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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
Oh, we're talking about an advanced race of benevolent flashers now?
No, we're talking about our ancestors here The purest and deepest ancestors. The ones who create the pyramids and various other sites. We can talk about them because they attract a quantum level explanation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
So they had to celebrate their commitment to indecent exposure by erecting giant phallic symbols?
The Pyramids and other sites such as macchu picchu are somehow related to the earths magnetic/energy field. You think in western and basic scientific terms, they thought on a more advanced, spiritual and quantum level. :)



Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
The ancients, A.K.A, The 5th dimensional beings, A.K.A ET's, recuperated inside the earth. Yes, They live inside the planet. Search hollow earth theory (Agartha) and Admiral byrds account. And that's why you would sometimes see U.F.O's going inside volcanos and see them after manmade disasters. One was seen after the Fukushima Earthquake They come from Agartha to see how the earth is progressing. They can't land because humans think they're vile and primitive -.- . They communicate through crop circles to give us this secret about quantum in symbolic forms.
You do realize that aliens aside, the Earth cannot be hollow for a variety of physics-related reasons, right? For starters, it would rip itself apart with its own spin if it were hollow - it's really that simple. Secondly, if the Earth was hollow, its seismic activity would echo, which we're not seeing on seismic monitors, and the crust would literally collapse into itself. The crust of the Earth is built of tectonic plates which are under constant friction againts each other - were the Earth hollow, these would bend inwards rather than outwards, hence we would have no volcanoes at all. When friction between two hard materials occurs, the plates will always give way to the weaker side, and you can't go any weaker than "empty". In reality, the plates gradually layer up ontop of each other, creating heat and pushing the crust as well as magma outwards.


Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
You do realize that aliens aside, the Earth cannot be hollow for a variety of physics-related reasons, right? For starters, it would rip itself apart with its own spin if it were hollow - it's really that simple. Secondly, if the Earth was hollow, its seismic activity would echo, which we're not seeing on seismic monitors, and the crust would literally collapse into itself. The crust of the Earth is built of tectonic plates which are under constant friction againts each other - were the Earth hollow, these would bend inwards rather than outwards, hence we would have no volcanoes at all. When friction between two hard materials occurs, the plates will always give way to the weaker side, and you can't go any weaker than "empty". In reality, the plates gradually layer up ontop of each other, creating heat and pushing the crust as well as magma outwards.

Shh, no facts now, only dreams.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
You do realize that aliens aside, the Earth cannot be hollow for a variety of physics-related reasons, right? For starters, it would rip itself apart with its own spin if it were hollow - it's really that simple. Secondly, if the Earth was hollow, its seismic activity would echo, which we're not seeing on seismic monitors, and the crust would literally collapse into itself. The crust of the Earth is built of tectonic plates which are under constant friction againts each other - were the Earth hollow, these would bend inwards rather than outwards, hence we would have no volcanoes at all. When friction between two hard materials occurs, the plates will always give way to the weaker side, and you can't go any weaker than "empty". In reality, the plates gradually layer up ontop of each other, creating heat and pushing the crust as well as magma outwards.

You're still talking in basic science. Noone went inside the earth. We don't know what's in there so please. This thread is quantum. Keep basic science away from it. Believe in what you think, not scientists. They don't think in quantum terms. You can't deny the Hollow earth hypothesis and the fact that theres ACTUALLY holes on north and south pole. Don't say they're not visible on google earth, so they're not there. Go there yourself, you'll see them. The day money came into being, conspiracy, lies and hoaxes started circulating. I'm not in that domain anymore. You need to blow the bubble and think in a 4th dimensional perspective.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
You're still talking in basic science. Noone went inside the earth. We don't know what's in there so please. This thread is quantum. Keep basic science away from it. Believe in what you think, not scientists. They don't think in quantum terms. You can't deny the Hollow earth hypothesis and the fact that theres ACTUALLY holes on north and south pole. Don't say they're not visible on google earth, so they're not there. Go there yourself, you'll see them. The day money came into being, conspiracy, lies and hoaxes started circulating. I'm not in that domain anymore. You need to blow the bubble and think in a 4th dimensional perspective.
The thing is that we do know what's under the crust of the Earth, or more appopriately, we have a fair idea. With the use of contemporary seismology as well as the analysis of various digs and how the elements gradually change as you go in deeper in we can draw conclusions about the constituents of the various layers of the Earth. As for the "You can't deny the Hollow Earth Hypothesis" point where you say "you just haven't been there", I'm willing to bet a million bucks that neither have you. On top of that, I have sensible reasons to believe that Hollow Earth is simply fiction. ^_^


