There's a little girl on there they trolled until she cried on camera. And that isn't cool at all, not a slight bit. I remember I was on youtube once and found some 16 year old GIRL that was trolling that younger girl and she was doing some wicked dance and taunting the chick on her youtube. I put in there some stuff like, you are just a damn kid leave her alone and whatnot. She probably doesn't care. But another problem is, sometimes you go after the troll and if the troll is still a little teenaged kid, you can make THEM cry and then that doesn't look good either. So it all sucks.

Basically I would have to say rather than blaming the web sites, blame the bad parents the kids have these days. It is ridiculous. When I was a kid, I didn't see all this sort of thing happening. It goes too far online however smarter people don't really use the net as much and go on and do other things without it even happening.

And my god speaking of parenting... sheesh my cousin's son will take out a water gun and have a big grin on his face and just spray the hell out of visitors til my other cousion comes along and wallops him. Again bad parenting. I wasn't doing stuff like that as a toddler. Yeesh.. and my brother's son will SCREAM LOUD AS HELL if he needs to go to the bathroom while he is in a resturaunt. I'm like what????? how can one let that go on. Hopefully these types don't get hooked on the internet sheesh.

I have been through some stuff on various sites, including this one. it is just a huge waste of time and all that ends up happening is rifts between friends (people on gbatemp do NOT back eachother up primarily because this is suppose to just be a gaming forum so trolling/flaming is unrelated to turning on a DS/3DS/Wii and also they don't know eachother on a personal level so they aren't exactly real "friends" which has been proven over and over.. I have spoken to people who left here whom were actually staff and that is how it goes.. very sad indeed how people get treated on web sites). So on these web sites you can't expect if something bad happens that anyone will give two shits. It is quite sad because back in the day people used to be so tight knit that they'd back eachother up if some arguments happen and stuff. Never saw that happen on here and probably doesn't happen on 4chan either unless you happen to be a total dickwad troll and have a bunch of similar followers. the "nice" are considered to be the weak. As are the newbies (or newbs or n00bs). But I think it is better to help out and be friends with the nice people rather than scoffing them and bringing them into flame wars. It is just a total dick move and a waste of time.

Personally I enjoy chatting with nice people and don't want to talk to people who act an ass.

wow that was unnecessarily long.

everyone already knows that 90% of people are dickheads, the internet just lets people show that

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
Unsubscribe from the default subreddits.

I've met some very smart people on 4chan. Mainly on /v/ and /mu/ (as arrogant as they may be).

I have met some cool people that go to 4chan but afaik one of them goes to there a lot less and the other one idk he has a few personal issues (aka he overthinks things and although that is fine he shouldn't tell everyone under the sun irl about stuff he overthinks lol)

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
A lot of arrogant dickheads and immature people. Honestly, if you want to discuss a particular subject, find a good forum for that subject. For example, GBATemp is much better than /v/.

all in all forums > whateverthefuckChanwebsitesandredditandothershit is

True and as far as gbatemp goes if you want to have an intelligent conversation you pretty much MUST go to to the section which is relevant. For example if you want an R4 firmware you go to the section on here that discusses the R4 card and ask there and what do you know, you won't get flamed! That is what attracted me to this site. Because I wanted Wii hacking information initially and I came here and BOOM here you go and the people that start the threads saying "this is how you do it" post a nice decent and concise tutorial on what to do and sometimes where to get freeware to do it at and then there you go. Often times you don't even need to reply to the thread because dude answered your whole point in coming here.

That is the BEST thing about gbatemp is the tech stuff. The worst stuff is the "regulars" which you have on every web site even car forums. All they do is keep coming back too often and troll the place and look for people to target and pick fights with and try to troll them away from the web site. I think that is a bad way to conduct internet commerce in that a site like this relies on hits to view ads and possibly even ad clicks. If I ran a place like this, I'd run all the trolls off the board. I think that is what they were doing on ps2scene under its original management. And that site..... I'll tell you what, that is the best playstation 2 site I have ever used for modding. It was paradise. The guy who ran it made enough money to buy a house and support a small family. You can't do that if you have a bunch of ignorant people screwing your site up.
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See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
... and come to think of it I have come across 4chan trolls on youtube that troll very young people's videos there. not too often though which is rather strange since they seem to explicitly target certain pin pointed individuals (not sure how to put that in better words right at the moment). There's a little girl on there they trolled until she cried on camera. And that isn't cool at all, not a slight bit. I remember I was on youtube once and found some 16 year old GIRL that was trolling that younger girl and she was doing some wicked dance and taunting the chick on her youtube. I put in there some stuff like, you are just a damn kid leave her alone and whatnot. She probably doesn't care. But another problem is, sometimes you go after the troll and if the troll is still a little teenaged kid, you can make THEM cry and then that doesn't look good either. So it all sucks.

