Gaming Theme issue, cannot fix


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
United States

New here and unsure if this is the correct forum, however I was directed here to see if anyone knows of an answer to this problem.

I recently upgraded from a 128gb memory card to a 256gb (both samsungevo). The first memory card worked flawlessly, have had it for a year but I've filled it up. I did a transfer to the 256 and all was well, however I swapped memory sticks as I'm over the 300 limit to play some vc content. That memory card, the theme stays when I power off, but my new 256 reverts back to the white each time I power down.

It also corrupted Pokemon Rumble World's save data of which I bought all the packs and had something like 11k diamonds. Nintendo refunded me 30 bucks, but I decided to power down and put the old memory card in and the game data was also corrupt. As this point the 128 only had been copied, nothing more, so I thought it odd. I deleted the game and save, and noted the theme still worked.

I put the 256 in and Pokemon rumble world was gone as well even though I'd not deleted it and restarted. So this leads me to believe the save and data is elsewhere and not on the memory card.

Now the problem I'm having currently is whenever I power down the system the theme resets to the standard white. I'm unsure if the card is just too big (works fine on every other device, scanned it with three programs, all check out, firmware is fine, it's formatted to fat32 default 32kb cluster) and all of my games work perfectly fine, save data, and j can select themes and just restore it.

The problem is I'm wanting to transfer the data to a new Samus xl and I'm not sure if it's a good idea if there are corrupted files. I don't know if there is a file on the 3ds memory card that stores the theme data (the one it creates upon launch of a new system, as I've already deleted the dlc theme data and reinstalled to no avail). Home menu data being recreated on the new card, zeroed out and reformatted doesn't do anything either, so I'm wondering if the game corrupted in an area where the system saves. I've not yet tried flashing the system memory as I don't know where all the saves are, but I'd been told there was an answer for themes resetting that did not require new memory cards and it was a file needing deleted. I've scanned the SD card for errors and nothing comes up with two data recovery programs, so I'm at a loss

Does anyone have any idea of a way to fix themes not saving as a background upon power down? As I said it works on the 64gb with all my Indies and VC, but my large titles it does not work specifically on this memory card. The original works fine (the 128) and the 256 isn't giving errors, is a healthy partition and doesn't show any corruption or signs of failure, just got it out of the box (they can still be duds but I'm quite certain this is not the case)

Unsure of a file location to delete to force the system to recreate the home data and theme data, or if that is even the problem.

Also, secondary, is save data stored only in the "extra data" file? I'm pure digital so I'd like to back this up as often as possible in the event of failure
My apologies for the wall I'm just at a loss. I perform data recovery on PC's quite often, recently recovered an add through technological mode and I just can't figure this one out!

Thank you in advance!


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
United States
I do not see an area to edit however I wanted to add that it remembers badges, just themes deselect and revert.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
United States
Ahh, thank you, my apologies

To further some info, it does seem to hold badges but I cannot use the shuffle option as well. Seems to be specific to themes. There has to be a file on the SD that controls themes and not dlc data, to provoke the system to reinitiate as if it were a fresh install without flashing it as my other sds work fine.
Shuffle does not work correctly now as well. Oddly earlier today I had the ability to "delete" shuffle items. I set two themes and it set me to the wrong one, so I went back into shuffle and it allowed me to delete them both without uninstalling. Unless I'm missing something I no longer have this option either.


I found the file after some digging and watching what was growing in file size and deleted a folder. It recreated theme management. No fix. Unsure if there is another folder needed to remove.
Last edited by Inhuman-Art,

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