According to the guy who installed the chip, Android crashes every time he tries to open it, so he didn't charge me for that, then he tried with his own marikos and realized it's general... but after some research I come to the conclusion he tried to install android 10 which is indeed limited to pre-mariko... I went to the link you're giving me and it doesn't look easy to do for me. For comparison, I could mod my 3ds without any help apart from the tutorial, but I gave up with my wii-u in the middle even with help and I'm not trying anymore.
Right now I'm in a pickle because I want to transfer some save files from my intact mariko to my chipped oled, then modify things (like take the pokémon files to my pc and inject some mystery gifts and pokémon from pksm's bank), then send a copy of the save files to the mariko so I'd have the save files on both consoles if necessary, I would keep playing on mariko and sometimes back up on the modded one (the aim is to leave the oled available for other people at home when needed) but I can't even log in to my account (probably because it's linked to a nintendo account) on the oled. I can't find either the pksm bank's files in the 3ds's sd card to open with pkhex but without the first part it's quite useless.
I feel very nooby and hopeless right now, sorry, I wish I was better at this.
Hello did i miss something here ? ( trying go online) and my exosphere look like this
# Key: debugmode, default: 1.
# Desc: Controls whether kernel is debug mode.
# Disabling this may break Atmosphere's debugger in a future release.
# Key: disable_user_exception_handlers, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether user exception handlers are executed on error.
# NOTE: This will cause atmosphere to not fail gracefully.
# Support may not be provided to users tho disable these.
# If you do not know what you are doing, leave them on.
# Key: enable_user_pmu_access, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether userland has access to the PMU registers.
# NOTE: It is unknown what effects this has on official code.
# Key: blank_prodinfo_sysmmc, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether PRODINFO should be blanked in sysmmc.
# This will cause the system to see dummied out keys and
# serial number information.
# NOTE: This is not known to be safe, as data may be
# cached elsewhere in the system. Usage is not encouraged.
# Key: blank_prodinfo_emummc, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether PRODINFO should be blanked in emummc.
# NOTE: This is not known to be safe, as data may be
# cached elsewhere in the system. Usage is not encouraged.
# Key: allow_writing_to_cal_sysmmc, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether PRODINFO can be written by homebrew in sysmmc.
# NOTE: Usage of this setting is strongly discouraged without
# a safe backup elsewhere. Turning this on will also cause Atmosphere
# to ensure a safe backup of calibration data is stored in unused
# mmc space, encrypted to prevent detection. This backup can be used
# to prevent unrecoverable edits in emergencies.
# Key: log_port, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls what uart port exosphere will set up for logging.
# NOTE: 0 = UART-A, 1 = UART-B, 2 = UART-C, 3 = UART-D
# Key: log_baud_rate, default: 115200
# Desc: Controls the baud rate exosphere will set up for logging.
# NOTE: 0 is treated as equivalent to 115200.
# Key: log_inverted, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether the logging uart port is inverted.
Hello did i miss something here ? ( trying go online) and my exosphere look like this
# Key: debugmode, default: 1.
# Desc: Controls whether kernel is debug mode.
# Disabling this may break Atmosphere's debugger in a future release.
# Key: disable_user_exception_handlers, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether user exception handlers are executed on error.
# NOTE: This will cause atmosphere to not fail gracefully.
# Support may not be provided to users tho disable these.
# If you do not know what you are doing, leave them on.
# Key: enable_user_pmu_access, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether userland has access to the PMU registers.
# NOTE: It is unknown what effects this has on official code.
# Key: blank_prodinfo_sysmmc, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether PRODINFO should be blanked in sysmmc.
# This will cause the system to see dummied out keys and
# serial number information.
# NOTE: This is not known to be safe, as data may be
# cached elsewhere in the system. Usage is not encouraged.
# Key: blank_prodinfo_emummc, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether PRODINFO should be blanked in emummc.
# NOTE: This is not known to be safe, as data may be
# cached elsewhere in the system. Usage is not encouraged.
# Key: allow_writing_to_cal_sysmmc, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether PRODINFO can be written by homebrew in sysmmc.
