Gaming Homebrew game Pokémon Fire Ash dev looking for assistance


Lord of Pyro
Jan 7, 2012
Your basement
United States
I am a developer (not the creator) for the Pokemon Essentials v15 game called 'Pokemon Fire Ash' (website: ; Discord server: ), which loosely follows Ash's anime adventures. It has been in development since late 2017, with the initial ideas and planning started in late 2014. We already have the game completed through the end of the Alola saga, and were getting ready to prepare for Galar. However, we discovered that, in order to implement some of the new features, such as Dynamaxing, we needed to 'upgrade' our ancient Essentials v15 framework to Essentials v19.1, as almost all currently existing scripts are made for that version.

This poses a problem, as it will require coding expertise that I do not have, and I am the only one on the team that is even close to qualified enough to do it. So, I am here to invite people who have experience porting code from old versions of Essentials to new versions to assist me in this project. In addition to being required to post examples of their work, all would-be devs also need to be trustworthy enough to NEVER share our dev files with ANYONE outside of the dev team under ANY circumstances. Reply to this post if you are, or know someone who may be able to help. I have been working on this all week, and am only about 3% of the way done. All tilesets are imported, and some Trainer graphics are imported. Also, some PBS files are already imported.

I am also going to post this request in the Project Pokémon forums, but I thought I would also include it here.


Lord of Pyro
Jan 7, 2012
Your basement
United States
Just FYI, I actually completed all work myself, and now, after the next update, 99% of bugs will be fixed. There's still an issue with the Sketch attack, however, as well as a crash while talking to one of the status judges, but once those are ironed out it will be playable from start to finish. Online trading and battling is implemented, but as of writing this has not yet been activated due to not many players having reached endgame yet, as it requires players to have 100% completed the game to access. All Gen 8 stuff has been added in, but not implemented except for certain mechanics, and the descriptions for healing items are incorrect, as we opted to keep the Gen 1-6 values for them instead of the 'updated' values.

There are many quirks (such as wild Pokemon and Trainer levels almost completely, but not completely, resetting every region, with the exception of Brock, Misty, and Team Rocket, so you still need to bring a single high-level Pokemon; most players bring Pikachu with them everywhere), and hundreds of small typos that need corrected (and a few cases of the wrong punctuation, notably when talking to Gary the first time), which we've put off fixing so far due to the sheer size of the game (over 900 maps are in use, and over 40,000 lines of text). Also, since almost all movies are not technically canon, all movie events are excluded from the game.

The next few updates after the next one will be QoL fixes, such as improving overworld sprites for Trainers post Gen 1 in many cases, as well as fixing all outstanding bugs that have not yet been found (In addition to fixing the healing item descriptions noted above, I'm very sure there are still some unreported ones left). After that we will wait for the Galar arc to end in Japan, then add in all story and events for that, which will take about a year, then release v4.0.0 of the game, which will receive a few updates to fix bugs, after which the game will be considered 100% complete unless Ash returns for another show.
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