[WIP] Golden TIme: Vivid Memories - Translation Project


It is morally correct to pirate Nintendo
Jun 22, 2007
United States

I am posting this on behalf of u/KevMyBoi since can't post on GBATEMP yet.


This post is to overall track the progress of translating the PS Vita version of Golden Time Vivid Memories ( ゴールデンタイム Vivid Memories ). This is because after about 4 days of figuring out tooling, how to start, packing, repacking, etc. I found that a lot of information is all over the place when it comes to modding, and translating games. That being said, I hope someone can find this post helpful in there journey of modding/translating ps vita games.


Long story short of why I'm translating this game is because I loved the anime and couldn't find any fan translation for the game. As a software engineer, I also love to reverse engineer software and figure out how to make it work the way I want it to.

Current Progress: 7/31/21​

  • SCP Studio is complete. (Chris & Kev)
  • We can now create Dialogue Boxes that weren't there before. (Chris & Kev)
  • 3 new team members have joined the team.
    • Graphic Designer: Monto
    • Translators: Helel, Bites, and Raehik(Manager/Editor)
      • We are looking for more Translators SO please join the discord if you care to help with translations!
  • Menu Screen is translated and Done! (Thanks to Monto, and Translators!)
  • 60% of the Setting Menu's Done. (Translators, and Monto)
  • 2 scenes in review, and translated. (Helel, And Kev)
  • Starting mission for Alpha English Patch for the first hour of game play. (Team)
  • Some Speaker assets translated (Translators and Monto)
  • Speaker table found, and exported from eboot. (Raehik)

SCP Studio Additions: 7/24/21​

  • I've already announced it yesterday in the Team chat, but we are currently on Phase 2 now! Which is getting the background assets in a state of usability, and two, alpha testing of the SCP Studio (also known as Translation Studio). Here is what it currently looks like before polishing: https://prnt.sc/1fd6xqc. Overall I want to give a thank you to the team, and everyone who has helped us get this far! We truly appreciate it!
    PHASE 1 DONE!!!


SCP Studio Additions: 7/22/21​

  • Decoder for reading dialogue, sounds, and other mentioned scripts
  • Converted sound at9's to format for custom tooling to load voice actors lines depending on dialogue
  • Custom Algorithms for throwing away script macros, un-usable bytes, etc.
  • Created Flag system for SCP Studio for removing unusable bytes
  • Started Translator search/interview process
  • More than half way done with the SCP Studio that the translator/s will be using
  • Decrypted, and hooked-up Ghidra to the eboot.elf for looking at the C functions.
  • and more.

DLC/Disovery & More: 7/13/21​

This is in no order:

  • Made a tool to better look at .gxt assets a lot faster (real time).
  • Made a JPN PSN account to get the DLC for the game, there is currently two DLC's for this game.
  • Decrypted, and started to reverse engineer the eboot to understand how the game reads it's SCP files.
  • Long story short they don't read the SCP files in a way that is very easy to pull out. Found the byte read table and currently in the progress of extracting the functions that read these SCP files.
  • Attempts have been made to insert in longer text in the game, which appear to work.
  • Discord is made to follow team discussions and overall progress: https://discord.gg/URH2WNAyjT
  • Setup Team tools to better document software and translations

First Post: 7/01/21​

I'm currently working on creating a file decoder for custom file type known as .scp. This includes finding the MagicNumber, reading bytes, evaluating said bytes, and decoding said bytes in a way that I can make a file editor for said files. You can of course skip this part if you want to parse the JPN UNICODE-8 IIRC characters and then hook that up to a good translator. I'm avoiding that because the plan is to get a Native Japanese speaker to translate this using said editor for these files. So I need to make this as easy as possible for them to do that. So what have I done then?

  • Decrypted the game using the known modding wiki.
  • Unpacked the game using the sdk.
  • Successfully made a C# project for repacking the game.
  • Tested the rePatch test Translation, it was successful and the game showed said translation.

What's Next​

  • .SCP Decoder to read these files.
  • .SCP Editor to make translating this game easier.
  • .SCP Encoder to save changes to these files.
  • Have a native translator translate the game.
This seems like a short list, but of course it won't be easy. If you think you could be of help, please don't be afraid leave a comment. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

(When I get the game translated, released with a patch, I'll update this with clear instructions on how I did it.)

If you are interested in assisting this new project to bring it to life, especially if you have experience with TaiHen plugin/reverse engineering please inquire in the discord here:
Last edited by stanleyopar2000,


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
United States
Neat! I love all the translation projects on vita! And this one is also an exclusive, so good choice! I look forward to the progress! Also subscribed to your channel and followed!


It is morally correct to pirate Nintendo
Jun 22, 2007
United States
Neat! I love all the translation projects on vita! And this one is also an exclusive, so good choice! I look forward to the progress! Also subscribed to your channel and followed!

I'm just the messenger...this is not my project
Be sure to swing by the discord to show your support
Last edited by stanleyopar2000,

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