Softmodded my buddy's wii last week. Was able to load about 100-or-so games on a USB drive. The games all work perfectly. However, everytime I go to DL the covers for any game, I get a black error screen which automatically resets the system after 30 seconds, booting me back to the Wii System Menu. Any idea?
SD card I used:
HDD card I used:
I used the letterbomb exploit and then the HackMii installer to hack his vanilla wii. 2 issues:
1) Running bootmii, so I get this screen at the beginning:
If I click the Homebrew Browser from this screen, I get a black screen that freezes and I am forced to manually restart the console. (Of note, I can access the Homebrew Browser from the regular Wii System Menu)
2) As mentioned earlier, I'm unable to DL any covers on CFG USB Loader without getting an error screen.
SD card I used:
HDD card I used:
I used the letterbomb exploit and then the HackMii installer to hack his vanilla wii. 2 issues:
1) Running bootmii, so I get this screen at the beginning:
If I click the Homebrew Browser from this screen, I get a black screen that freezes and I am forced to manually restart the console. (Of note, I can access the Homebrew Browser from the regular Wii System Menu)
2) As mentioned earlier, I'm unable to DL any covers on CFG USB Loader without getting an error screen.