Hacking Trying to understand the process of Softmodding. Need some help


New Member
Nov 9, 2015
United States
Hello all. I'm new with softmodding the Wii. I have been reading tons of information about the whole process, on various websites, and I have watched several tutorials on Youtube. I have been trying to figure out the entire process for over a week now, and the more I read and try to understand, the more confused I become. However, even with all of the confusion, I have made some progress with softmodding the Wii. I'll try to keep this as short as possible.
To begin, my Wii version is 4.3 U. Here is what I have accomplished so far. Initiated letter bomb, homebrew channel installed. Backed up Wii with Bootmii. Downloaded d2x cIos installer 3.1 version version 8 final and installed the Ios's as per the video tutorial. Downloaded Ios236 installer, and installed Ios236 as per tutorial instructions. Downloaded and installed USB Loader GX Version 1.0 r866. Downloaded and installed priiloader version 0.8 and modded system settings as per tutorial instructions. Downloaded Wiisx and installed it. Downloaded a few PSX backup Isos of original games that I have. The PSX games run and play without any problems, except for not being able to exit from loaded game back tothe Wii system menu . :) Now for the major problem that I'm having. I've been driving myself nuts, :wacko: trying to understand how to download and play backup Isos of a few Wii games that I have. I want to load the game Isos onto a 64 gig usb stick.That way I can keep the original game disks in nice shape. I'm confused on what all programs and files that are needed to do this. I want to be able to play the games from my usb stick. I don't have a external usb hdd. I would also like to be able to use the cover art for each game. I'm just really confused about what I need to do. Do I need a wad manager? Do I need Wiiflow? What is Dios Mios ? Do I need wbfs manager? Or do I need the Wii backup manager? What about cIOSX rev 20b installer? Do I need NeoGamma? I'm not sure what programs and versions are compatible with each other. I think maybe part of my problem is I have been reading and watching a lot of outdated tutorials on all of this, some of which dates back to 2009-2011. Then I get it mixed in with the current info. Not sure If I what I have even done so far is correct or if I am using outdated programs and versions. Don't want to brick my Wii. Can anyone please help me with this mess that I have created? Sorry for the lengthy post.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2012
when you follow videos or tutorials, try to figure out how old are those videos/tutorials and avoid outdated one. Avoid youtube tutorials in general.
Softmodding is nothing more than installing the HBC. To play Wii games backups, you need cios. The rest is up to what apps you want to use.

It is better to list your questions point by point instead of one long paragraph.

iso 236 is not needed anymore though leaving it there wouldn't harm except taking up space.

USBLoader gx is up to v3.0 r 1256 now, see how outdated is yours. Try to download apps from their official sites or from their sticky threads here. (ULGX is stickied here)

Wii iso need to be placed in a proper folder structure: SD/USB:\wbfs\gamename [ID6]\[ID6].wbfs
Use WiiBackupManager (for windows) to transfer them. it will create the proper folder structure and rename the games automatically. For maximum compatibility with Wii apps, FAT32 is recommended and WiiBackupManager can transfer iso to FAT32 as .wbfs files and split them if necessary. If you insist on using .iso, NTFS partition is needed as they are bigger than 4G which a FAT32 partition can't handle.

ULGX doesn't support SD Wii game loading but you can use an SD2USB adapter and use it like a HDD. Wiiflow and Configurable USB Loader does support SD loading.
If your loader is up to date, you can just download cover arts from within the apps.

You don't need a wad manager unless you want to install cios manually or those things such as forwarders, custom channels or Wiiware/VC games. But installing bad wads can Brick your system, so watch out for that.

Wiiflow is just another USB loader and you can install it alongside with ULGX or CFG or Neogamma. Which one to use is more of a personal choice.

Dios Mios is for playing Gamecube games but is mostly replaced by Nintendont.

wbfs manager is considered obsoleted and you know the rest.

cios rev 20b is outdated and replaced by d2x (aka rev 21) unless you want to try special Emunands (I don't recommend you touch that area for now)

Neogamma is outdated and have not been updated for ages.
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New Member
Nov 9, 2015
United States
when you follow videos or tutorials, try to figure out how old are those videos/tutorials and avoid outdated one. Avoid youtube tutorials in general.
Softmodding is nothing more than installing the HBC. To play Wii games backups, you need cios. The rest is up to what apps you want to use.