Basically I would have to say rather than blaming the web sites, blame the bad parents the kids have these days. It is ridiculous. When I was a kid, I didn't see all this sort of thing happening. It goes too far online however smarter people don't really use the net as much and go on and do other things without it even happening.

And my god speaking of parenting... sheesh my cousin's son will take out a water gun and have a big grin on his face and just spray the hell out of visitors til my other cousion comes along and wallops him. Again bad parenting. I wasn't doing stuff like that as a toddler. Yeesh.. and my brother's son will SCREAM LOUD AS HELL if he needs to go to the bathroom while he is in a resturaunt. I'm like what????? how can one let that go on. Hopefully these types don't get hooked on the internet sheesh.

I have been through some stuff on various sites, including this one. it is just a huge waste of time and all that ends up happening is rifts between friends (people on gbatemp do NOT back eachother up primarily because this is suppose to just be a gaming forum so trolling/flaming is unrelated to turning on a DS/3DS/Wii and also they don't know eachother on a personal level so they aren't exactly real "friends" which has been proven over and over.. I have spoken to people who left here whom were actually staff and that is how it goes.. very sad indeed how people get treated on web sites). So on these web sites you can't expect if something bad happens that anyone will give two shits. It is quite sad because back in the day people used to be so tight knit that they'd back eachother up if some arguments happen and stuff. Never saw that happen on here and probably doesn't happen on 4chan either unless you happen to be a total dickwad troll and have a bunch of similar followers. the "nice" are considered to be the weak. As are the newbies (or newbs or n00bs). But I think it is better to help out and be friends with the nice people rather than scoffing them and bringing them into flame wars. It is just a total dick move and a waste of time.

Personally I enjoy chatting with nice people and don't want to talk to people who act an ass.

Wow, I actually agree with a lot of what you said. It's more upsetting that kids have this entitlement sense these days. Like, seriously what the fuck does a five year old need his own iPhone for? And uggh, don't even get me started on my cousin, who got an iPad 4 for his third birthday.

I know that I have tried to help and back people up, but it usually never went far on the internet forums. Nowadays, it's like, the more likes I have, the better I am over you, and yeah, fuck you too. All honesty, I absolutely hate the like system, as I tend to see a lot of helpful posts get buried and not liked, while you see a lot of trolly posts get liked and suddenly they get their egos inflated and shove it in your face. :(

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
Wow, I actually agree with a lot of what you said. It's more upsetting that kids have this entitlement sense these days. Like, seriously what the fuck does a five year old need his own iPhone for? And uggh, don't even get me started on my cousin, who got an iPad 4 for his third birthday.

I know that I have tried to help and back people up, but it usually never went far on the internet forums. Nowadays, it's like, the more likes I have, the better I am over you, and yeah, fuck you too. All honesty, I absolutely hate the like system, as I tend to see a lot of helpful posts get buried and not liked, while you see a lot of trolly posts get liked and suddenly they get their egos inflated and shove it in your face. :(

There are 18-about 23,24 year olds on Gbatemp that become regulars that are just as bad or worse than people on 4chan and I don't know why management allows their dispecable behavior to go on. I think most of them have left or are quelled by now but I'm not sure why that happened.

I have been on forums where I knew the owning staff and high up staff members and most of the high ups don't do a whole lot because in the beginning they did most of the grunt work and then later are laid back. and when shit hits the fan with other members they don't want to help out at all so at that point you are shit out of luck. they don't seem to understand that in this hobby people go to these web sites often and it is part of their life and they do get irked and sad when stuff happens. they either don't understand that or moreso they don't give a shit. and those whom you think you were tight with turn out to be just as good as the "enemies" that tried to present themselves to you as being a powerful force on said forum. At that point it is pretty much a loss and time to leave. It just sucks when stuff like that happens. But other than that, it happens in real life too. once friends get to a certain age they get so self absorbed it is ridiculous and then you are bored hanging out with them and want to go find new friends lol. which is a lot easier said than done.