# NOTE: Usage of this setting is strongly discouraged without
# a safe backup elsewhere. Turning this on will also cause Atmosphere
# to ensure a safe backup of calibration data is stored in unused
# mmc space, encrypted to prevent detection. This backup can be used
# to prevent unrecoverable edits in emergencies.
# Key: log_port, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls what uart port exosphere will set up for logging.
# NOTE: 0 = UART-A, 1 = UART-B, 2 = UART-C, 3 = UART-D
# Key: log_baud_rate, default: 115200
# Desc: Controls the baud rate exosphere will set up for logging.
# NOTE: 0 is treated as equivalent to 115200.
# Key: log_inverted, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether the logging uart port is inverted.
Hello did i miss something here ? ( trying go online) and my exosphere look like this
# Key: debugmode, default: 1.
# Desc: Controls whether kernel is debug mode.
# Disabling this may break Atmosphere's debugger in a future release.
# Key: disable_user_exception_handlers, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether user exception handlers are executed on error.
# NOTE: This will cause atmosphere to not fail gracefully.
# Support may not be provided to users tho disable these.
# If you do not know what you are doing, leave them on.
# Key: enable_user_pmu_access, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether userland has access to the PMU registers.
# NOTE: It is unknown what effects this has on official code.
# Key: blank_prodinfo_sysmmc, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether PRODINFO should be blanked in sysmmc.
# This will cause the system to see dummied out keys and
# serial number information.
# NOTE: This is not known to be safe, as data may be
# cached elsewhere in the system. Usage is not encouraged.
# Key: blank_prodinfo_emummc, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether PRODINFO should be blanked in emummc.
# NOTE: This is not known to be safe, as data may be
# cached elsewhere in the system. Usage is not encouraged.
# Key: allow_writing_to_cal_sysmmc, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether PRODINFO can be written by homebrew in sysmmc.
# NOTE: Usage of this setting is strongly discouraged without
# a safe backup elsewhere. Turning this on will also cause Atmosphere
# to ensure a safe backup of calibration data is stored in unused
# mmc space, encrypted to prevent detection. This backup can be used
# to prevent unrecoverable edits in emergencies.
# Key: log_port, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls what uart port exosphere will set up for logging.
# NOTE: 0 = UART-A, 1 = UART-B, 2 = UART-C, 3 = UART-D
# Key: log_baud_rate, default: 115200
# Desc: Controls the baud rate exosphere will set up for logging.
# NOTE: 0 is treated as equivalent to 115200.
# Key: log_inverted, default: 0.
# Desc: Controls whether the logging uart port is inverted.
Damn, i just went online. It means ban incoming ? I just bought this console two days ago with kefir system, where i need to serach that i have Emunand or systemnand
Damn, i just went online. It means ban incoming ? I just bought this console two days ago with kefir system, where i need to serach that i have Emunand or systemnand
if you went online with your emuMMC I think you're screwed. Did you also update your emuMMC using Nintendos servers? I could be completely wrong but I think there's a possibility you COULD still be okay if you hadn't yet installed any pirated content. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but you should kind of expect a ban at this point and be thankful if you're not.
no, I didn't install anything from the official Nintendo server. I updated via the kefir update app. At first atmosphere, then consoles on 18.1 via the kefir application and then it switched me to the Daybreakapplication. This crashed the atmosohere/hosts file after the update, but XAW0000000 remained as the console ID. I've been browsing various forums for half a day and I wonder what will come out of it
If that's your current contents of exosphere.ini file, you've enabled prodinfo blanking on both sysNAND and emuNAND. What do you mean by going online? Downloading eShop games? Playing legit or pirated games online?
Going online is only safe if you have 90DNS (that Draxzelex mentioned) or DNS MITM (that RedColoredStars mentioned). Prodinfo blanking is optional, but it's questionable whether it's effective or not. Some said it was, the others (including Atmosphere's dev) didn't. It doesn't hurt to have it enabled.
I think so as well, if you're on a fresh emuNAND created from the clean sysNAND you should be theoretically safe to update your system on emuNAND. Again, I'm not sure either as I've never done that. I never even updated my stock firmware since I bought my Switch and I've only updated my emuNAND to the latest via Daybreak. But, I'm not sure about how Kefir apps do the updating process since I've never bothered with those all-in-one packs myself either.
Go to the System Settings > System and check the firmware version. Since Kefir's built upon Atmosphere, you should see E or S at the end of firmware / system version. If it says E, you're on emuNAND, otherwise if it says S, you're on sysNAND.