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
The thing is that we do know what's under the crust of the Earth, or more appopriately, we have a fair idea. With the use of contemporary seismology as well as the analysis of various digs and how the elements gradually change as you go in deeper in we can draw conclusions about the constituents of the various layers of the Earth. As for the "You can't deny the Hollow Earth Hypothesis" point where you say "you just haven't been there", I'm willing to bet a million bucks that neither have you. On top of that, I have sensible reasons to believe that Hollow Earth is simply fiction. ^_^

Yes. You have reasons which come from basic physics. I'm talking as it's mother, quantum physics. The theory which connects it all. The hollow earth hypothesis dosent deny the crust. You should read the theory carefully first along with pictures and then come back here trying to regard all this as fiction. Your basic science can't explain unexplainable phenomenon. With quantum, it's all connected. And yet you deny it. You deny the super ancient history, you accept the darwinian timeline, you deny the alien skeletons, you deny it all and adopt basic science proving it all a hoax. Well guess what? YOU BASIC SCIENCE IS A HOAX. Hell it hasn't made anyone immortal. WHERE IS EVOLUTION?? Evolution is organism, not facts and technology for god sakes. You wait century after century waiting for something which would bring evolution onto the human life again. The light has come in the form of quantum physics. HEISENBERG AND NEILS BOHR read ANCIENT texts to come up with quantum theories for god sakes. Einstein, Nikola Tesla and every other energy believing person would say the same thing to you. The basic model of science has changed. You're scared to rethink by disregarding it all. It's fine with me, you keep on prving me wrong. I have unlimited answers as a subjective experience. You have limited answers because you blindly believe in everything instead of experiencing it. Tell me, have you ever done something prior to knowing about it? THAT IS EVOLUTION and experience. Not doing something after believing or knowing, which is ignorance.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Can you explain in layman's terms what exactly do you mean by evolution? I don't think we have the same idea about it.

Tell me, have you ever done something prior to knowing about it? THAT IS EVOLUTION and experience. Not doing something after believing or knowing, which is ignorance.
Not that I want to burst your bubble, but that's how modern science work - you're performing an experiment several times, noting your observations. You begin noticing patterns and draw conclusions - that's how scientific discovery is made, based on repeated experience which can be re-created.

Your "quantum" science is based on "Aliens did it", "Ancients did it" and "I can imagine it so it must be true" - that's not "Experience", that's just science fiction.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
Can you explain in layman's terms what exactly do you mean by evolution? I don't think we have the same idea about it.
Why someone elses definition? Give me your own first. I already gave you mine. It's a subjective experience, where the organism interacts with the environment through his own personal experiences, shaping his consciousness in a unique manner. Eg- A newly born "Adult" with no knowledge as to why hes in an empty void, with a dot in the sky and a vague and abstract painting he's standing on, applying his creativity. shaping it. (4 dimensional and subjective aspect). I want YOUR defination now, Not Darwins or any other theorists'.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Why someone elses definition? Give me your own first. I already gave you mine. It's a subjective experience, where the organism interacts with the environment through his own personal experiences, shaping his consciousness in a unique manner. Eg- A newly born "Adult" with no knowledge as to why hes in an empty void, with a dot n the middle, applying his creativity. shaping it. (4 dimensional and subjective aspect). I want YOUR defination now, Not Darwins or any other theorists'.
I'm afraid that my definition will have to be very much similar to Darwins, not because I'm close-minded but because it makes sense - we're the descendants of far more primitive species and via means of "survival of the fittest" and millenias of breeding, we evolved into our current form, gradually adapting to the world changing around us as well as the different tasks we began performing as time went by. At some point in time, we became a sapient species and we began mental development side by side with physical development. There's nothing quantum about it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
Can you explain in layman's terms what exactly do you mean by evolution? I don't think we have the same idea about it.

Not that I want to burst your bubble, but that's how modern science work - you're performing an experiment several times, noting your observations. You begin noticing patterns and draw conclusions - that's how scientific discovery is made, based on repeated experience which can be re-created.

Your "quantum" science is based on "Aliens did it", "Ancients did it" and "I can imagine it so it must be true" - that's not "Experience", that's just science fiction.

