ROM Hack Pokémon Sword & Shield (v1.3.1) CFW/EMU Cheat Codes


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2020
The opening thread posts are reserved for Sword and Shield v1.3.0 codes. Under the 1st page, the code list will consist of UNIQUE Cheats. The community will ensure that codes are tested AND working on both Sword and Shield BEFORE being added to the main page list. (I will try my best to re-test as many codes personally. However, I am not a cheat hunter. I will not be able to help with any requests for new cheat codes.)

Switch Cheat Codes 101
The way cheat codes work on CFW Nintendo Switch is by pointing a specific areas of memory and editing the programing code. Just because amazing code hunters such as @Falo & @SkyQueen have given so much for free, doesn't mean it isn't hard work. Please respect that!

Codes are for Everyone
There are some parts of Sword & Shield which will require Code Hunters to hunt & test on BOTH versions resulting in simular BUT UNIQUE Cheats for each of the games. To keep everyone on the same page, the main post will be only updated with a cheat if there is a working version for both Sword & Shield.

Non-Retail Versions
The simple fact this is a forum thread for Cheat Codes. Cheat Codes is impossible on a Nintendo Switch without Custom Firmware. This means a percentage of the people utilizing these cheats are using illegal back-ups of the games.

The Cheat Codes hunted & posted to this thread were done so on legit copies of the game. There is no guarantee any of these Cheat Codes will work on a back-up copy of the game. This is due to the programs used to create back-ups including features to reduce file size.

It's been confirmed by multiple users across the various versions that a faulty back-up will play properly but many Cheat Codes do not work. The solution for EACH and EVERYONE one of these issues has ALWAYS been for the individual to replace the back-up.

Please stay on topic!
There are lots of Discord groups and threads on this forum devoted to other aspects of Pokémon. The goal of this thread is to focus on collecting codes for the current version of the game. If you need help or want to discuss other topics such as on other tools (ie: PKHeX), CFW installation & troubleshooting, or anything else which isn't specifically about the cheats, this isn't and shouldn't be the spot for that. It's difficult to maintain the main page cheat list IF this thread is bogged down with off-topic conversations.


Last edited by Th3Alic3,


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2020
Pokémon Sword
  • TitleID: 0100abf008968000
  • v1.3.1 BuildID: 4628a512b1d93d37

In-Battle Cheats
[PokéBalls Always Catch (v1.3.1)]
04000000 008A7008 17FFFFF0

[Always Instant-KO (v1.3.1)]
04000000 007E37F0 7900E808
04000000 007E37F0 7900E81F
(* PROGRAMMING CHEAT: This cheat code replaces function to check damage dealt with an immediate result of KO. This means any time in which the game would check a Pokémon for damage, its immediately KO'd on both sides of the battlefield.)

Shiny Codes (for new Encountered Wild/Raid*/Egg/Fossil Pokemon)
[Shiny Star (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766844 1400003A
04000000 00766854 14000036
04000000 007773C4 52000C29

[Shiny Square (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766844 1400003A
04000000 00766854 14000036
04000000 007773C4 2A0103E9

IV Cheats [Individual] (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[31/Best IV: Hit Points (HP) (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Hit Points (HP) (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 52800000

[31/Best IV: Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767050 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767050 52800000

[31/Best IV: Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 0076705C 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 0076705C 52800000

[31/Best IV: Sp. Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767068 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Sp. Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767068 52800000

[31/Best IV: Sp. Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767074 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Sp. Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767074 52800000

[31/Best IV: Speed (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Speed (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767080 52800000

IV Cheats [Pre-Sets] (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/0/31/31/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 52800000
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/31/31/0/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 52800000
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/31/31/31/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

[31/0/31/31/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 52800000
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

[31/31/31/0/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 52800000
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

Gender Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[Female (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800021

[Male (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800001

[Genderless (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800041

[Default Gender (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 79406261

Ability Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[1st Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800002
04000000 007670A8 52800008
04000000 007670BC 52800008
04000000 007670D0 52800008

[2nd Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800022
04000000 007670A8 52800028
04000000 007670BC 52800028
04000000 007670D0 52800028

[Hidden Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800042
04000000 007670A8 52800048
04000000 007670BC 52800048
04000000 007670D0 52800048

Nature Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[Adamant Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800061
04000000 00766FEC 52800061

[Bashful Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800241
04000000 00766FEC 52800241

