Gaming Wii bit in Limbo


Sep 30, 2019
United Kingdom
Hi All. Apparently this is the place to Start...Tried modding a Wii years ago i mean years!!!!Anyhow lost the plot and the wii did exactly that after bricking it apparently and was more to sort than get a new one so At the time put the funds in to getting Games for my PS2 which i now have near all i want tbh and the rest has long gone.Anyhow after my DVD went up the creek i decided that a wii was a good call for many a reason. I have a UK Wii with 4.3e firmware That i do know, i am as far as letter bombing it and got my bubbles on the wii brew channel.To get that far was worthy of a stoogi:rofl2: for me anyhow as i did not result in this:nayps3:..... there are so many options it unreal and confusing but my Wii is possibly to be linked to Wifi if i need to... I would like to be able to Download games"no idea where from yet lolol but i would" shall we say and the ones i have play off the sdhc card or a terabyte hard drive..To the best of my know how i also have mod Mii installed..i managed to get WII Doom 0.4.2 and .5 version and wii MC channel installer 2 and 1.3.4/and wii64 beta. Now to be honest i have no idea what they are as i was on a mission and then got brain freeze as many links are shut down so like many of you found the Brew channel is now limited via wiki and bit of ground hog day. So that,s where i am at currently ..i wish to play DVDs and get as many games as possible before they all vanish..without rattling on what are my options next please. Oh and i have Wii gear like gun holders Fit board etc and a 64gb sdhc already formatted hence Letterbomb....Not on here 247 so please be patent if you ask me stuff...And in ADVANCE THANKS:grog:
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XP not matters.
Nov 8, 2018
Hi All. Apparently this is the place to Start...Tried modding a Wii years ago i mean years!!!!Anyhow lost the plot and the wii did exactly that after bricking it apparently and was more to sort than get a new one so At the time put the funds in to getting Games for my PS2 which i now have near all i want tbh and the rest has long gone.Anyhow after my DVD went up the creek i decided that a wii was a good call for many a reason. I have a UK Wii with 4.3e firmware That i do know, i am as far as letter bombing it and got my bubbles on the wii brew channel.To get that far was worthy of a stoogi:rofl2: for me anyhow as i did not result in this:nayps3:..... there are so many options it unreal and confusing but my Wii is possibly to be linked to Wifi if i need to... I would like to be able to Download games"no idea where from yet lolol but i would" shall we say and the ones i have play off the sdhc card or a terabyte hard drive..To the best of my know how i also have mod Mii installed..i managed to get WII Doom 0.4.2 and .5 version and wii MC channel installer 2 and 1.3.4/and wii64 beta. Now to be honest i have no idea what they are as i was on a mission and then got brain freeze as many links are shut down so like many of you found the Brew channel is now limited via wiki and bit of ground hog day. So that,s where i am at currently ..i wish to play DVDs and get as many games as possible before they all vanish..without rattling on what are my options next please. Oh and i have Wii gear like gun holders Fit board etc and a 64gb sdhc already formatted hence Letterbomb....Not on here 247 so please be patent if you ask me stuff...And in ADVANCE THANKS:grog:


I am a little slow on thinking so please have leniency with an "old" Man.:D

As I read and understand it correct:

Your 64BC SDHC SD Card was recognized and worked with Letterbomb ?
Your Wii on System Software Version 4.3E is now softmodded and has the Homebrew Channel on it ?
You want to play Wii DVD Games or DVD Movies (this is not so good,you maybe know the Wii DVD Drive was not "made" for DVD Movie Playback...)?
You have some USB Device (recommended is a HDD) for the Wii Games ?
(Do you also want to play Gamecube Games too,your Wii has the Gamecube Controller Ports and already own an Gamecube Controller)?
You have "some" Wii Gaming Equipment.:lol:

Is this correct or did you have some more Informations on your Softmod ?
(Not Emulators and Games and this one).

If this is correct,then you can easily move on to the next big step:
To Update your Softmod and install an USBLoader for the Wii Games (and maybe Nintendont for Gamecube games too).:yaywii:

If you are ready please let us know.
Thank you.:)