But you recite those observations to everyone, in turn they tell it to other, not keeping it a subjective experience. See where i'm getting at? When did i say aliens and ancients did it? I've been posting lots of material in the past 9 pages. If you cared to go through it all, you would understand. But you're so ignorant. I'm giving you a chance to improve on your life, unlock full potential and a chance to be immortal. I can only guide you. You keep on ignoring, it dosen't bother me. What bothers me is you trying to prove Quantum, the base with basic science which wouldnt even exist without quantum, as wrong. Explain the big bang. How does a small organism mutate?? How do apes evolve? How do we evolve further? Why can't we? Got answers? I already gave you the answer. You're scared of rejection from society and scared that you'll flip out. But trust me, there more to it than that if you stabilize and keep yourself calm.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
I'm afraid that my definition will have to be very much similar to Darwins, not because I'm close-minded but because it makes sense - we're the descendants of far more primitive species and via means of "survival of the fittest" and millenias of breeding, we evolved into our current form, gradually adapting to the world changing around us as well as the different tasks we began performing as time went by. At some point in time, we became a sapient species and we began mental development side by side with physical development. There's nothing quantum about it.

Why not evolve further then? You would say 'Hey, it's not scientifically' possible but 'Hey, it's darwinically possibly, then why ain't i evolving?' It dosent happen like that. Open your mind. Believe in you own beliefs and norms and ideas. Create, not follow. Be your own dream, not someone elses. Money, economy, darwins theory are someone elses dreams and ideas, not yours. Create your own. EVOLVE. Both internally and externally. Life is infinite. Shape your own reality


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
But you recite those observations to everyone, in turn they tell it to other, not keeping it a subjective experience. See where i'm getting at? When did i say aliens and ancients did it? I've been posting lots of material in the past 9 pages. If you cares to go through it all, you would understand. But you're so ignorant. I'm giving you a chance to improve on your life, unlock full potential and a chance to be immortal. I can only guide you. You keep on ignoring, it dosen't bother me. What bothers me is you trying to prove Quantum, the base with basic science which wouldnt even exist without quantum. Explain the big bang. How does a small organism mutate?? How do apes evolve? How do we evolve further? Why can't we? Got answers? I already gave you the answer. You're scared of rejection from society and scared that you'll fli out. But trust me, there more to it than that if you stabilize and keep yourself calm.
I'm giving you a chance to improve your life by means of actual, real life science that works and is both appliable and valid in everyday life, far superior to the flashy fairy tales you've been fed by god-knows-who. I know that the videos you've watched and posted here are all nice and flashy - they have pretty animations in them and people talk about all these mysterious things... except they're usually not mysterious, we have answers for all those questions. Also, it's pretty easy to explain how a small or more complex organism could mutate - there are varieties of ways it could occur. Take birth "defects" for example - all of a sudden a mammal infant is born with one of its fingers completely the other way around compared to the rest of its family. Times are harsh and this newly-formed "thumb" gives it an advantage in life, allowing for a variety of tasks other mammals are incapable of. The ladies dig the thumb and have fun with the weirdo and all his kids have thumbs - evolution at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.
Why not evolve further then? You would say 'Hey, it's not scientifically' possible but 'Hey, it's darwinically possibly, then why ain't i evolving?' It dosent happen like that. Open your mind. Believe in you own beliefs and norms and ideas. Create, not follow. Be your own dream, not someone elses. Money, economy, darwins theory are someone elses dreams and ideas, not yours. Create your own. EVOLVE. Both internally and externally. Life is infinite. Shape your own reality
Who said that we stopped evolving at any point? In a few million years, provided we're still on Earth at this point, our bodies will be more accustomed to the less physically-straining and more mentally-oriented lifestyles of future humans, that is, unless the situation drastically changes due to whatever catastrophy may occur in the meantime.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
I'm giving you a chance to improve your life by means of actual, real life science that works and is both appliable and valid in everyday life, far superior to the flashy fairy tales you've been fed by god-knows who. I know that the videos you've watched and posted here are all nice and flashy - they have pretty animations in them and people talk about all these mysterious things... except they're usually not mysterious, we have answers for all those questions. Also, it's pretty easy to explain how a small or more complex organism could mutate - there are varieties of ways it could occur. Take birth "defects" for example - all of a sudden a mammal infant is born with one of its fingers completely the other way around compared to the rest of its family. Times are harsh and this newly-formed "thumb" gives it an advantage in life, allowing for a variety of tasks other mammals are incapable of. The ladies dig the thumb and have fun with the weirdo and all his kids have thumbs - evolution at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.
Who said that we stopped evolving at any point? In a few million years, provided we're still on Earth at this point, our bodies will be more accustomed to the less physically-straining and more mentally-oriented lifestyles of future humans, that is, unless the situation drastically changes due to whatever catastrophy may occur in the meantime.