Blanking prodinfo was fixed in 17.0.0, therefore without the patch Atmosphere should crash as soon as you try to connect to the Nintendo servers with blank prodinfo and no DNS MITM or 90DNS in place. It won't crash if you have DNSMITM or 90DNS, however, because you can use either one of them (or both) to affectively block Nintendo servers.
I wanted to perform a clean installation of Atmosphere 1.7.1 on my Switch Lite with the SXOS modchip. I installed the HATS package version 17.1.5, which is adapted for 18.1.0. My switch was running on 16.1.0 at the time. It worked fine after the clean installation on 16.1.0.
I tried to update os to 18.1.0 using Daybreak. However, when I created a new folder on the SD card with firmware files, EmuNAND stopped booting and the console would freeze at the Nintendo Switch logo. After deleting that folder, EmuNAND would boot again.
I then updated the system on SysNAND (through sysmmc cfw), and everything worked fine—the system on SysNAND updated to version 18.1.0. Unfortunately, EmuNAND still froze at the Switch logo. I tried various methods, including reinstalling, clean installation, partition based EmuNAND, but nothing worked. I couldn't boot EmuNAND at all—it kept freezing at the Switch logo after trying to update to 18.1.0.
edit #1
I performed a downgrade of the OS to version 17.1.0 and next to 16.0.1 using the same method as before. I deleted all files from the SD card and then restored a backup of the card that I had made before attempting the clean installation (when everything was still working). I then restored a NAND backup.
After trying to boot, I encountered the error "failed to match warmboot with fuses." When I tried to fix the issue using the warmboot error fix, the same error appeared. I have updated fusee.bin to the latest available file from github but still nothing. Additionally, now the Power button only boots into Hekate after several attempts—I have to try multiple times before it boots.
edit #2
Clean installation again without any packs like HATS. SX Gear loaded from rentry, loaded the latest versions of Hekate, Atmosphere, and fusee.bin from GitHub, installed sigpatches 1.5.2 binary from the forum, placed fusee.bin in the /bootloader/payloads with the file name fusee.bin. System Version: 16.1.0. Atmosphere Version: 1.7.1
Semi-Stock (SysMMC): Boots, but I get the error "failed to match warmboot with fuses."
CFW (SysMMC): Boots with two errors: "failed to match warmboot with fuses" and "failed to apply nosigchk."
When I try to boot CFW, I only see the Atmosphere logo; the Nintendo Switch logo doesn’t appear, and the console freezes on a black screen.
The same happens when trying to boot into SysNAND through Reset -> OFW—it freezes on a black screen.
I also experimented with a different hekate_ipl.ini setup:
Warmboot Error Fix: Shows the error "failed to match warmboot with fuses" but it does boot.
Atmosphere CFW: Restarting to hekate after warmboot fix and launching CFW, I see the errors "failed to match warmboot with fuses" and "failed to apply nosigchk," but it boots successfully. However, if I reboot into Hekate from CFW and try to relaunch CFW or try to launch CFW without warmboot fix, I just see the Atmosphere logo, and then the console freezes on a black screen again.
How to cope with this? I'm running out of ideas, any help would be much appreciated
edit #3
I have probably managed to deal with the problem. Burnt fuses: 19/0 HOS: 17.0.0+. I once again put first hekate_ipl.ini on the card bcs somehow the second one didn't work, cfw launched after warmboot fix shut down few times. Information about fuses was only available on the latest hekate. Again, CFW (SysMMC), daybreak, install fw 17.0.0. Then I tried to boot cfw and it froze on nintendo switch logo. Reboot -> ofw works now without errors. CFW (SysMMC) -> failed to apply nosigchk, no fuses error. Restart to hekate, launch cfw (emummc), nosigchk error but no fuses error, emummc was still on 16.1.0 but I've managed to update it to 17.0.0 through daybreak. AAAAND it's working. Power button is fine now too. Still, no idea what causes the problem (that switch stuck on the logo after putting firmware files on the card) and what the hell happened.