It is better to list your questions point by point instead of one long paragraph.

iso 236 is not needed anymore though leaving it there wouldn't harm except taking up space.

USBLoader gx is up to v3.0 r 1256 now, see how outdated is yours. Try to download apps from their official sites or from their sticky threads here. (ULGX is stickied here)

Wii iso need to be placed in a proper folder structure: SD/USB:\wbfs\gamename [ID6]\[ID6].wbfs
Use WiiBackupManager (for windows) to transfer them. it will create the proper folder structure and rename the games automatically. For maximum compatibility with Wii apps, FAT32 is recommended and WiiBackupManager can transfer iso to FAT32 as .wbfs files and split them if necessary. If you insist on using .iso, NTFS partition is needed as they are bigger than 4G which a FAT32 partition can't handle.

ULGX doesn't support SD Wii game loading but you can use an SD2USB adapter and use it like a HDD. Wiiflow and Configurable USB Loader does support SD loading.
If your loader is up to date, you can just download cover arts from within the apps.

You don't need a wad manager unless you want to install cios manually or those things such as forwarders, custom channels or Wiiware/VC games. But installing bad wads can Brick your system, so watch out for that.

Wiiflow is just another USB loader and you can install it alongside with ULGX or CFG or Neogamma. Which one to use is more of a personal choice.

Dios Mios is for playing Gamecube games but is mostly replaced by Nintendont.

wbfs manager is considered obsoleted and you know the rest.

cios rev 20b is outdated and replaced by d2x (aka rev 21) unless you want to try special Emunands (I don't recommend you touch that area for now)

Neogamma is outdated and have not been updated for ages.

Thanks for the info. Sounds like there is a lot of outdated material floating around out there. I will be sure to update all the programs and files that I will be using and also download the wii backup manager as you suggested. I'm anxious to try this, and hopefully not brick my Wii.


Mar 9, 2014
United States
So you want to back up your original games? usbloader gx and cfg both have a function to directly rip your disc to your hard drive.
Wbfs manager is what I use to move my "internet stored" backups to my hard drive. I then just get the cover art from my cover art storage place and put it in a folder on my sd card. Then I go to my loader on the wii and add my cover art.
I think wii back up manager will automate this somewhat but I don't mind going the extra mile.
It is far easier if in the same thread you start with one question and then once it is answered move to the next question. Because to be honest with you I am one of those lazy readers and can't remember what all questions you asked and am now too lazy to scroll up to see.
You have homebrew up and running and you have cios installed and you have usbloadergx installed. So now what else?
Following videos can sometimes get your console messed up. On more than one occasion I have seen people make an explanation video and months later come here and ask why their console is black screening. Big tip don't follow videos, the person making the video may be just as clueless as the viewers watching it.


New Member
Nov 9, 2015
United States
So you want to back up your original games? usbloader gx and cfg both have a function to directly rip your disc to your hard drive.
Wbfs manager is what I use to move my "internet stored" backups to my hard drive. I then just get the cover art from my cover art storage place and put it in a folder on my sd card. Then I go to my loader on the wii and add my cover art.
I think wii back up manager will automate this somewhat but I don't mind going the extra mile.
It is far easier if in the same thread you start with one question and then once it is answered move to the next question. Because to be honest with you I am one of those lazy readers and can't remember what all questions you asked and am now too lazy to scroll up to see.
You have homebrew up and running and you have cios installed and you have usbloadergx installed. So now what else?
Following videos can sometimes get your console messed up. On more than one occasion I have seen people make an explanation video and months later come here and ask why their console is black screening. Big tip don't follow videos, the person making the video may be just as clueless as the viewers watching it.