Ouch. I expected more from you on evolution. Like i thought... No open minded answer. You didn't answer as to why can't everyone evolve further... You didn't answer why we can't progress further... You didn't answer why Newton never explained the force governing the attraction of particles inside the atom. You say a million years, why not now? Apes didnt rely on technology for evolution LOL. Theres holes in everything you say. I'm done here. Because i'm only answering, and not getting any kind of progressive response from you. Before knowing something, you must think about it yourself. P.S. I can control fire :)


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Ouch. I expected more from you on evolution. Like i thought... No open minded answer. You didn't answer as to why can't everyone evolve further... You didn't answer why we can't progress further... You didn't answer why Newton never explained the force governing the attraction of particles inside the atom. You say a million years, why not now? Apes didnt rely on technology for evolution LOL. Theres holes in everything you say. I'm done here. Because i'm only answering, and not getting any kind of progressive response from you. Before knowing something, you must think about it yourself. P.S. I can control fire :)
I answered the questions about further evolution by saying that we never stopped evolving. Newton didn't answer the questions regarding the atom because he didn't have the technology to observe the interactions within an atom, unlike the scientist's of today. We don't need technology to evolve, that said, unlike people before us, we're close to reaching a level of technological prowess to start completely artificial evolution - that's besides the point though, you're skim-reading through what I'm writing.

Your only arguments are "tl;dr, I'm right and you're wrong" - that's not how discussions work. Either find a way to prove your point with actual, convincing evidence or accept the fact that you're wrong and you've been played by someone smarter than you who's making money thanks to people like you who buy into this pseudo-science.
P.S. I can control fire :)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
I answered the questions about further evolution by saying that we never stopped evolving. Newton didn't answer the questions regarding the atom because he didn't have the technology to observe the interactions within an atom, unlike the scientist's of today. We don't need technology to evolve, that said, unlike people before us, we're close to reaching a level of technological prowess to start completely artificial evolution - that's besides the point though, you're skim-reading through what I'm writing.

Your only arguments are "tl;dr, I'm right and you're wrong" - that's not how discussions work. Either find a way to prove your point with actual, convincing evidence or accept the fact that you're wrong and you've been played by someone smarter than you who's making money thanks to people like you who buy into this pseudo-science.
Show us.

You're bringing money in. I was talking about natural evolution... you skipped straight to artificial evolution. Sad enough. My mind is my source, not some bullcrap 'Scienists have found out that" which is different from different sources.. Explain to me why we have junk D.N.A? Explain to me U.F.O's? Explain Crop Circle patterns? Explain the Fibonacci sequencem golden ratio and it's naturaly occuring chracteristic. Explain to me telepathy and other abilities? Explain to me the physical manifestation of spiritual energy?. You didn't see the previous videos i posted. It's not colors and people talking. IT'S LIVE ACTION FOR GOD SAKES... Artificial = Manmade= fake. Natural = natural = Real.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
You're bringing money in. I was talking about natural evolution... you skipped straight to artificial evolution. Sad enough. My mind is my source, not some bullcrap 'Scienists have found out that" which is different from different sources.. Explain to me why we have junk D.N.A? Explain to me U.F.O's? Explain Crop Circle patterns? Explain the Fibonacci sequencem golden ratio and it's naturaly occuring chracteristic. Explain to me telepathy and other abilities? Explain to me the physical manifestation of spiritual energy?. You didn't see the previous videos i posted. It's not colors and people talking. IT'S LIVE ACTION FOR GOD SAKES... Artificial = Manmade= fake. Natural = natural = Real.
I'm still not seeing you showing off your pyrokinesis. That, and all those "questions" are actually easily answered - we have junk D.N.A because some parts of the sequence are deemed recessive - they may surface if the conditions are right, but otherwise remain inactive - we simply don't need them anymore. Crop circle patters are man-made jokes. U.F.O means unidentified flying object - it's anything that flies and is unidentified - unless you mean aliens? That's a different story y'know. As for the golden ration/Fibonacci sequence, much like the sphere, some shapes are naturally the most "efficient" - for certain tasks, that's the beauty of evolution, that's the reason why our skulls are not cube-like. In the case of the flower patterns shown in the video you posted, this was the leaf/petal/seed layout that would allow for the most even exposure to sun, which is why it was prominent in many species. The fact that it goes across various spectrums of wildlife only proves that we have common ancestory and that the Darwinian theory has sense.
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