Well whenever I go into subforums on here about you know, 3DS hacking.. Supercard DSTWO wherever that is stored things like that, I see pretty relevant posts. The only trolling I usually see is when I go in the Acekard forum and staff or regulars are trolling the Acekard team itself, rather than forum members or whatnot. And that is kinda nonsense too anyway. As far as I'm concerned with products that have teams that don't say anything on their web site, it isn't really the customer's concern because this is still piracy and breaking the law... those whom manufacture and profit off of the devices do NOT need to adhere to or follow any customers' rules or wants because these devices basically are piracy and there are now rules/laws/regulations in piracy. It is the same thing as the high seas piracy I don't care if someone is talking about Samalia pirates on modern seas or old time buckaneers from the 1700s. Once they board that vessel, it is commendeered and they can pillage and plunder as they will irregardless what anyone thinks, wants, applical laws, etc don't apply because they had already gotten away with it! If a Chinaman made $25.8 million dollars off of selling Acekard series flash carts and then disappears guess what? he made 25.8 million $ and ... disappeared ! that's it! done. gone. that is a pirate and that is a TRUE pirate not this bullshit "I'm a scener so I dump games and I am poor as fuck" bullshit. Those guys are wasting their time and making someone in China fat.


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
There are 18-about 23,24 year olds on Gbatemp that become regulars that are just as bad or worse than people on 4chan and I don't know why management allows their dispecable behavior to go on. I think most of them have left or are quelled by now but I'm not sure why that happened.

I have been on forums where I knew the owning staff and high up staff members and most of the high ups don't do a whole lot because in the beginning they did most of the grunt work and then later are laid back. and when shit hits the fan with other members they don't want to help out at all so at that point you are shit out of luck. they don't seem to understand that in this hobby people go to these web sites often and it is part of their life and they do get irked and sad when stuff happens. they either don't understand that or moreso they don't give a shit. and those whom you think you were tight with turn out to be just as good as the "enemies" that tried to present themselves to you as being a powerful force on said forum. At that point it is pretty much a loss and time to leave. It just sucks when stuff like that happens. But other than that, it happens in real life too. once friends get to a certain age they get so self absorbed it is ridiculous and then you are bored hanging out with them and want to go find new friends lol. which is a lot easier said than done.

Well whenever I go into subforums on here about you know, 3DS hacking.. Supercard DSTWO wherever that is stored things like that, I see pretty relevant posts. The only trolling I usually see is when I go in the Acekard forum and staff or regulars are trolling the Acekard team itself, rather than forum members or whatnot. And that is kinda nonsense too anyway. As far as I'm concerned with products that have teams that don't say anything on their web site, it isn't really the customer's concern because this is still piracy and breaking the law... those whom manufacture and profit off of the devices do NOT need to adhere to or follow any customers' rules or wants because these devices basically are piracy and there are now rules/laws/regulations in piracy. It is the same thing as the high seas piracy I don't care if someone is talking about Samalia pirates on modern seas or old time buckaneers from the 1700s. Once they board that vessel, it is commendeered and they can pillage and plunder as they will irregardless what anyone thinks, wants, applical laws, etc don't apply because they had already gotten away with it! If a Chinaman made $25.8 million dollars off of selling Acekard series flash carts and then disappears guess what? he made 25.8 million $ and ... disappeared ! that's it! done. gone. that is a pirate and that is a TRUE pirate not this bullshit "I'm a scener so I dump games and I am poor as fuck" bullshit. Those guys are wasting their time and making someone in China fat.

I'm going to have to disagree on the part where you said that the staff tends to be laid back and not do much. If you voice your concerns and complaints, they will actually go in and figure out what was going on. I admittedly thought that some folk were rather... stuck in their own arrogance, but when I brought it up with staff, they actually gave me a lot of justifications as to why the person actually still was on the site. And it was a damning good presentation, I might add. I know I had some quibbles with certain folk, even on staff, and also a proposition that I wanted to offer to the site, and they were actually really good about getting the job done by addressing my complaints, and being courteous enough to entertain my suggestion.

And sometimes, the irritating members are the ones who make the forum fun! It'd be boring if everyone was ramrod straight. Although, there are some that are just completely over the top and I do agree that some of them really gotta go.


Madre de Dios! Es El POLLO DIABLO!!!
Feb 9, 2010
United States
True and as far as gbatemp goes if you want to have an intelligent conversation you pretty much MUST go to to the section which is relevant
That is the BEST thing about gbatemp is the tech stuff. The worst stuff is the "regulars" which you have on every web site even car forums...
just stay away from USN and you will be fine.... that is the place where these "regulars" usually troll
also... you could use the ignore function to customize your gbatemp experience ;)

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
I'm going to have to disagree on the part where you said that the staff tends to be laid back and not do much. If you voice your concerns and complaints, they will actually go in and figure out what was going on. I admittedly thought that some folk were rather... stuck in their own arrogance, but when I brought it up with staff, they actually gave me a lot of justifications as to why the person actually still was on the site. And it was a damning good presentation, I might add. I know I had some quibbles with certain folk, even on staff, and also a proposition that I wanted to offer to the site, and they were actually really good about getting the job done by addressing my complaints, and being courteous enough to entertain my suggestion.

