kaos, i actually have played a game where pvp involves skill and you cant cheat, my old wow guild was top 50 north american horde guilds.
Anyways, i was more or less refering to the diablo two aspect of the game, where in d2lod, if you wanted to be able to play agaisnt hackers you had to Bot.
Botting was a program that would do miscilanious runs for you to get better gear, what this did is put more of the higher qaulity gear into the market, but also added tons of mid to lower qaulity gear, so beginning players often had the luck of meeting a friendly high level player who would give him all the crap (crap to him, but PURE GOLD to the beginning player).
Sometimes cheating is good for the game when it makes it a better experiance for everyone and doesnt put anyone at a dis-advantage :]