So this is really starting to get on my nerves. Not because I have any big plans for ROM hacks or anything, simply because more than one person has claimed they have done it (and I've seen it in Tyranitar's Extreme Sun Randomizer [How the game has edited starter overworld models for instance]). So that tells me that it is possible.
Now, I have had at least two people attempt to give directions but there was a bit of a language barrier so they aren't exactly specific in the least.
For example, the overworld models/textures are located in the a/0/8/3 garc in Pokemon Moon. However, anytime I attempt to edit anything in this garc, my console either crashing with an arm9 error or it restarts itself completely. I know for a fact it has everything to do with the way I am repacking everything because I unpacked the garc, and the bins, extracted the files, and packed everything back without making any edits and I get the same result.
At this point I can't even determine if my edits are bad or not since my packing method is so obviously the issue. This is what I was vaguely told to do; heavy emphasis on vague.
I know this is a little long winded, and I apologize but this is driving me absolutely crazy and I would love to know what I'm doing wrong. Or even if I need another version of PK3DS someone could supply. I would be eternally grateful for any assistance.
Even if you haven't tried, if you're seasoned in ROM editing I could use some more heads to try and help me figure this out. When that does happen, I plan to write another tutorial for NPC/Pokemon overworld texture edits. Thanks for taking the time to read and if you can help please do!!
Now, I have had at least two people attempt to give directions but there was a bit of a language barrier so they aren't exactly specific in the least.
For example, the overworld models/textures are located in the a/0/8/3 garc in Pokemon Moon. However, anytime I attempt to edit anything in this garc, my console either crashing with an arm9 error or it restarts itself completely. I know for a fact it has everything to do with the way I am repacking everything because I unpacked the garc, and the bins, extracted the files, and packed everything back without making any edits and I get the same result.
At this point I can't even determine if my edits are bad or not since my packing method is so obviously the issue. This is what I was vaguely told to do; heavy emphasis on vague.
- I use PK3DS to unpack the garc file from a/0/8/3.
- This gives a number of .bin files that correspond to a map location.
- The "003.bin" file contains models for the Route 1/Outskirts maps.
- I take the "003.bin" and decompress it using the "(de)compress LZ11" option in PK3DS.
- This gives me "dec_003.bin".
- I then take that "dec_003.bin" and drag it to PK3DS. It asks if I want to unpack "sub files" and I say yes.
- This gives me a folder called "dec_003_AC".
- Inside here there are 26 folders, and 26 .bin files.
- The "13_CP" folder contains a "1_CM" folder as well as two .bin files.
- The "1.*******" file inside the "13_CP" folder is the model w/animations and can be edited. So I open it in Ohana BCH and replace the textures and save it.
- Then I open the "1_CM" folder and do the same thing for the "0.bin" which is just the model/texures.
- Now, I take that "13_CP" folder and drag it the garc tools window in Ohana, and it becomes "13.CP"
- I rename this to the original file in the garc "13.*******"
- Then I take that "13.*******" file and drag it to Ohana to unpack the sub folder and get the "13_CP" folder back.
- Then I take the "dec_003_AC" folder and drag that to the "repack" window in PK3DS.
- It becomes "dec_003.AC"
- I take this file and compress it with the (de)compress LZ11 option and it becomes the original file "003.bin".
- Finally, I drag the edited garc to PK3DS to repack it.
I know this is a little long winded, and I apologize but this is driving me absolutely crazy and I would love to know what I'm doing wrong. Or even if I need another version of PK3DS someone could supply. I would be eternally grateful for any assistance.
Even if you haven't tried, if you're seasoned in ROM editing I could use some more heads to try and help me figure this out. When that does happen, I plan to write another tutorial for NPC/Pokemon overworld texture edits. Thanks for taking the time to read and if you can help please do!!