ROM Hack Trying to figure out how to Mod Cave Story (DSiware)


Jun 26, 2019
United States
I've been trying to figure out how to make mods for Cave Story DSiware but if I replace any of the bmps or level files inside the rom the game refuses to start and just hangs,I also noticed that the TSC script files are different from the ones in the PC freeware version and CS+(The DSiware ones seem to be unencrypted) . I've tried many things such as only modifying maps and putting them in the game shows intro logos and then hangs before title screen and Only changing graphics the game doesn't even start it just black screens. Does anyone else have any ideas?
Last edited by YoshiLightStar,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I don't have the game to look at.

Still you say BMP and while they may load then you might not be saving it back in the right format, or the game chops some stuff off/adds some stuff the baseline BMP does not.
Simple test. Open one of them up in your editor. Save it back without doing anything (or if you need to trick something then overwriting something with the same colour or changing it to another colour and overwriting it back) and then compare the files in a hex editor. If the changes are major then you probably have some fiddling with the settings on your editor to do, if they are minor then figure out what they mean (if anything) and replicate/correct accordingly.
Your basic Windows paint thing might not have that many options so you might need to grab a copy of GIMP, or something of that calibre. If you are lucky you might be able to fire your images through irfranview's batch mode.

"the TSC script files are different from the ones in the PC freeware version"
Can well believe it. You say unencrypted and that makes sense -- many PC games encrypt or protect their assets but devs assumed the console ones were less troubled, or did not want to pay the speed penalty. Even without that then the files might be simplified a bit, or have some more added to it if the DSiware version had things the PC version did not (or vice versa).
You might be able to figure out differences and create something to convert scripts, or use the output of a PC editor, but for the most part I treat any PC games or the same game on other platforms as sort of inspiration or ideas on what might be in there rather than something I can happily use here.

When you say replace levels have you tried copy and pasting a level from within the DSiware version (think delete level 3, copy paste level 4, rename to level 3's name)? This mainly to help eliminate whether it is a rebuilding error (or running error) rather than file format change between ports -- I am not familiar with all the various DSiware running methods but given how fiddly and annoying they are for plain DS games it makes sense to confirm first.


Jun 26, 2019
United States
It looks like DSi TSC scripts can just be opened in a text editor no special tools required interesting (image in spolier)

Last edited by YoshiLightStar,

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    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
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    yes, now I remember it
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    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
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    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
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    thanks btw
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    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
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