[Bold Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000A1
04000000 00766FEC 528000A1

[Brave Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800041
04000000 00766FEC 52800041

[Calm Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800281
04000000 00766FEC 52800281

[Careful Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002E1
04000000 00766FEC 528002E1

[Docile Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000C1
04000000 00766FEC 528000C1

[Gentle Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002A1
04000000 00766FEC 528002A1

[Hardy Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800001
04000000 00766FEC 52800001

[Hasty Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800161
04000000 00766FEC 52800161

[Impish Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800101
04000000 00766FEC 52800101

[Jolly Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001A1
04000000 00766FEC 528001A1

[Lax Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800121
04000000 00766FEC 52800121

[Lonely Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800021
04000000 00766FEC 52800021

[Mild Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800201
04000000 00766FEC 52800201

[Modest Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001E1
04000000 00766FEC 528001E1

[Naive Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001C1
04000000 00766FEC 528001C1

[Naughty Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800081
04000000 00766FEC 52800081

[Quiet Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800221
04000000 00766FEC 52800221

[Quirky Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800301
04000000 00766FEC 52800301

[Rash Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800261
04000000 00766FEC 52800261

[Relaxed Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000E1
04000000 00766FEC 528000E1

[Always Sassy Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002C1
04000000 00766FEC 528002C1

[Serious Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800181
04000000 00766FEC 52800181

[Timid Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800141
04000000 00766FEC 52800141

Pokémon Shield
  • TitleID: 01008db008c2c000
  • v1.3.1 BuildID: dbddd13845acd2bd

In-Battle Cheats
[PokéBalls Always Catch (v1.3.1)]
04000000 008A7008 17FFFFF0

[Always Instant-KO (v1.3.1)]
04000000 007E37F0 7900E808
04000000 007E37F0 7900E81F
(* PROGRAMMING CHEAT: This cheat code replaces function to check damage dealt with an immediate result of KO. This means any time in which the game would check a Pokémon for damage, its immediately KO'd on both sides of the battlefield.)

Shiny Codes (for new Encountered Wild/Raid*/Egg/Fossil Pokemon)
[Shiny Star (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766844 1400003A
04000000 00766854 14000036
04000000 007773C4 52000C29

[Shiny Square (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766844 1400003A
04000000 00766854 14000036
04000000 007773C4 2A0103E9

IV Cheats [Individual] (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[31/Best IV: Hit Points (HP) (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Hit Points (HP) (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 52800000

[31/Best IV: Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767050 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767050 52800000

[31/Best IV: Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 0076705C 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 0076705C 52800000

[31/Best IV: Sp. Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767068 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Sp. Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767068 52800000

[31/Best IV: Sp. Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767074 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Sp. Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767074 52800000

[31/Best IV: Speed (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Speed (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767080 52800000

IV Cheats [Pre-Sets] (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/0/31/31/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 52800000
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/31/31/0/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 52800000
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/31/31/31/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

[31/0/31/31/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 52800000
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

[31/31/31/0/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 52800000
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

Gender Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[Female (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800021

[Male (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800001

[Genderless (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800041

[Default Gender (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 79406261

Ability Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[1st Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800002
04000000 007670A8 52800008
04000000 007670BC 52800008
04000000 007670D0 52800008

[2nd Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800022
04000000 007670A8 52800028
04000000 007670BC 52800028
04000000 007670D0 52800028

[Hidden Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800042
04000000 007670A8 52800048
04000000 007670BC 52800048
04000000 007670D0 52800048

Nature Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[Adamant Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800061
04000000 00766FEC 52800061

[Bashful Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800241
04000000 00766FEC 52800241

[Bold Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000A1
04000000 00766FEC 528000A1

[Brave Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800041
04000000 00766FEC 52800041

[Calm Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800281
04000000 00766FEC 52800281

[Careful Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002E1
04000000 00766FEC 528002E1

[Docile Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000C1
04000000 00766FEC 528000C1

[Gentle Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002A1
04000000 00766FEC 528002A1

[Hardy Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800001
04000000 00766FEC 52800001

[Hasty Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800161
04000000 00766FEC 52800161

[Impish Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800101
04000000 00766FEC 52800101

[Jolly Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001A1
04000000 00766FEC 528001A1

[Lax Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800121
04000000 00766FEC 52800121

[Lonely Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800021
04000000 00766FEC 52800021

[Mild Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800201
04000000 00766FEC 52800201

[Modest Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001E1
04000000 00766FEC 528001E1

[Naive Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001C1
04000000 00766FEC 528001C1

