as above follow my link to the letter!
use Spybot search and destroy version 1.6 or later and update it!
use Spyware Terminator 2 and update it
make sure all temp files including temp internet files have been removed and history that may contain links that will start the whole crap again! (tools/internet options/general and empty/delete temp files)
remember once removed get rid of ALL system restore points to avoid re infection if you restore!
look in add remove programs and remove any toolbars like google toolbar etc remove google desktop and picassa if you have them YOU DO NOT NEED THEM!
have msn stopped from auto starting at system startup (avoids spam file sends when u are not looking at msn but msn is auto connected) do this with other messengers too!
use MSCONFIG from the run bar and look at the startup tab and untick anything that looks suspicious or not part of windows or you know not to be installed by yourself by looking at the path names and file names!
remember when you scan run in SAFE MODE this way nothing but essential windows files are loaded and resident in memory!
remember too to empty the recycle bin if its in the bin then you prolly don't need it anyhow!
scan and search with Spybot and Spyware terminator 2 and remove anything it finds then rescan to make sure its gone!
check your web browsers home page is still your homepage and nothing else (tip I use a blank page for both) then if its changed then its instantly noticeable!
these are basic instructions on what to look for with spyware protect and how to remove it
QUOTE said:
Find and Stop Spyware Protect 2009 Processes:
Find and Remove Spyware Protect 2009 registry values:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Spyware Protect 2009
Find and Delete Spyware Protect 2009 Files:
Spyware Protect 2009.lnk
Uninstall Spyware Protect 2009.lnk
more info here