Wow! I wasn´t aware that it was a big issue to ask more than one question in the same post. Everyone has their own way of posting comments and or asking questions. I chose to ask my questions in the same post. I don´t think there´s a specific protocol requirement for the structure of comments or asking questions. If you´re to lazy to read someones post because it´s not laid out to suit your preferences, then don read it. I tried to cover all bases in my post, what update my Wii is running, what mods/apps that have been installed, and what I was still trying to achieve and understand. If I have broken some type of Gbatemp site rule or requirement, then a site mod is welcome to delete my post or profile. I´m new here and I joined this site to get help with a few questions that I had. If no one chooses to read my post or want´s to help with my questions, that´s fine. I will just go back to reading and trying to learn on my own, like I did for over a week before I joined this site. If I end up bricking my Wii and can´t repair it, I have a new unopened one still in the box that I purchased back in 2011. And as far as your big tip on advice to not follow video tutorials for information, a huge portion of the video tutorials that I have watched, have been on this very site that you are a member of.


Mar 9, 2014
United States
This is why typing sometimes comes across wrong.
I did not intend to offend you or belittle you or even attempt to be an A hole at all. I was trying to help you but trying to read all your questions I am not too sure what steps you have followed so far. Also the video thing, some of the users on this site were real lucky themselves to have not bricked their wii's much less are equipped to assist others via video. And to your post being too long. Me personally I skim read almost everything. I input phrases that stick out and bypass ones that don't. And am usually too lazy to scroll up to fully answer lengthy posts. After I looked at your post once more I realized you were just throwing out program names without asking specifically about any of them in particular. I am sorry for that. A misunderstanding on my part all together.
You want to play "backups" and you already have all needed cios installed already. Get the latest version of usbloader GX. For cover art use wii backup manager.
I use both wii backup manager and wbfs manager. I use wii backup manager to move wbfs formatted backups (that I stored on my torrent sites) and wbfs manager to move my games to my portable hard drive. Both tools have their strengths. You should also check out the truchia signer as well.
It allows you to take those "backed up" games and disassemble them. Then mod the files and resign them to play a modded game.
Now I have gone off track. You have a hbc wii on 4.3u correct?
You have installed the latest cios correct?
If so then just get usbloaderGX and you can get started with this. If you need assistance with anything just post it here in this thread. I promise I will fully read your posts from now on......
Last edited by FaTaL_ErRoR,
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Stop Poking the Moogle!
Aug 28, 2008
United States
wbfs manager is considered obsoleted and you know the rest.

So then how does one get there games on a usb hard drive if they don't use wbfs? I am using it bc I didin't see away to just drag and drop my wii games on to the external hard drive with out it, so how do you put wii games on the hard drive with out wbfs manager? it sounds like your saying theres away to drag and drop the games on to the hard drive and load them from the usb launcher, so how? lol I use Wiiflow latest version from the Mastermod pack.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2009
United States
You may be able to use your 64GB stick to load games, I've use plenty of different sized Sandisk Cruzers just fine. I did have a PNY memory stick that didn't work so it just depends on the brand. Check to see if yours is on this list, don't worry if it's not it may still work. A Sandisk Cruzer is only about $20USD or cheaper, if you buy a Cruzer Fit, you'll barely see it.

So to backup your games, update GX by getting their Installer 1.8. With your USB (GX can be loaded from USB) or SD card connected to computer run that installer. Either just choose the program or add the channel if you'd like, but you need a Wad manger to install channels. When prompted browse to your USB/SD so it can copy the necessary folder(s).
If you put GX on USB, while in Homebrew Channel press 1 to change from SD to USB, then load GX.
Once in GX, there is a button in the lower left (?) that will say Install game when you hover over top of it. Use that to make your backup copy. I know there is/was a way to download coverart while in GX, but it has been a while and seems there was an issue with it for a little bit.
I use Wii Backup Manager to move my backups to my computer where I have more storage space. If you use that, in the settings there is a Covers tab where you can tell it you have GX and it will create the folder structure GX uses for its art, just need to change setting in GX to look on USB.