[Naughty Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800081
04000000 00766FEC 52800081

[Quiet Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800221
04000000 00766FEC 52800221

[Quirky Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800301
04000000 00766FEC 52800301

[Rash Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800261
04000000 00766FEC 52800261

[Relaxed Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000E1
04000000 00766FEC 528000E1

[Always Sassy Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002C1
04000000 00766FEC 528002C1

[Serious Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800181
04000000 00766FEC 52800181

[Timid Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800141
04000000 00766FEC 52800141


(If you are new to this website, you need to click SPOILER to see the codes.)
Last edited by Th3Alic3,


Aug 25, 2020
If it can be useful for someone, this cheat works well without any edit on Sword 1.3.1
Build ID 4628a512b1d93d37

[Always Instant-KO (v1.3.0)]
04000000 007E37F0 7900E808
04000000 007E37F0 7900E81F


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2020
Hello all,

Thankfully, a large chunk of cheats which translate immediately from v1.3.0 to v1.3.1 simply with a copy & paste! (This is due to the update being minor as it appears to be solely focused on GameFreak is doing their best to ensure all discovered Multiplayer Battle Bugs are weeded out of the game.)

I tested the Fast Hatch & Instant Egg which no longer appear to work. (I suspect this will be the same for the Set Raid Beam to Purple cheat.) These are cheats appear to be in need of a re-hunt for v1.3.1. Hopefully @Falo can help one more time!

Falo, if you are able to help with an updated Set Raid Beam to Purple... in addition to setting the Raid Type value to 4... would you create 3 more cheats which also allow us to set:
  • Stars (decimal value range is 0~4)
  • RandRoll (decimal value range is 0~99)
  • SEED (hexidecimal value of 16 digits.)
Once again! I would like to thank @Falo in advance! And please be sure to thank anyone that contributes to your cheat experience being awesome!
Last edited by Th3Alic3,


Active Member
Oct 26, 2020
[Get Item 999]
04000000 0142058C D503201F
04000000 014205A0 1A8B3168
04000000 014205D0 1A8A814A
Can I upgrade it? Thank you


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2018
United States
I would just like to have the nursery codes again please and thank you to everyone who makes these cheats possible!
  • Like
Reactions: ELY_M


Active Member
Jul 29, 2016
Will "walk through walls" or "run faster" codes ever come back? Those were pretty useless but fun to use :(
  • Like
Reactions: ELY_M


New Member
Dec 27, 2020
United States
why can't I start the game after copying the cheat codes into my sd card folder.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Pokémon Sword
  • TitleID: 0100abf008968000
  • v1.3.1 BuildID: 4628a512b1d93d37

In-Battle Cheats
[PokéBalls Always Catch (v1.3.1)]
04000000 008A7008 17FFFFF0

[Always Instant-KO (v1.3.1)]
04000000 007E37F0 7900E808
04000000 007E37F0 7900E81F
(* PROGRAMMING CHEAT: This cheat code replaces function to check damage dealt with an immediate result of KO. This means any time in which the game would check a Pokémon for damage, its immediately KO'd on both sides of the battlefield.)

Shiny Codes (for new Encountered Wild/Raid*/Egg/Fossil Pokemon)
[Shiny Star (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766844 1400003A
04000000 00766854 14000036
04000000 007773C4 52000C29

[Shiny Square (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766844 1400003A
04000000 00766854 14000036
04000000 007773C4 2A0103E9

IV Cheats [Individual] (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[31/Best IV: Hit Points (HP) (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Hit Points (HP) (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 52800000

[31/Best IV: Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767050 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767050 52800000

[31/Best IV: Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 0076705C 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 0076705C 52800000

[31/Best IV: Sp. Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767068 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Sp. Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767068 52800000

[31/Best IV: Sp. Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767074 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Sp. Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767074 52800000

[31/Best IV: Speed (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Speed (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767080 52800000

IV Cheats [Pre-Sets] (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/0/31/31/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 52800000
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/31/31/0/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 52800000
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/31/31/31/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

[31/0/31/31/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 52800000
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

[31/31/31/0/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 52800000
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

Gender Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[Female (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800021

[Male (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800001

[Genderless (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800041

[Default Gender (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 79406261

Ability Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[1st Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800002
04000000 007670A8 52800008
04000000 007670BC 52800008
04000000 007670D0 52800008

