Pick 5 games that are nobody's favourite game but you still enjoy.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Shameless stealing this idea from the radio the other day (albeit it was bands).

Pick 5 games that you doubt will be on anybody's favourite game list but you still enjoy and that at least some people will know (they might have to be invested in that gameplay style or time but still know it). Share them with us and a basic description/overview/what you like about them.
Could be games that everybody had for some reason when you were kids (in my case for the NES everybody had Defender of the Crown and Shadowgate, no idea why), could be a generally forgettable take on a popular genre (any time something gets popular you usually get many pretenders to the crown, while most are weak clones some actually do something more but are still overlooked), could be something that was the only game you had one time (party, school computers, work, week at your grandparents' house, because you rinsed all the other games, generally being broke...) and you played it loads anyway and developed a fondness for.

It need not be a guilty pleasure, it might be stupidly rare and hard to come by (we did have a what would $20 get you in your chosen gameplay style/genre before), it might be a specific version (everybody had gone to the PS2 but we only had a PS1 version being an example of that), at the same time it might be something that all the scalpers/sharks/rinsers of places where clueless people sell second hand goods, it might only be a mode within a game...
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XP not matters.
Nov 8, 2018
- Play with the Teletubbies - PlayStation/PSX
- Risky Woods - Sega Mega Drive
- Outrunners - Sega Mega Drive
- Road Avenger - Sega CD
- Revenge of the Mutant Camels - Atari 800 XL
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Never sleeps
Chief Editor
Oct 2, 2012
United States
Can only think of four offhand, oh well

Bubsy 1
: I played this a ton as a kid, and as Sonic fans, my parents loved it too, so it was one of the few games we'd all take turns playing together. It was an adorable family moment when we finally beat the game. Having played it early on enough, I never questioned some of the weird decision choices (fall damage, 1 hit kills, slippery controls) because my tastes in games weren't quite refined at age 5 lol. So I kinda just "get" what the game is going for, even to this day, and don't mind what others find to be issues.

Duck Game: No one ever seems to have played this, despite it being a super fun party game. It ever has mods to make things crazier. It's easy to pick up and play, it can get super intense, and it just plays really well. Each of the weapons are super different from each other, yet you'll sometimes forget what they do, and that leads to hilarious moments where you pick up goofy weapons and make split-second decisions that lose you the round.

Kid Chameleon: Another that I rarely hear discussed, possibly because it hasn't aged well, or it maybe wasn't even liked to begin with? I played a lot of weird discount bin Genesis games and this was one of them. I thought it was really fun, because there were all those different power ups, and I think you could even choose what level you wanted to go to? Or you could do them out of order, I don't quite remember.

The Division 2: Maybe it's just the audience of GBAtemp users that really don't tend to prefer these types of games, or maybe the posited sales data just was that bad. I don't hear anyone talk about this game except for myself, which is a shame because I find it to be so fun. Yes, Ubisoft, yes looty shooty, but it's just so satisfying. Min-maxing usually isn't something I enjoy, but I will spend hours looking at the 0.0001% differences of equips in that game. Hnnng.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
On the Division 2 I think Ubisoft lost so much good will with the first between the hype vs reality and the handling of it after that. Saw a version of 1 a year or so down the line and while probably not to the level of the hype it did so much better than the early stuff, and most people seemed to reckon 2 was that and more.
On 0.0001% differences then Phantasy Star Online back on the Dreamcast largely cured me of that desire.

"Road Avenger - Sega Mega CD"
I actually have a copy of that one.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2008
United States
Kid chameleon was a great game. We usually warped at the end of the first stage there. Each time we fought that boss, we’d die laughing. The boss said, “boit, boit, DIE, boit, boit, boit, DIE”. It never stopped until you defeated him. I loved when the tiles would all scatter at the end of the level. The power ups were great. The ninja was my favorite.

Gadget racers for the gba is one of those games that I’ve completed so many times. You go through the worlds, collecting parts to have the fastest car. I’ve read that the different body types could have special attributes. Such as, the trash truck would be harder to knock around, or the tachometer could give you a special power. I could never find out which ones were which. Love the game so much that I got the Europe version and completed that one. Then I tried Penny Racers for the PS2, it wasn’t the same, it still pretty fun. I liked the cartoony feel and getting all the parts was fun. I don’t think I ever got that last part, I even went through all the races. That was when I was drinking, so I could’ve just missed it.

Kings bounty for the genesis is a great game, you’d travel continents (only after finding the maps) to collect artifacts, build a strong army, capture villains, and unlock puzzle pieces to reveal the location of the kings scepter. It’s a randomly generated game, so the location of the scepter is always different. The way I play that now is get all the maps first (avoiding battles) and go to the last continent and get an army that flys, then get all the chests (so you can have more armies) and defeat a few villains.