I quit using WBFS Manager because it could only transfer games to a WBFS formatted drive, which can only be used for Wii games. WBM can transfer games to FAT/NTFS/WBFS and can do drive to drive transfers without computer acting as a MITM.

tswntk did a good job answering your other questions about wad manager, WiiFlow, cIOS20b, DIOS MIOS, and Neo so I won't repeat...

If your current USB drive isn't working, you could try using the v10-b53-alt. I would use ModMii to build them but they can be found other places. ModMii is a Windows program that will create a custom guide for your Wii modding based on your answers. The GUI version, ModMii Skin, is great for first time mods or other guides, ModMii (classic version with blue background and white text) has some more advanced features. In the classic version, goto download page 4 type beta and change to v10-b53-alt. You want 24956 and 25057. Modmii will build the files and you'll need a wad manger to install them.
If you don't have one, on download page 2 of ModMii there is MMM or WM. WiiMod has some more advanced features and will work with the newer WiiMotion+, just stay away from the region change part and don't do something if it tells you not to.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2012
wbfs manager is considered obsoleted and you know the rest.

So then how does one get there games on a usb hard drive if they don't use wbfs? I am using it bc I didin't see away to just drag and drop my wii games on to the external hard drive with out it, so how do you put wii games on the hard drive with out wbfs manager? it sounds like your saying theres away to drag and drop the games on to the hard drive and load them from the usb launcher, so how? lol I use Wiiflow latest version from the Mastermod pack.

Re-read my whole post or Daman's. The answer is quite clear.


New Member
Nov 9, 2015
United States
This is why typing sometimes comes across wrong.
I did not intend to offend you or belittle you or even attempt to be an A hole at all. I was trying to help you but trying to read all your questions I am not too sure what steps you have followed so far. Also the video thing, some of the users on this site were real lucky themselves to have not bricked their wii's much less are equipped to assist others via video. And to your post being too long. Me personally I skim read almost everything. I input phrases that stick out and bypass ones that don't. And am usually too lazy to scroll up to fully answer lengthy posts. After I looked at your post once more I realized you were just throwing out program names without asking specifically about any of them in particular. I am sorry for that. A misunderstanding on my part all together.
You want to play "backups" and you already have all needed cios installed already. Get the latest version of usbloader GX. For cover art use wii backup manager.
I use both wii backup manager and wbfs manager. I use wii backup manager to move wbfs formatted backups (that I stored on my torrent sites) and wbfs manager to move my games to my portable hard drive. Both tools have their strengths. You should also check out the truchia signer as well.
It allows you to take those "backed up" games and disassemble them. Then mod the files and resign them to play a modded game.
Now I have gone off track. You have a hbc wii on 4.3u correct?
You have installed the latest cios correct?
If so then just get usbloaderGX and you can get started with this. If you need assistance with anything just post it here in this thread. I promise I will fully read your posts from now on......

I´m sorry that I misread you. I thought that you were giving me a little bit of a hard time. I´m new with all of this modding and hacking of the Wii system. I've been at it for going on 2 weeks now. A lot of reading and some videos and hours of trying different things. Believe me, if you don't know what you are doing with all of this, and I didn't/don't, it can be very daunting. I have read some really valuable and important information concerning the entire procedure, some of which I found very interesting. So, with days and hours spent of searching and reading through outdated material and information, I finally managed to reap the rewards. I'm not sure how I did it, but everything, Wii backup games and Psx backup games, are finally running on a 64 gig SanDisk cruzer glide memory stick connected to the Wii. Not sure how and would have a hard time telling you how, but everything is working. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and give your input on my questions and concerns. It was very helpful.

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You may be able to use your 64GB stick to load games, I've use plenty of different sized Sandisk Cruzers just fine. I did have a PNY memory stick that didn't work so it just depends on the brand. Check to see if yours is on this list, don't worry if it's not it may still work. A Sandisk Cruzer is only about $20USD or cheaper, if you buy a Cruzer Fit, you'll barely see it.