[2nd Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800022
04000000 007670A8 52800028
04000000 007670BC 52800028
04000000 007670D0 52800028

[Hidden Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800042
04000000 007670A8 52800048
04000000 007670BC 52800048
04000000 007670D0 52800048

Nature Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[Adamant Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800061
04000000 00766FEC 52800061

[Bashful Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800241
04000000 00766FEC 52800241

[Bold Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000A1
04000000 00766FEC 528000A1

[Brave Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800041
04000000 00766FEC 52800041

[Calm Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800281
04000000 00766FEC 52800281

[Careful Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002E1
04000000 00766FEC 528002E1

[Docile Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000C1
04000000 00766FEC 528000C1

[Gentle Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002A1
04000000 00766FEC 528002A1

[Hardy Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800001
04000000 00766FEC 52800001

[Hasty Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800161
04000000 00766FEC 52800161

[Impish Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800101
04000000 00766FEC 52800101

[Jolly Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001A1
04000000 00766FEC 528001A1

[Lax Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800121
04000000 00766FEC 52800121

[Lonely Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800021
04000000 00766FEC 52800021

[Mild Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800201
04000000 00766FEC 52800201

[Modest Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001E1
04000000 00766FEC 528001E1

[Naive Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001C1
04000000 00766FEC 528001C1

[Naughty Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800081
04000000 00766FEC 52800081

[Quiet Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800221
04000000 00766FEC 52800221

[Quirky Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800301
04000000 00766FEC 52800301

[Rash Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800261
04000000 00766FEC 52800261

[Relaxed Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000E1
04000000 00766FEC 528000E1

[Always Sassy Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002C1
04000000 00766FEC 528002C1

[Serious Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800181
04000000 00766FEC 52800181

[Timid Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800141
04000000 00766FEC 52800141

Pokémon Shield
  • TitleID: 01008db008c2c000
  • v1.3.1 BuildID: dbddd13845acd2bd

In-Battle Cheats
[PokéBalls Always Catch (v1.3.1)]
04000000 008A7008 17FFFFF0

[Always Instant-KO (v1.3.1)]
04000000 007E37F0 7900E808
04000000 007E37F0 7900E81F
(* PROGRAMMING CHEAT: This cheat code replaces function to check damage dealt with an immediate result of KO. This means any time in which the game would check a Pokémon for damage, its immediately KO'd on both sides of the battlefield.)

Shiny Codes (for new Encountered Wild/Raid*/Egg/Fossil Pokemon)
[Shiny Star (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766844 1400003A
04000000 00766854 14000036
04000000 007773C4 52000C29

[Shiny Square (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766844 1400003A
04000000 00766854 14000036
04000000 007773C4 2A0103E9

IV Cheats [Individual] (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[31/Best IV: Hit Points (HP) (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Hit Points (HP) (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 52800000

[31/Best IV: Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767050 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767050 52800000

[31/Best IV: Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 0076705C 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 0076705C 52800000

[31/Best IV: Sp. Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767068 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Sp. Attack (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767068 52800000

[31/Best IV: Sp. Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767074 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Sp. Defense (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767074 52800000

[31/Best IV: Speed (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[0/Worst IV: Speed (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767080 52800000

IV Cheats [Pre-Sets] (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/0/31/31/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 52800000
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/31/31/0/31/31 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 52800000
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 528003E1

[31/31/31/31/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

[31/0/31/31/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 52800000
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 528003E1
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

[31/31/31/0/31/0 IVs (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767044 528003E1
04000000 00767050 528003E1
04000000 0076705C 528003E1
04000000 00767068 52800000
04000000 00767074 528003E1
04000000 00767080 52800000

Gender Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[Female (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800021

[Male (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800001

[Genderless (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 52800041

[Default Gender (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FF8 79406261

Ability Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[1st Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800002
04000000 007670A8 52800008
04000000 007670BC 52800008
04000000 007670D0 52800008

[2nd Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800022
04000000 007670A8 52800028
04000000 007670BC 52800028
04000000 007670D0 52800028

[Hidden Ability (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00767090 3940D262
04000000 007670A8 3940D268
04000000 007670BC 3940D268
04000000 007670D0 3940D268
04000000 00767090 52800042
04000000 007670A8 52800048
04000000 007670BC 52800048
04000000 007670D0 52800048

Nature Cheats (for Wild/Raid*/Lair*/Egg/Fossil Pokémon)
[Adamant Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800061
04000000 00766FEC 52800061

[Bashful Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800241
04000000 00766FEC 52800241