Shadowgate for the nes was also a blast. I loved solving the puzzles. I wouldn’t play this too often, because its always the same. I’d play it after I forgot the answers, I really liked the music, so I’d come back sooner than expected.

Run and gun, in the arcade, is a 3on3 basketball game. I liked this better than nba jam, because there were two monitors. Each player had a monitor. It was only 2 player, but it really had a good feel and wasn’t over the top like nba jam was.

Word with friends for iPhone is a fun scrabble-type game. I’ve played for over 10 years now. I occasionally get burned out and quit playing for weeks/months at a time. I like word games. My wife doesn’t play me anymore, because “I’m too good”. I like unfucking scrambled words.

Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States
+1 for Duck Game, super fun game that has a disappointingly low user base. I only ever see the same like 15 people in online lobbies, so multiplayer gets a bit stagnant which is a huge shame :(

Duskers, an excellent space strategy/sim kind of game that came out in like 2016ish, also quite good. You go around piloting little drone vehicles around derelict space ships and shuttles and things, picking up scrap and fuel, salvaging other drones/yanking their components and other such things, having to avoid enemies and environmental hazards along the way. My favorite thing about it is it has 2 different control methods, either via directly piloting the drone itself via a top down perspective, or by issuing commands in a terminal while looking at an overview of the map (which is my favorite way to play). Can get really tense at times in ships with a lot of compartments and enemies sitting around.

PC Building Simulator, unironically. Or rather, the "story" mode specifically. You just sit around an office, fixing/upgrading/building people PCs, and for whatever reason that's just super chill for me. It'd be what my "dream job" is, just a general PC shop that'll build/fix/upgrade whatever shit you want.

A PS1 jRPG called Guardian's Crusade. It was fairly ahead of it's time when it released back then; the whole world was seamless instead of being separated into towns and an overworld, it had a virtual pet system built in (which, although basic, was pretty cool for 1998), and you could actually avoid the random battles since enemies were represented in the world with little ghost models running around, which you could sneak/run past. The story and the gameplay are both fairly simple, it was kind of designed as "kid's first RPG", but it's still such a fun game that, IMO, still holds up well today for a "retro" JRPG. Definitely suggest picking this up if you're ever bored and want to try some older 3D RPG games.

And that's probably all I have off the top of my head right now.
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
"Dave Mirra BMX Challenge -- PSP"
Has there been a worthwhile BMX game since that one? I generally preferred Dave Mirra to Mat Hoffman back on the PS1 and beyond but would happily play either. Then BMX XXX happened and pretty much killed it all while all other "extreme sports" carried on for a while longer, I found that on the PSP when going through the PSP library, thought why not and was actually pleasantly surprised.


XP not matters.
Nov 8, 2018
"Dave Mirra BMX Challenge -- PSP"
Has there been a worthwhile BMX game since that one? I generally preferred Dave Mirra to Mat Hoffman back on the PS1 and beyond but would happily play either. Then BMX XXX happened and pretty much killed it all while all other "extreme sports" carried on for a while longer, I found that on the PSP when going through the PSP library, thought why not and was actually pleasantly surprised.

Not a BMX Game but also very Challenging - Kikstart.:)
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Dec 23, 2009
Heh... I can almost list my top 5 games here. But I'll go with some lesser knowns(though I've japped about them a bit)

-shards of infinity : a classic deck builder card game with a fantastic implementation. Sure, it's very similar to star realms, but better in every way. Very much awaiting the digital implementations of the expansions
-cook, serve, delicious franchise : fast pace keyboard typing lessons /restaurant simulator. Granted, the first looked like ass but still great games
-antichamber: screw portal : this is the best 3d puzzle game. Strange Escher-like environments and impossible perspectives are to be had here. It's only very recently I saw something similar (manifold garden)... But it's alas an epic exclusive
-contraption maker : the incredible machine series were great when I was a kid, and this is from the same makers (Sierra just sits on their ass, doing nothing with the ip). It's completing contraptions. Just seeing it in action is hilarious... And yet it's like nobody ever heard of this
-golf peaks: golf as a card game. Sounds ridiculous, but it's one of the best mobile games you'll find

Deleted User

Legend of Grimrock II - I have not played much dungeon crawlers, but this was a blast. Not that hard to get into. The semi-open but packed maze like world is amazing, puzzles are good and the atmosphere is there. The UI and combat can most likely fend some people away. I think it's intended that you have scour your backbags for the right tools and your spells can fizzle as you try to circle the enemy with one hand and draw the right magic symbol on the other.

