PD/Goldeneye on 1964 60FPS edition: mayflash gamecube adapter only partially works. Help!

Tac 21

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2008
how can I get them ALL to work? the plugins don't see all inputs. my LR triggers and C stick/buttons fail. everything else checks out they work fine on regular project 64 2.3.2 but the game runs slower on PJ 64.... 1964 60FPS is designed to run these games like never experienced!

its gotta be those nrage inputs... they are total junk. PJ64_NRage worked find on PJ64 but it freezes on this 1964 edition... does someone have a plugin that works with mayflash game cube adapter? or some what to make 1964s work?

I'm SO close to getting this thing running... I look it up all over thenet not one else has this problem/has tried it like this.

N-rage for PJ64 2.5.2 is the only one that works... and it only works for PJ64 emu. crashes on 1964.

N-rage direct imput8 v2 1.83 doesn't dectect any control..

on 1964s 0.85 inputs...

nrage input plugin v223c
nrage direct input8 v2.2.2 beta...

only partually work its weird!
control stick, A,B Start, directional pad, L and Z all work.... C buttons (or stick) and r trigger does not fuction.

I wonder if it has to do with the mouse mod...

someone help! its such a weird problem

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