So to backup your games, update GX by getting their Installer 1.8. With your USB (GX can be loaded from USB) or SD card connected to computer run that installer. Either just choose the program or add the channel if you'd like, but you need a Wad manger to install channels. When prompted browse to your USB/SD so it can copy the necessary folder(s).
If you put GX on USB, while in Homebrew Channel press 1 to change from SD to USB, then load GX.
Once in GX, there is a button in the lower left (?) that will say Install game when you hover over top of it. Use that to make your backup copy. I know there is/was a way to download coverart while in GX, but it has been a while and seems there was an issue with it for a little bit.
I use Wii Backup Manager to move my backups to my computer where I have more storage space. If you use that, in the settings there is a Covers tab where you can tell it you have GX and it will create the folder structure GX uses for its art, just need to change setting in GX to look on USB.

I quit using WBFS Manager because it could only transfer games to a WBFS formatted drive, which can only be used for Wii games. WBM can transfer games to FAT/NTFS/WBFS and can do drive to drive transfers without computer acting as a MITM.

tswntk did a good job answering your other questions about wad manager, WiiFlow, cIOS20b, DIOS MIOS, and Neo so I won't repeat...

If your current USB drive isn't working, you could try using the v10-b53-alt. I would use ModMii to build them but they can be found other places. ModMii is a Windows program that will create a custom guide for your Wii modding based on your answers. The GUI version, ModMii Skin, is great for first time mods or other guides, ModMii (classic version with blue background and white text) has some more advanced features. In the classic version, goto download page 4 type beta and change to v10-b53-alt. You want 24956 and 25057. Modmii will build the files and you'll need a wad manger to install them.
If you don't have one, on download page 2 of ModMii there is MMM or WM. WiiMod has some more advanced features and will work with the newer WiiMotion+, just stay away from the region change part and don't do something if it tells you not to.

Thanks for your input on everything. I see that there are a lot of knowledgeable peeps on here. Very helpful. I managed to use a 64 gig sandisk cruzer to play my transfers on. Everything is running smooth so far. I still have a lot to learn though. Hopefully I will become familiar enough with all of this to be able to provide assistance on here to other people that need help like others on here do.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

when you follow videos or tutorials, try to figure out how old are those videos/tutorials and avoid outdated one. Avoid youtube tutorials in general.
Softmodding is nothing more than installing the HBC. To play Wii games backups, you need cios. The rest is up to what apps you want to use.

It is better to list your questions point by point instead of one long paragraph.

iso 236 is not needed anymore though leaving it there wouldn't harm except taking up space.

USBLoader gx is up to v3.0 r 1256 now, see how outdated is yours. Try to download apps from their official sites or from their sticky threads here. (ULGX is stickied here)

Wii iso need to be placed in a proper folder structure: SD/USB:\wbfs\gamename [ID6]\[ID6].wbfs
Use WiiBackupManager (for windows) to transfer them. it will create the proper folder structure and rename the games automatically. For maximum compatibility with Wii apps, FAT32 is recommended and WiiBackupManager can transfer iso to FAT32 as .wbfs files and split them if necessary. If you insist on using .iso, NTFS partition is needed as they are bigger than 4G which a FAT32 partition can't handle.

ULGX doesn't support SD Wii game loading but you can use an SD2USB adapter and use it like a HDD. Wiiflow and Configurable USB Loader does support SD loading.
If your loader is up to date, you can just download cover arts from within the apps.

You don't need a wad manager unless you want to install cios manually or those things such as forwarders, custom channels or Wiiware/VC games. But installing bad wads can Brick your system, so watch out for that.

Wiiflow is just another USB loader and you can install it alongside with ULGX or CFG or Neogamma. Which one to use is more of a personal choice.

Dios Mios is for playing Gamecube games but is mostly replaced by Nintendont.

wbfs manager is considered obsoleted and you know the rest.

cios rev 20b is outdated and replaced by d2x (aka rev 21) unless you want to try special Emunands (I don't recommend you touch that area for now)

Neogamma is outdated and have not been updated for ages.

Thanks again for your help. I followed your suggestions and made a lot of progress. :grog:

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Just wanted to thank everybody again as a group, that had input to my questions. Everyone was very helpful on everything. :teach: I Still have a lot of learning to do though.
Last edited by jiimmn,
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