Next, I tried to get rid of nosigchk error;
Sys-Patch 1.5.0 Binary (FW 17 & Atmosphère 1.7.1+) -> cfw stuck on the logo
tried latest sigpatches -> cfw stuck on the logo
I put files from the backup after success at edit #3 -> cfw stuck on the logo
sd card format -> all files from the backup once again -> cfw works fine
??????did nand backup, tried to boot cfw and it stuck on the logo kekw
Here's a step-by-step description of the process I've followed to troubleshoot the ongoing issues with my Switch Lite. I'm detailing everything to see if anyone can point out a mistake, as I suspect this might be a hardware issue. The problems only started after trying to update, and although I haven't used the Switch much recently, everything seemed fine before. However, CFW did boot before the update, and the first signs of trouble appeared when I created a new folder on the SD card. Now, I'm experiencing issues regardless of the versions or combinations I use. So the issues aren't related to things I've described in the previous post. I wouldn't read too much into that post, but let it serve as background information. Not knowing what issue I was dealing with, I ended up complicating things myself, but I eventually managed to get to the bottom of it. FW currently at 17.0.0.
To rule out any issues with the SD card, I performed all the steps below on a second, brand new SD card:
Formatted the SD card to FAT32.
Downloaded and extracted the following files onto the SD card: and fusee.bin
Created a file named default.txt in /atmosphere/hosts
Launched Hekate -> Tools -> Partition SD Card -> OK, then created EmuMMC using Create emuMMC -> SD File.
I can boot into OFW, CFW-SysMMC, and Stock-SysMMC without any problems or errors—they work every time. However, when I try to boot into CFW-EmuMMC, the console sometimes freezes on the Nintendo Switch logo. This issue does not occur every time; in most cases, CFW-EmuMMC boots up normally (without any errors either). But occasionally, it freezes on the logo and won’t progress further, I have to hold down the power button to shut down the console. Today, I experienced the issue of freezing at the logo twice, so I conducted a test with 10 boot attempts, one after another. Out of 10 tries, 10 were successful (only cfw-emummc).
What do you think? Could it be hardware issue, or it just happens and I shouldn't care too much as it is modded so it could causes some problems?
If there's anything I'm doing wrong or if there's a hardware issue at play, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone.
I have the first, unpatched version of the Switch, but the last time I played on it was about a year or so ago and today I felt like playing some games on it. I took the console out of the box, connected everything, updated Atmosphere to the latest version and, to my surprise, I can't install any .nsp games. I have a few games installed on the memory card, but I wanted to install something new and I can't do it, and I wanted to do it exactly the way I remembered - using DB Installer.
An example will be the game "Mario vs. Donkey Kong" - I put the .nsp file on the memory card and wanted to install the game using DB Installer. The problem is that after installing it, the game cover doesn't show up like it always did, only an empty area. When I want to start the game, the message appears:
"An error has occurred.
Please try again later.
If the problem persists, please try performing a system update from Settings"
The system is updated.
This empty thing can't even be uninstalled now.
Has anything changed in the game installation since I haven't used the Switch? If so, how do I install games now? What's going on here?
Hi I'm having an issue where my RCM jig doesn't seem to connect on my 2017 switch. I took a picture and have attached it. I saw someone suggested not pushing it all the way in, which I tried but still no luck. When I hold volume + and press power it usually doesn't do anything. If I hold it long enough it eventually starts as normal. Any ideas?
Hi I'm having an issue where my RCM jig doesn't seem to connect on my 2017 switch. I took a picture and have attached it. I saw someone suggested not pushing it all the way in, which I tried but still no luck. When I hold volume + and press power it usually doesn't do anything. If I hold it long enough it eventually starts as normal. Any ideas?
First off, the contacts that make use on the switch are on the back side of that jig. I'd suggest either cleaning with rubbing alcohol, or use a fine sand paper to lightly sand those contacts on the back side of the jig. The copper does oxidase over time and may not make a good connection. You could always get another jig also, they are dirt cheap. I'd also recommend AutoRCM in hekate, then you would hard!y need to use the jig anymore.
First off, the contacts that make use on the switch are on the back side of that jig. I'd suggest either cleaning with rubbing alcohol, or use a fine sand paper to lightly sand those contacts on the back side of the jig. The copper does oxidase over time and may not make a good connection. You could always get another jig also, they are dirt cheap. I'd also recommend AutoRCM in hekate, then you would hard!y need to use the jig anymore.