Sep 30, 2019
United Kingdom
Hi Cheers Alexander, Great and thanks for getting in touch btw, yes all correct you wrote above, 1st, there is a few things i read that say the Wii can play dvd,s or may be i got it wrong via WIIMC i think i got or is that a total mistake on my behalf"no change there then lolol"?
Yes i have a 32GB SDHC card for games or i can use a spare HDD via USP port as i have one spare just needs to be formatted correctly .
I have all the controllers etc for Wii only But may be Game cube etc could be an option esp if some games there i may like. Never had a cube so would need to get meme cord and controllers for that.So game cube may be one for later.
As for the Soft mod that is as far as i am currently at. Is there a place in the system i can look up info to help? i can do that later today. Now apparently there are many ways to place games on the Hdd"its larger so make more sense to use that rather than the 32GB SDHC card..CURRENT FILES I HAVE NOT SURE WHAT THEY ALL ARE BUT HERE IS A LIST: on a USB currently.
ModMii installer.exe
Modmii supporting app sources 02/2012rar
wii64 beta 1.1
wii doom 0.4.5 zip
wiidoom 0.4.2 zip
wiimc 1.3.4 new install
wiimc channel installer 2

what i do not need i will delete as i only wish to keep whats required...Or it could be :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:some what boggling

Now just curious you mentioned USB loader? is it worth me seeing what i have or what,s on the wii if i can try locate it, and i would do games cube at same time may as well atleast its there then...

Also how do i save this thread/blog as i had to search to find it....said i was new to this forum stuff...i will boot the Wii up later and try to write down what i have or upload a couple of pics may be my cameras not that great though.
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XP not matters.
Nov 8, 2018
Hi Cheers Alexander, Great and thanks for getting in touch btw, yes all correct you wrote above, 1st, there is a few things i read that say the Wii can play dvd,s or may be i got it wrong via WIIMC i think i got or is that a total mistake on my behalf"no change there then lolol"?
Yes i have a 32GB SDHC card for games or i can use a spare HDD via USP port as i have one spare just needs to be formatted correctly .
I have all the controllers etc for Wii only But may be Game cube etc could be an option esp if some games there i may like. Never had a cube so would need to get meme cord and controllers for that.So game cube may be one for later.
As for the Soft mod that is as far as i am currently at. Is there a place in the system i can look up info to help? i can do that later today. Now apparently there are many ways to place games on the Hdd"its larger so make more sense to use that rather than the 32GB SDHC card..CURRENT FILES I HAVE NOT SURE WHAT THEY ALL ARE BUT HERE IS A LIST: on a USB currently.
ModMii installer.exe
Modmii supporting app sources 02/2012rar
wii64 beta 1.1
wii doom 0.4.5 zip
wiidoom 0.4.2 zip
wiimc 1.3.4 new install
wiimc channel installer 2

what i do not need i will delete as i only wish to keep whats required...Or it could be :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:some what boggling

Now just curious you mentioned USB loader? is it worth me seeing what i have or what,s on the wii if i can try locate it, and i would do games cube at same time may as well atleast its there then...

Also how do i save this thread/blog as i had to search to find it....said i was new to this forum stuff...i will boot the Wii up later and try to write down what i have or upload a couple of pics may be my cameras not that great though.

Thank you.:)

Any time when you are ready,Sir.

For the DVD: Wii Games comes on DVD.
You can watch DVD Movies with WIIMC,but this is not the "best" for your Wii DVD Drive - it is not concepted/constructed for DVD Movie Playback.:)

The USBLoader GX,as the Name says,plays Wii Backups from Wii Games off an USB Device (not from SD Card).
The two other Main USBLoaders WiiFlow and Configurabe USB Loader can use the SD Card.

Nintendont,for playing Gamecube Backups,can use USB Device and SD Card.

Thank you.:)
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Sep 30, 2019
United Kingdom
Hi Great,cheers for getting back to me, i have some bits to do then i will be around pos later this afternoon.,Does Wii-MC allow films such as xvids say from a USB device? UsbloaderGX sounds good and i will hunt on downloads here to see what is what.I think as you suggest it appears to be more practical to keep the SDHC for Wii programs as some games are quite large and the Game side of things to External drive.Wii flow and the other loader for game cube as the games are i think much smaller...Have GX dll i just need to find out what to do with it,WiiFlow and Configurabe USB Loader&Nintendont theres alot......:wacko::wacko::wacko:
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Sep 30, 2019
United Kingdom
HI, i will log in tomorrow pos in the morning. weather here is getting rough so need to do a few things...any tips on a good flow/ configurable ldr usb etc be kool as i have not idea and tbh a standard theme works for me....cheers for you help so far. :grog:
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Sep 30, 2019
United Kingdom
Hi Alexander and any one reading this,
1st if the topic is in the incorrect place say and il shift it....SET up as follows.
2nd Home brew channel ver 1.1.2/IOS 58V24.31 if that's any help.
3rd BootMii 2012 twizzers it may be a ver 2 as has a weird logo on the left bottom of the screen could be a 2 could be a R. that,s on the home brew channel for boot mii etc
4th not yet installed usb loader GX v3 ios 249...yet to put on the sdhc card or set up...

whats my best next step? i did look for a quide to this letter bomb but many things are there but quite confusing...Cheers:huh:

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