Q&A ( for those 'Out of the Loop' )
Q: What is "Go"?
A: "Go" is a 3DS vulnerability that originated from this webkit bug which allows ROP code to be inserted into memory.
Q: Cool! How can I use it to play [insert homebrew here]?
A: Currently, the only working form of the exploit is Gateway's version, which is (stupidly) "encrypted". It has been recently reverse engineered by Yifan Lu, which allowed custom launcher.dat files to be executed using Go.
What can we do, and what people need to do with, "Go"? (As of January 17, 2015)
Good Ones:
- Use Gateway's Launcher to dump saves, your NAND, game cards, and downgrade to an older firmware version. (except for those with 2DS systems which are stuck with the latest firmware.)
- Certain developers are publishing their work which works with Go! For example, Smealum has recently released Regionthree which allows you to play games made for other regions.
- A developer (or someone who is willing to contribute) should port Smealum's Homebrew Launcher to Go, so we won't need a Gateway to execute homebrew anymore.
- I'm too lazy to think of other ones so you may suggest some.
As I stated in the previous section, I'm a bit lazy to think of the rest, so you may suggest other content I may include in the thread.