Thx for the quick response. I just ordered this one from Amazon so it's a bummer I can't use it.i wasn't sure if the pins are supposed to barely stick out on the back side?here's pics of the back. Could you explain What am I trying to accomplish when I sand it?
Hi I'm having an issue where my RCM jig doesn't seem to connect on my 2017 switch. I took a picture and have attached it. I saw someone suggested not pushing it all the way in, which I tried but still no luck. When I hold volume + and press power it usually doesn't do anything. If I hold it long enough it eventually starts as normal. Any ideas?
I realize that...but it doesn't light up the Nintendo logo or anything when I try to boot with the jig installed. I also connected the usb cable to my switch and pc to ensure I wasn't wrong and tegra says No rcm device detected. Does that not co firm the jig isn't working?
I realize that...but it doesn't light up the Nintendo logo or anything when I try to boot with the jig installed. I also connected the usb cable to my switch and pc to ensure I wasn't wrong and tegra says No rcm device detected. Does that not co firm the jig isn't work
It won't show logo or anything on the switch screen, just will stay black till hekate starts. Also while in the TegraGUI app, did you click on and install the driver. There will be a tab on top of the app you click on to get to it.
It won't show logo or anything on the switch screen, just will stay black till hekate starts. Also while in the TegraGUI app, did you click on and install the driver. There will be a tab on top of the app you click on to get to it.
Hey, just brief update.
I finally got my hands in the used Switch OLED. Everything was fine but it was hard to turn on IMO.
Then I made the mistake of updating the OFW's firmware which caused the CFW to be rendered useless so I had no choice but to update the CFW immediately (I was going to wait for several days but I wanted to try out the eShop when in OFW to ensure the Switch is not banned).
I had the red light turn on and got panicky. After the original store that did the mod told me to press the power button longer, it finally turned on. I did all the upgrade, etc, everything was normal, then when I tried to boot to OFW, it died on me.
Only purple light blinking. I googled and read here & in reddit that it maybe the solder or dat0 so I'll go back to the original store tomorrow but I'm afraid they'll try to tell me upgrading caused this when I know it's purely the hardware and not because of the firmware.
Also I'm a female so they might be underestimating me, earlier when I asked them to show me how to boot to OFW (they set it up so it'd go straight to CFW and when I opened album, the homebrew apps weren't there, turned out need to press R + Album to see it) they already were a bit condescending (2 40-something males). Sigh. Wish me luck, guys!
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TLOZ: Echoes of Wisdom marks the first time that a...
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The renders show the device from...
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When Palworld released into early access back in January of this year, it drew attention for its similarities to Pokemon. Some called into question whether or not the...
The little brother to Nintendo’s flagship hardware, the Switch Lite released in 2019 to positive reviews. With all the power of the full-sized console at a lower...
The next Zelda game is around the corner, and Nintendo is eager to show off more of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom ahead of the game's launch later this month...
In what could possibly be the worst way to start October for emulation enthusiasts, as of just a few minutes ago the Ryujinx repository appears to be down, with the...
It's time to see what surprise PlayStation has in store for the future, with its PS5 Technical Presentation broadcast. Will we see a PS5 Pro? Or will it be something...
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom has officially leaked online ahead of its 26th September street date.
TLOZ: Echoes of Wisdom marks the first time that a...
Images of what are supposedly a factory prototype for the Nintendo Switch 2 alongside a spec sheet have appeared on a Chinese forum.
The renders show the device from...
With a Switch 2 reveal hopefully on the horizon, the question is how much will Nintendo ask for the base model at launch and what will their launch offerings be...
Late yesterday, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, the developer of the monster-collecting open-world game Palworld, alleging it...
When Palworld released into early access back in January of this year, it drew attention for its similarities to Pokemon. Some called into question whether or not the...
A little under four years after its PC port, and PlayStation has delisted Horizon Zero Dawn. That's because Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered will soon take its place...
The little brother to Nintendo’s flagship hardware, the Switch Lite released in 2019 to positive reviews. With all the power of the full-sized console at a lower...
Nintendo has been a company that tries to do its own thing compared to the rest of the industry. With the rise of generative AI in game development, many studios are...
@SylverReZ, maybe when I get home I will play some Mario 2 (both the doki doki panic one and the lost levels) and also finish downloading marvel vs capcom 3