I just did the following
- Formatted the MicroSD, put Zelda: ALBW on it using DiskWriter
- Open the game on N3DS, Save the game
- Back in DiskWriter, Backed up the save
- Reformatted the MicroSD, put the game back on
- Restored the backed up save
Load game - save is GONE?
Is this how it is supposed to "work"? How can I restore the save file? Am I being completely stupid here?
Also, should save games disappear whenever you write another ROM to the MicroSD?
EDIT: tried it a few times more.
OmegaRuby: save restored
Mario Kart 7: save gone
Zelda A Link Between Worlds: save gone
wtf is going on
- Formatted the MicroSD, put Zelda: ALBW on it using DiskWriter
- Open the game on N3DS, Save the game
- Back in DiskWriter, Backed up the save
- Reformatted the MicroSD, put the game back on
- Restored the backed up save
Load game - save is GONE?
Is this how it is supposed to "work"? How can I restore the save file? Am I being completely stupid here?
Also, should save games disappear whenever you write another ROM to the MicroSD?
EDIT: tried it a few times more.
OmegaRuby: save restored
Mario Kart 7: save gone
Zelda A Link Between Worlds: save gone
wtf is going on