[Bold Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000A1
04000000 00766FEC 528000A1

[Brave Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800041
04000000 00766FEC 52800041

[Calm Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800281
04000000 00766FEC 52800281

[Careful Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002E1
04000000 00766FEC 528002E1

[Docile Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000C1
04000000 00766FEC 528000C1

[Gentle Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002A1
04000000 00766FEC 528002A1

[Hardy Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800001
04000000 00766FEC 52800001

[Hasty Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800161
04000000 00766FEC 52800161

[Impish Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800101
04000000 00766FEC 52800101

[Jolly Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001A1
04000000 00766FEC 528001A1

[Lax Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800121
04000000 00766FEC 52800121

[Lonely Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800021
04000000 00766FEC 52800021

[Mild Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800201
04000000 00766FEC 52800201

[Modest Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001E1
04000000 00766FEC 528001E1

[Naive Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528001C1
04000000 00766FEC 528001C1

[Naughty Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800081
04000000 00766FEC 52800081

[Quiet Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800221
04000000 00766FEC 52800221

[Quirky Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800301
04000000 00766FEC 52800301

[Rash Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800261
04000000 00766FEC 52800261

[Relaxed Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528000E1
04000000 00766FEC 528000E1

[Always Sassy Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 528002C1
04000000 00766FEC 528002C1

[Serious Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800181
04000000 00766FEC 52800181

[Timid Nature (v1.3.1)]
04000000 00766FE0 79406661
04000000 00766FEC 79406661
04000000 00766FE0 52800141
04000000 00766FEC 52800141


(If you are new to this website, you need to click SPOILER to see the codes.)
why can't I start the game after copying the cheat codes to my sd card folder.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
In a Galaxy far far away
United States
why can't I start the game after copying the cheat codes into my sd card folder.
ok i believe i may have found the reason why. One maybe more of the codes in shield that i know of since i am playing shield. Might be bad the one ones i had active was the reset all 31 iv code and the 100% catch rate which does not even work. so if someone could please take a look at those that would be great.

Lucky Dearly

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2008
Visit site
United States
any chance these cheats can be converted to Pokemon Sword 1.3.1?

[Power Points (PP) don't Reduce (v1.3.0]
04000000 007E25B8 4B1F0142

[x999 Items Pickup/Unheld (v1.3.0)]
04000000 01420598 D503201F
04000000 014205A0 1A8B3168
04000000 014205D0 1A8A814A


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
In a Galaxy far far away
United States
found the code for Wats for shield
[Max Wats (v1.3.1) ]
04100000 45068FE8 0098967f
Note. I have tested this on a new save and it works. Please let me know if anyone has any issues.
Found the Pokedollar cheat code for shield as well. The version is the same as my Max Wats code 1.3.1
[Max PokeDollars (v1.3.1) ]
04100000 45072DF4 0098967f
Last edited by danver,


New Member
Dec 29, 2020
[Eggs Hatch Faster (on)]
[Eggs Hatch Faster (off)]
[Nursey Staff Always Have an Egg (on)]
[Nursey Staff Always Have an Egg (off)]
1.3.1 version please!!
I'm weak in English and sorry.
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Reactions: ChicagoMel

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    Damn I had 13 inch of snow fall last week, n just got 3 inch more today. Tired of shoveling already. The older I get, the more I hate winter. No wonder why old people move to Florida.
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    Hi crayonsbill
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    Listen here grandpa
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    We had to walk in the snow barefoot, uphill both to and from school.
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    Help my custom profile color palette is broken
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    @BigOnYa Was it up a mountain?
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    Pah, at least my generation survived a pandemic. I had to kill the viruses with my bare hands. That's right, I lit them on fire to boil them away
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea Elon it was, how'd you know. Well duh of course you know. You know it all.
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    @BigOnYa I don't actually find this funny.
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    @Xdqwerty I bet x made it buggy as a special gift to you.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I don't use your social platform, so don't know.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, he meant
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    I wonder if the 2025 USA census will ask "How many illegal aliens reside at your residence?"
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    They'd overload if it were how many cats do you own and skinned
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You should see how many cat and dog heads I have mounted on my wall in my trophy room
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    Stop calling your dick a trophy it's a participation trophy
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    At least I get to participate, you never even make the qualifying.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    In dog humping I'd pass anyway uremum has the winning trophy
    K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: In dog humping I'd pass anyway uremum has the winning trophy +1