Towerfall: Ascension -
Similar to the aforementioned duck game. I think it's been on Epic's giveaways, humblebundles and constant sales, but it seems to be mentioned only when talking about the Oyua farce. The PC version will always be my go-to 4 player party game. Fast rounds and very easy to learn. I would like to play it more than I have. Maybe because it does not have online.

Kalimba - Maybe this is more like "obscure" stuff. Dunno why it hasn't had any following. Excellent puzzle platformer and a fun (though short) separate co-op campaign too.

And I'm not big on racing games, but...

Burnout 2: Point of Impact - People always talk about the third one and Burnout Paradise. Never have I ever found anyone calling the second one their favorite of the bunch. I think 3/Paradise just made the game too adhd. You could hug the walls half the race and the constant effects, slowmotion and camera points shifting due to takedowns just makes the whole thing hard to follow.

Re-Volt - if someone would ask what's my favorite kart game (expecting me to pick some mario kart or ctr), I'd probably answer Re-Volt... but I have never had change to play it with others. The game was supposed to come out for Xbox and was used as early marketing material for Xbox Live. Nowadays you can get it as an abandonware and some community patches. It looks surprisingly good on high resolution. Suffers from the same problem as other karting games; there's quite little in terms of singleplayer content.
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Dec 23, 2009
This seems to be part of the huge Itch.io Bundle for Racial justice and Equality. Remembered this post while filtering through the list. Looks fun, have to give it a try. :) Though probably better on a mobile device.
Yeah...I also noticed that huge-ass bundle (1427 games for 5+ bucks? :P ). I don't know most of these games, but indeed: golf peak's a gem. Cardinal chains and cook, serve, delicious 2 are also very worth playing (as well as, of course, night in the woods and celeste).


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
These were all that sprung to mind:

Golden Axe Warrior - Sega Master System - A good Zelda clone.

Wonder Boy 3 Monster Lair - Sega Mega Drive - An average arcade platformer with shmup parts.

Warriors of Might and Magic - Playstation 2 - Pretty average action rpg in the Might and Magic universe.

Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Nintendo DS - Great classic style RPG with some nice twists.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic - PC - Linear FPS RPG in style of Elder Scrolls. Source engine game with your trademark physics puzzles and combat.

Can only think of four offhand, oh well

Kid Chameleon: Another that I rarely hear discussed, possibly because it hasn't aged well, or it maybe wasn't even liked to begin with? I played a lot of weird discount bin Genesis games and this was one of them. I thought it was really fun, because there were all those different power ups, and I think you could even choose what level you wanted to go to? Or you could do them out of order, I don't quite remember.
I played Kid Chameleon as a kid as well and it was actually developed internally by Sega Technical Institute which was headed by Mark Cerny, believe it or not. It's a good game but as you said it suffers from being very long and having no saving feature or password.

There is indeed a sort of level select in the form of a cheat in one of the first stages were you have to jump on some blocks near the end of the stage to select what stage to go to. This is the only way anyone I know managed to see the final stage :rofl:

The game also suffers imo from having the GEMS sound engine and could have had much better audio.
Last edited by Zense,


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
1. Jetpac: ZX Spectrum

The first game ever made by Ultimate and the first part of the Lunar Jetman trilogy. its basically Joust but far more exciting and without a doubt the finest game made by Rare before they were Rare. The two sequels were not very good

2. Rastan: Arcade

A very hard Hack n Slash game by Taito. Also the first ever arcade game I completed without using any continues or cheats. The game has two sequels that were not very good.

3. Paperboy: Arcade

A rather well known game by Atari that needs no description. The game has two sequels Paperboy 2 and Paperboy 64 that were not very good.

4. Its Mr Pants: GBA

A rather fun little puzzle game by Rare that nobody has ever heard of any time I talk about it.

5. Sega Swirl. PC/Dreamcast

Another fun puzzle game that nobody really knows about. The game requires you to really think about every move you make.


Apr 30, 2018
Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss (SNES): It's obviously an inferior version of Rondo of Blood but for some reason I really like it, probably because I played that one first and the music is also pretty good, the main problem is that if you have Rondo there's no real reason to go back to Vampire's Kiss unless you're me who for some reason still plays it sometimes.

Nintendo Land (Wii U): I usually don't really like party games but this one had some pretty good mini-games and it's a blast to play with friends, pretty sure everyone forgot about it because it was on the Wii U.