And sometimes, the irritating members are the ones who make the forum fun! It'd be boring if everyone was ramrod straight. Although, there are some that are just completely over the top and I do agree that some of them really gotta go.

It depends on who you talk to and possibly how busy they are. For example the owner will not help anyone whatsoever it has been demonstrated with many former staff. However Shaunj might be helpful but he is probably retired and probably doesn't really go on here much if at all. Some of the newer staff members are trolls but I'd say most of the staff in general are not.

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
just stay away from USN and you will be fine.... that is the place where these "regulars" usually troll
also... you could use the ignore function to customize your gbatemp experience ;)

yeah but afaik the ignore list doesn't work on every section such as the shotbox. those whom were trolling the shoutbox with huge disregard for others on the forum appear to be banned or you know.. like I was saying to someone earlier... it might say banned but a lot of regulars on here told the admin to put "banned" even though it means nothing and they can still post and whatnot. What is USN? are you talking about the forum that is off topic but hmm I forgot the name of it at the moment edge of the forum I think unless they renamed it again.


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
It depends on who you talk to and possibly how busy they are. For example the owner will not help anyone whatsoever it has been demonstrated with many former staff. However Shaunj might be helpful but he is probably retired and probably doesn't really go on here much if at all. Some of the newer staff members are trolls but I'd say most of the staff in general are not.

Woof, that's a kick in the face for sure. All those guys whom you've deemed not helpful, I'm actually close with LOL. If you ever have complaints, you'd be surprised at how different their demeanor changes.


Madre de Dios! Es El POLLO DIABLO!!!
Feb 9, 2010
United States
yeah but afaik the ignore list doesn't work on every section such as the shotbox. those whom were trolling the shoutbox with huge disregard for others on the forum appear to be banned or you know.. like I was saying to someone earlier... it might say banned but a lot of regulars on here told the admin to put "banned" even though it means nothing and they can still post and whatnot. What is USN? are you talking about the forum that is off topic but hmm I forgot the name of it at the moment edge of the forum I think unless they renamed it again.

USN = User Submitted News.... in my previous post, I added a link to that section in case you didn't knew what it meant
Sometimes the Shoutbox is one of the few places of the Temp where everyone relaxes and have a nice and civilized conversation... believe me :lol:

If you ever need help from a staff member... ask Cyan, he is the nicest guy around here
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See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
USN = User Submitted News.... in my previous post, I added a link to that section in case you didn't knew what it meant
Sometimes the Shoutbox is one of the few places of the Temp where everyone relaxes and have a nice and civilized conversation... believe me :lol:

If you ever need help from a staff member... ask Cyan, he is the nicest guy around here

Or, any of the supervisors for that matter. Like... raulpy. If he's reading this... :wub: :yay:

Kouen Hasuki

Coffee Addict
Jan 9, 2013
Behind you
I don't go on that site, have no intention of going on that site nether :P

Closest I get is as some of the wallpapers that come out of there is good yet I dont wanna actually be directly on there

Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
USN = User Submitted News.... in my previous post, I added a link to that section in case you didn't knew what it meant
Sometimes the Shoutbox is one of the few places of the Temp where everyone relaxes and have a nice and civilized conversation... believe me :lol:

If you ever need help from a staff member... ask Cyan, he is the nicest guy around here

ya I tried it and it went well for a while til some regular started throwing a hissy fit at me and was cussing at me nonstop til I left......... yep and on a conversation he was not part of and had no business butting in as rude as can be. a flock of mods defended him and it made no sense.

But such is the internet, cyberbullies starting arguments anywhere they can.

off topic but related to the previous post from earlier, the nicest mod on here is toni plutonij but of course there's always going to be a few others I just don't know all of them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
ya I tried it and it went well for a while til some regular started throwing a hissy fit at me and was cussing at me nonstop til I left......... yep and on a conversation he was not part of and had no business butting in as rude as can be. a flock of mods defended him and it made no sense.

But such is the internet, cyberbullies starting arguments anywhere they can.

off topic but related to the previous post from earlier, the nicest mod on here is toni plutonij but of course there's always going to be a few others I just don't know all of them.
IMO pretty much all mods here are nice people... but some only when they need to be. Especially p1ng.

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