Hi All. Apparently this is the place to Start...Tried modding a Wii years ago i mean years!!!!Anyhow lost the plot and the wii did exactly that after bricking it apparently and was more to sort than get a new one so At the time put the funds in to getting Games for my PS2 which i now have near all i want tbh and the rest has long gone.Anyhow after my DVD went up the creek i decided that a wii was a good call for many a reason. I have a UK Wii with 4.3e firmware That i do know, i am as far as letter bombing it and got my bubbles on the wii brew channel.To get that far was worthy of a stoogi for me anyhow as i did not result in this..... there are so many options it unreal and confusing but my Wii is possibly to be linked to Wifi if i need to... I would like to be able to Download games"no idea where from yet lolol but i would" shall we say and the ones i have play off the sdhc card or a terabyte hard drive..To the best of my know how i also have mod Mii installed..i managed to get WII Doom 0.4.2 and .5 version and wii MC channel installer 2 and 1.3.4/and wii64 beta. Now to be honest i have no idea what they are as i was on a mission and then got brain freeze as many links are shut down so like many of you found the Brew channel is now limited via wiki and bit of ground hog day. So that,s where i am at currently ..i wish to play DVDs and get as many games as possible before they all vanish..without rattling on what are my options next please. Oh and i have Wii gear like gun holders Fit board etc and a 64gb sdhc already formatted hence Letterbomb....Not on here 247 so please be patent if you ask me stuff...And in ADVANCE THANKS