Hang on, you want death threats? OK. Ericzander. I'm am going to smother you. With hugs.
As for the modchip, I think you are all spot on: it's tedious to open up a switch, solder the chip (at tiny solder points) and then the hassle of having to apply new thermal paste when assembling it. And that is assuming one can even get hold of a modchip, which will also cost far more than an rcmloader. So this form of hacking will never be so widespread that Nintendo cares to spend molah trying to fix it.
That being said, the SX modchips are just classic power glitching. The best Nintendo could do is to try to remove testpoints and/or make them harder to access. But they could never 100% prevent anyone from working around it: some small updates to the modchip, probably just updating the signal timings will be enough.