Until yesterday, my 3DS was working perfectly. However, after i took it with me to a trip to another city, it simply stays on the black screen. I tried to boot onto Luma, Godmode and the Recovery Mode, but it always stays on the black screen.
I have to admit i haven't updated in a while. Could that be the issue? Searching around the web, other people seemed to be able to boot into Luma/Godmode, but not even this works. The blue light turns on, but beyond that, nothing happens.
Until yesterday, my 3DS was working perfectly. However, after i took it with me to a trip to another city, it simply stays on the black screen. I tried to boot onto Luma, Godmode and the Recovery Mode, but it always stays on the black screen.
I have to admit i haven't updated in a while. Could that be the issue? Searching around the web, other people seemed to be able to boot into Luma/Godmode, but not even this works. The blue light turns on, but beyond that, nothing happens.