What a competition! In the second round of semi-finals it seemed as though the PlayStation 2 would be our darling forever, but then a dark rider swept in from the night and stole our hearts, minds, valuables, and our virginity; the Super Nintendo managed to squeak in for a win to become GBATemp's most beloved console. For more info, you can check out last week's post here.
And here's how the vote looked in the end:
Before we proceed, let's have a quick recap of those things no one has ever read:
So, what now, brown cow? We've done everything! We whittled the handhelds down to our favourite, we chiselled away at the console generations until we were left with an electronic Adonis. So again I ask of you, what now? Well, we pit our winners against each other, that's what! Who cares if I have a Physics exam today! This is clearly more important! (it's not, really)
This Week's Challengers Are:
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System
As if winning the console wars wasn't enough, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System also won it's generational bracket, and went on to beat the PlayStation 2 in our second semi-final round. It brought us too many great games to recount here. So, GBATemp, I submit the Super Nintendo Entertainment System to you, in hopes that it will be well received and treated with dignity. Will it be our supreme leader? You decide!
The Nintendo DS
After almost losing to the PSP in it's generational bracket (yeah, I don't understand it either), the Nintendo DS went on to dominate the handheld bracket in our first semi-final round. Nintendo's ambiguous 'third pillar' won us over with it's unique dual screens (I'm actually not sure why), microphone input, and touchscreen capabilities. GBA backwards compatibility (at first) didn't hurt either! So will the DS make the SNES it's bitch? Once more, the decision rests firmly on your shoulders, people of GBATemp.
So we've come to the end, my friends. This will be the final round in thaddius' Console Classic, 2012 Edition. When I ran this thing on other websites, they never got to the end so it's nice to finally finish this thing. I'm glad that you all could be a part of it. Thanks for all the support and thank you for being entertained, albeit mildly, by this poll. Next week there will be a nostalgia thread where I'll discuss some of my favourite memories of the winning console/handheld, where I invite everyone to join me to reminisce.
Again, thank you for participating.
Once again, here is how the brackets stand:
Who will win? It could be you!*
*note: it can't be you.
Till next week!
EDIT: The poll is now closed. I'll be posting the results soon.
And here's how the vote looked in the end:

Before we proceed, let's have a quick recap of those things no one has ever read:
Each week, video game history will be put to the test to see which console or handheld is the greatest. There can only be one!
Vote for your favourite and follow it through to the end as we try to determine GBATemp's favourite console/handheld!
Consoles and handhelds will face off in brackets comprised of their generation. Because there can only be one, in the event of a tie I will cast a tie-breaking vote. Once a winner has been declared for each generation, the console winners and the handheld winners will face off in individual brackets. Once an ultimate console and ultimate handheld have been chosen, they will face off against each other to see who is the greatest!
For a concrete example of the brackets, see the image at the bottom of this post.
Vote for your favourite and follow it through to the end as we try to determine GBATemp's favourite console/handheld!
Consoles and handhelds will face off in brackets comprised of their generation. Because there can only be one, in the event of a tie I will cast a tie-breaking vote. Once a winner has been declared for each generation, the console winners and the handheld winners will face off in individual brackets. Once an ultimate console and ultimate handheld have been chosen, they will face off against each other to see who is the greatest!
For a concrete example of the brackets, see the image at the bottom of this post.
This Week's Challengers Are:
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System

As if winning the console wars wasn't enough, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System also won it's generational bracket, and went on to beat the PlayStation 2 in our second semi-final round. It brought us too many great games to recount here. So, GBATemp, I submit the Super Nintendo Entertainment System to you, in hopes that it will be well received and treated with dignity. Will it be our supreme leader? You decide!
The Nintendo DS

After almost losing to the PSP in it's generational bracket (yeah, I don't understand it either), the Nintendo DS went on to dominate the handheld bracket in our first semi-final round. Nintendo's ambiguous 'third pillar' won us over with it's unique dual screens (I'm actually not sure why), microphone input, and touchscreen capabilities. GBA backwards compatibility (at first) didn't hurt either! So will the DS make the SNES it's bitch? Once more, the decision rests firmly on your shoulders, people of GBATemp.
So we've come to the end, my friends. This will be the final round in thaddius' Console Classic, 2012 Edition. When I ran this thing on other websites, they never got to the end so it's nice to finally finish this thing. I'm glad that you all could be a part of it. Thanks for all the support and thank you for being entertained, albeit mildly, by this poll. Next week there will be a nostalgia thread where I'll discuss some of my favourite memories of the winning console/handheld, where I invite everyone to join me to reminisce.
Again, thank you for participating.
Once again, here is how the brackets stand:

Who will win? It could be you!*
*note: it can't be you.
Till next week!
EDIT: The poll is now closed. I'll be posting the results soon.