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. (3DS): This game was dead on arrival which is weird because the game is not really bad, granted it has some problem, mainly some of the level design and how unbalanced the FE amiibos units were, but you could play as Abraham Lincoln in a mech.

Professor Layton Versus Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (3DS): As a fan of both series, mainly professor layton, I really enjoyed it even though it's pretty barebone compared to the originals series, the puzzles are pretty easy and the trials are also pretty easy.

Dark souls 2 (PS3): It's the most hated souls game made by From Software but it still has the best combat of all souls games with the power stance, the Santier's Spear and actual decent balancing, the 3 dlc are also very good, way better than the main game, it's also the only souls game I went back and played again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss (SNES): It's obviously an inferior version of Rondo of Blood but for some reason I really like it, probably because I played that one first and the music is also pretty good, the main problem is that if you have Rondo there's no real reason to go back to Vampire's Kiss unless you're me who for some reason still plays it sometimes.

Nintendo Land (Wii U): I usually don't really like party games but this one had some pretty good mini-games and it's a blast to play with friends, pretty sure everyone forgot about it because it was on the Wii U.

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. (3DS): This game was dead on arrival which is weird because the game is not really bad, granted it has some problem, mainly some of the level design and how unbalanced the FE amiibos units were, but you could play as Abraham Lincoln in a mech.

Professor Layton Versus Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (3DS): As a fan of both series, mainly professor layton, I really enjoyed it even though it's pretty barebone compared to the originals series, the puzzles are pretty easy and the trials are also pretty easy.

Dark souls 2 (PS3): It's the most hated souls game made by From Software but it still has the best combat of all souls games with the power stance, the Santier's Spear and actual decent balancing, the 3 dlc are also very good, way better than the main game, it's also the only souls game I went back and played again.
Vampire's Kiss/Dracula X is awesome for the SNES imo. Nintendo Land too is very good and a must for the Wii U exclusive experience it provides, of course not everyone is gonna be into that thing.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
These were all that sprung to mind:

Golden Axe Warrior - Sega Master System - A good Zelda clone.

Wonder Boy 3 Monster Lair - Sega Mega Drive - An average arcade platformer with shmup parts.

Warriors of Might and Magic - Playstation 2 - Pretty average action rpg in the Might and Magic universe.

Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Nintendo DS - Great classic style RPG with some nice twists.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic - PC - Linear FPS RPG in style of Elder Scrolls. Source engine game with your typical physics puzzles and combat.

The Might and Magic spinoffs that are not Heroes of do seem to have a bit of a following these days. Usually not by anybody that played Heroes or the RPG series/later RPG entries but by people that go it for whatever reason as a kid. Still it is enjoyed by several.

Also if you never played Arx Fatalis then have a look at that, though maybe find some mods for it as well.

1. Jetpac: ZX Spectrum

The first game ever made by Ultimate and the first part of the Lunar Jetman trilogy. its basically Joust but far more exciting and without a doubt the finest game made by Rare before they were Rare. The two sequels were not very good

2. Rastan: Arcade

A very hard Hack n Slash game by Taito. Also the first ever arcade game I completed without using any continues or cheats. The game has two sequels that were not very good.

3. Paperboy: Arcade

A rather well known game by Atari that needs no description. The game has two sequels Paperboy 2 and Paperboy 64 that were not very good.

4. Its Mr Pants: GBA

A rather fun little puzzle game by Rare that nobody has ever heard of any time I talk about it.

5. Sega Swirl. PC/Dreamcast

Another fun puzzle game that nobody really knows about. The game requires you to really think about every move you make.

Are you really going to try to say nobody has Paperboy as a favourite game, much less the arcade version of it? I could understand if you were going to be wrong and say the GBA version is awesome and the one people should play (if you thought mobile phones were where awful ports/"remakes"/sequels of beloved titles started you are sorely mistaken).
Paperboy on the NES is a staple of most real person/kid at the time NES collections I ever encounter -- mario, tetris, duck hunt, punch out, insert Disney/Capcom efforts, and the like will feature in most but second rung of Shadowgate, Defender of the Crown, Turbo Racing and the like will usually sport a Paperboy.

On Its Mr Pants then it was popular around here for a while, though I can happily see that being overlooked/hidden gem/unsung classic.

"Legend of Grimrock II"
I will give most people go for the first and the second was a bit overlooked in comparison. That said among the indy games set though the franchise was generally treated as the go to example of a modern take on first person dungeon crawling.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
United States
1) Kirby’s Dreamcourse (Snes)

2) Spanky’s Quest (Snes)

3) Megamania (Atari 2600)

4) Mario Paint (Snes)

5) Booger-Man (Snes)

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